EXERCISE 31–2 Integrating sources in MLA papers

EXERCISE 31–2Integrating sources in MLA papers

Read the following passage and the information about its source. Then decide whether each student sample uses the source correctly. If the student has made an error in using the source, click on Error; if the student sample is correct, click on OK.

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In 1827 two brothers from Switzerland named Giovanni and Pietro Del-Monico—the one a wine importer, the other a pastry chef—opened a shop on William Street [in New York City] with a half-dozen pine tables where customers could sample fine French pastries, coffee, chocolate, wine, and liquor. Three years later, the Delmonicos (as John and Peter now called themselves) opened a “Restaurant Français” next door that was among the first in town to let diners order from a menu of choices, at any time they pleased, and sit at their own cloth-covered tables. This was a sharp break from the fixed fare and simultaneous seatings at common hotel tables—so crowded (one guidebook warned) that your elbows were “pinned down to your sides like the wings of a trussed fowl.” New Yorkers were a bit unsure about fancy foreign customs at first, and the earliest patrons tended to be resident European agents of export houses, who felt themselves marooned among a people with barbarous eating habits. The idea soon caught on, however; more restaurants appeared, and harried businessmen abandoned the ancient practice of going home for lunch.

From Burrows, Edwin G., and Mike Wallace. Gotham: A History of New York City to 1898. Oxford UP, 1999.

[The source passage is from pages 436-37. Page 436 ends after the first dash in the first sentence.]

1 of 10

The Delmonico brothers’ French restaurant was among the first eating establishments to let diners order from a menu of choices, at any time they pleased, and sit at their own cloth-covered tables (437).


EXERCISE 31–2 Integrating sources in MLA papers - 1 of 10: The Delmonico brothers’ French restaurant was among the first eating establishments to let diners order from a menu of choices, at any time they pleased, and sit at their own cloth-covered tables (437).

2 of 10

As Edwin G. Burrows and Mike Wallace point out, restaurant culture in New York City changed forever with the arrival of the Delmonico brothers’ French restaurant, which was among the first eating establishments “to let diners order from a menu of choices, at any time they pleased, and sit at their own cloth-covered tables” (437).


EXERCISE 31–2 Integrating sources in MLA papers - 2 of 10: As Edwin G. Burrows and Mike Wallace point out, restaurant culture in New York City changed forever with the arrival of the Delmonico brothers’ French restaurant, which was among the first eating establishments “to let diners order from a menu of choices, at any time they pleased, and sit at their own cloth-covered tables” (437).

3 of 10

In their history of New York City’s early years, Edwin G. Burrows and Mike Wallace describe the Delmonico brothers’ first eating establishment, opened in 1827, as a shop consisting of “a half-dozen pine tables where customers could sample fine French pastries, coffee, chocolate, wine, and liquor” (437).


EXERCISE 31–2 Integrating sources in MLA papers - 3 of 10: In their history of New York City’s early years, Edwin G. Burrows and Mike Wallace describe the Delmonico brothers’ first eating establishment, opened in 1827, as a shop consisting of “a half-dozen pine tables where customers could sample fine French pastries, coffee, chocolate, wine, and liquor” (437).

4 of 10

In 1830, the Delmonico brothers opened one of the first restaurants in New York City. “This was a sharp break from the fixed fare and simultaneous seatings at common hotel tables—so crowded (one guidebook warned) that your elbows were ‘pinned down to your sides like the wings of a trussed fowl’” (Burrows and Wallace 437).


EXERCISE 31–2 Integrating sources in MLA papers - 4 of 10: In 1830, the Delmonico brothers opened one of the first restaurants in New York City. “This was a sharp break from the fixed fare and simultaneous seatings at common hotel tables—so crowded (one guidebook warned) that your elbows were ‘pinned down to your sides like the wings of a trussed fowl’” (Burrows and Wallace 437).

5 of 10

According to Burrows and Wallace, the Delmonico brothers’ original shop enticed New Yorkers “with a half-dozen tables at which patrons could sample French pastries, coffee, chocolate, wine, and liquor” (437).


EXERCISE 31–2 Integrating sources in MLA papers - 5 of 10: According to Burrows and Wallace, the Delmonico brothers’ original shop enticed New Yorkers “with a half-dozen tables at which patrons could sample French pastries, coffee, chocolate, wine, and liquor” (437).

6 to 10

As Burrows and Wallace note, New Yorkers in 1830 felt “a bit unsure about [such] fancy foreign customs” as eating in a restaurant that offered a menu and separate tables (437).


EXERCISE 31–2 Integrating sources in MLA papers - 6 to 10: As Burrows and Wallace note, New Yorkers in 1830 felt “a bit unsure about [such] fancy foreign customs” as eating in a restaurant that offered a menu and separate tables (437).

7 to 10

Burrows and Wallace observe that the Delmonico brothers’ restaurant first attracted resident European agents of export houses, who felt themselves marooned among a people with barbarous eating habits (437).


EXERCISE 31–2 Integrating sources in MLA papers - 7 to 10: Burrows and Wallace observe that the Delmonico brothers’ restaurant first attracted resident European agents of export houses, who felt themselves marooned among a people with barbarous eating habits (437).

8 of 10

Burrows and Wallace observe that the Delmonico brothers’ restaurant first attracted “resident European agents of export houses, who felt themselves marooned among a people with barbarous eating habits” (437).


EXERCISE 31–2 Integrating sources in MLA papers - 8 of 10: Burrows and Wallace observe that the Delmonico brothers’ restaurant first attracted “resident European agents of export houses, who felt themselves marooned among a people with barbarous eating habits” (437).

9 of 10

According to Burrows and Wallace, “The idea [of a restaurant] soon caught on . . . and harried businessmen abandoned the ancient practice of going home for lunch” (437).


EXERCISE 31–2 Integrating sources in MLA papers - 9 of 10: According to Burrows and Wallace, “The idea [of a restaurant] soon caught on . . . and harried businessmen abandoned the ancient practice of going home for lunch” (437).

10 of 10

Native New Yorkers were at first suspicious of the concept of a restaurant. “The idea soon caught on, however; more restaurants appeared, and harried businessmen abandoned the ancient practice of going home for lunch” (437).


EXERCISE 31–2 Integrating sources in MLA papers - 10 of 10: Native New Yorkers were at first suspicious of the concept of a restaurant. “The idea soon caught on, however; more restaurants appeared, and harried businessmen abandoned the ancient practice of going home for lunch” (437).