EXERCISE 33–1 MLA documentation: in–text citations

EXERCISE 33–1MLA documentation: in–text citations

Click on the MLA in-text citation that is handled correctly.

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1 of 10

The student is quoting Christina Hoff Sommers from page 17 of the following book:Winegarner, Beth. The Columbine Effect: How Five Teen Pastimes Got Caught in the Crossfire. Lulu Press, 2013.


EXERCISE 33–1 MLA documentation: in–text citations - 1 of 10: The student is quoting Christina Hoff Sommers from page 17 of the following book:Winegarner, Beth. The Columbine Effect: How Five Teen Pastimes Got Caught in the Crossfire. Lulu Press, 2013.

2 of 10

The student is citing a blog post that appeared on the Psychology Today Web site:Ramsland, Katherine. “Mass Murder Motives.” Psychology Today, 20 July 2012, www.psychologytoday.com/blog/shadow-boxing/201207/mass-murder-motives.


EXERCISE 33–1 MLA documentation: in–text citations - 2 of 10: The student is citing a blog post that appeared on the Psychology Today Web site:Ramsland, Katherine. “Mass Murder Motives.” Psychology Today, 20 July 2012, www.psychologytoday.com/blog/shadow-boxing/201207/mass-murder-motives.

3 of 10

The student is quoting from page 472 of a scholarly article by Dianne T. Gereluk, Kent Donlevy, and Merlin B. Thompson.


EXERCISE 33–1 MLA documentation: in–text citations - 3 of 10: The student is quoting from page 472 of a scholarly article by Dianne T. Gereluk, Kent Donlevy, and Merlin B. Thompson.

4 of 10

The student is using statistics from the following article:Follman, Mark. “Trigger Warnings.” Mother Jones, Nov./Dec. 2015, pp. 22-29.


EXERCISE 33–1 MLA documentation: in–text citations - 4 of 10: The student is using statistics from the following article:Follman, Mark. “Trigger Warnings.” Mother Jones, Nov./Dec. 2015, pp. 22-29.

5 of 10

The student is summarizing information gathered from a map found in this source:Mosendz, Polly. “Map: Every School Shooting in America since 2013.” Newsweek, 16 Oct. 2015, www.newsweek.com/list-school-shootings-america-2013-380535.


EXERCISE 33–1 MLA documentation: in–text citations - 5 of 10: The student is summarizing information gathered from a map found in this source:Mosendz, Polly. “Map: Every School Shooting in America since 2013.” Newsweek, 16 Oct. 2015, www.newsweek.com/list-school-shootings-america-2013-380535.

6 of 10

The student is quoting from this online video:Gladwell, Malcolm. “Malcolm Gladwell Discusses School Shootings.” YouTube, 5 Oct. 2015, www.youtube.com/watch?v=27aWHudLmgs.


EXERCISE 33–1 MLA documentation: in–text citations - 6 of 10: The student is quoting from this online video:Gladwell, Malcolm. “Malcolm Gladwell Discusses School Shootings.” YouTube, 5 Oct. 2015, www.youtube.com/watch?v=27aWHudLmgs.

7 of 10

The student is summarizing the following unsigned source:“Another Day, Another Tragic School Shooting.” The Washington Post, 9 Oct. 2015, www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/another-day-another-tragic-school-shooting/2015/10/09/62f5077c-6eb5-11e5-b31c-d80d62b53e28_story.html. Editorial.


EXERCISE 33–1 MLA documentation: in–text citations - 7 of 10: The student is summarizing the following unsigned source:“Another Day, Another Tragic School Shooting.” The Washington Post, 9 Oct. 2015, www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/another-day-another-tragic-school-shooting/2015/10/09/62f5077c-6eb5-11e5-b31c-d80d62b53e28_story.html. Editorial.

8 of 10

The student is quoting from page 45 of the following source:Klein, Jessie. The Bully Society: School Shootings and the Crisis of Bullying in America’s Schools. New York UP, 2013.The list of works cited includes two works by Klein.


EXERCISE 33–1 MLA documentation: in–text citations - 8 of 10: The student is quoting from page 45 of the following source:Klein, Jessie. The Bully Society: School Shootings and the Crisis of Bullying in America’s Schools. New York UP, 2013.

9 of 10

The student is paraphrasing from this short work from a Web site:“Effects of Bullying.” StopBullying.gov, US Department of Health and Human Services, www.stopbullying.gov/at-risk/effects/. Accessed 5 Apr. 2016.


EXERCISE 33–1 MLA documentation: in–text citations - 9 of 10: The student is paraphrasing from this short work from a Web site:“Effects of Bullying.” StopBullying.gov, US Department of Health and Human Services, www.stopbullying.gov/at-risk/effects/. Accessed 5 Apr. 2016.

10 of 10

The student quotes from a blog post:Brucculieri, Julia, and Cole Delbyck. “These Classic TV Episodes about School Shootings Are More Relevant Than Ever.” Huffington Post, 24 Jan. 2016, www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/school-shootings-on-tv_us_56a14986e4b076aadcc5c94b?utm_hp_ref=school-shooting.


EXERCISE 33–1 MLA documentation: in–text citations - 10 of 10: The student quotes from a blog post:Brucculieri, Julia, and Cole Delbyck. “These Classic TV Episodes about School Shootings Are More Relevant Than Ever.” Huffington Post, 24 Jan. 2016, www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/school-shootings-on-tv_us_56a14986e4b076aadcc5c94b?utm_hp_ref=school-shooting.