EXERCISE 33–6 MLA documentation: works cited

EXERCISE 33–6MLA documentation: works cited

Click on the MLA works cited entry that is handled correctly.

Click Submit after each question to see feedback and to record your answer. After you have finished every question, your answers will be submitted to your instructor’s gradebook. You may review your answers by returning to the exercise at any time. (An exercise reports to the gradebook only if your instructor has assigned it.)

1 of 10

The student has cited a book, Not Just Bollywood: Indian Directors Speak, by Tula Goenka. The book was published by Om Books International in 2014.


EXERCISE 33–6 MLA documentation: works cited - 1 of 10: The student has cited a book, Not Just Bollywood: Indian Directors Speak, by Tula Goenka. The book was published by Om Books International in 2014.

2 of 10

The student has cited an article, “Kishore Kumar,” by Sushama Shelly. It appeared on pages 95-96 of the November 2002 edition of the magazine CinéBlitz.


EXERCISE 33–6 MLA documentation: works cited - 2 of 10: The student has cited an article, “Kishore Kumar,” by Sushama Shelly. It appeared on pages 95-96 of the November 2002 edition of the magazine CinéBlitz.

3 of 10

The student has paraphrased material from an article, “Playback Time: A Brief History of Bollywood ‘Film Songs,’” by Nasreen Munni Kabir. It appeared on pages 41-43 of the May-June 2002 issue of the magazine Film Comment. The paper includes a citation of a book, Bollywood: The Indian Cinema Story, by the same author.


EXERCISE 33–6 MLA documentation: works cited - 3 of 10: The student has paraphrased material from an article, “Playback Time: A Brief History of Bollywood ‘Film Songs,’” by Nasreen Munni Kabir. It appeared on pages 41-43 of the May-June 2002 issue of the magazine Film Comment. The paper includes a citation of a book, Bollywood: The Indian Cinema Story, by the same author.

4 of 10

The student has used a quotation from a January 2, 2015, article written by Maseeh Rahman titled “Bollywood Film Fans Fall in Love with PK despite Hindu Nationalist Protests.” The article was found on a Web site titled theguardian at this URL: http://www.theguardian.com/film/2015/jan/02/bollywood-film-pk-hindu-nationalist-protests-india-aamir-khan.


EXERCISE 33–6 MLA documentation: works cited - 4 of 10: The student has used a quotation from a January 2, 2015, article written by Maseeh Rahman titled “Bollywood Film Fans Fall in Love with PK despite Hindu Nationalist Protests.” The article was found on a Web site titled theguardian at this URL: http://www.theguardian.com/film/2015/jan/02/bollywood-film-pk-hindu-nationalist-protests-india-aamir-khan.

5 of 10

The student has quoted from a foreword by Tom Alter in a book, Flashback: My Life and Times in Bollywood and Beyond, by Bob Christo. The book was published in New Delhi by Penguin Books in 2011. The foreword appears on pages vii-viii.


EXERCISE 33–6 MLA documentation: works cited - 5 of 10: The student has quoted from a foreword by Tom Alter in a book, Flashback: My Life and Times in Bollywood and Beyond, by Bob Christo. The book was published in New Delhi by Penguin Books in 2011. The foreword appears on pages vii-viii.

6 of 10

The student has paraphrased material from an online video posted on a YouTube channel. The video, titled “Vijay Anand (Goldie Anand) Biography,” was posted on May 16, 2013, at this URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9QUjqIZHkds.


EXERCISE 33–6 MLA documentation: works cited - 6 of 10: The student has paraphrased material from an online video posted on a YouTube channel.The video, titled “Vijay Anand (Goldie Anand) Biography,” was posted on May 16, 2013, at this URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9QUjqIZHkds.

7 of 10

The student has summarized material in a chapter titled “Hinduism” in the book World Religions: A Historical Approach by S. A. Nigosian. The student used the fourth edition of the book, which was published in 2008 by Bedford/St. Martin’s. The chapter appears on pages 133-71.


EXERCISE 33–6 MLA documentation: works cited - 7 of 10: The student has summarized material in a chapter titled “Hinduism” in the book World Religions: A Historical Approach by S. A. Nigosian. The student used the fourth edition of the book, which was published in 2008 by Bedford/St. Martin’s. The chapter appears on pages 133-71.

8 of 10

The student has cited an article, “Fatwa Issued against ‘Slumdog Millionaire’ Composer A. R. Rahman,” by Nyay Bhushan, which appeared on the Web site The Hollywood Reporter, sponsored by Hollywood Reporter. The article was published on September 12, 2015, at the URL www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/fatwa-issued-slumdog-millionaire-composer-822668.


EXERCISE 33–6 MLA documentation: works cited - 8 of 10: The student has cited an article, “Fatwa Issued against ‘Slumdog Millionaire’ Composer A. R. Rahman,” by Nyay Bhushan, which appeared on the Web site The Hollywood Reporter, sponsored by Hollywood Reporter. The article was published on September 12, 2015, at the URL www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/fatwa-issued-slumdog-millionaire-composer-822668.

9 of 10

The student has quoted dialogue from a film, Dookudo, directed by Sreenu Vaitla and starring Mahesh Babu and Samantha Ruth Prabhu. The film appeared on a DVD released in 2011 by Volga Videos.


EXERCISE 33–6 MLA documentation: works cited - 9 of 10: The student has quoted dialogue from a film, Dookudo, directed by Sreenu Vaitla and starring Mahesh Babu and Samantha Ruth Prabhu. The film appeared on a DVD released in 2011 by Volga Videos.

10 of 10

The student has quoted from “Dookudo, the Biggest Hit You’ve Never Heard Of,” a review of the Indian film Dookudo, directed by Sreenu Vaitla. The review was written by Steven Zeitchik and published in the online version of the newspaper Los Angeles Times (latimesblogs.latimes.com/movies/2011/09/dookudu-daring-dashing-showtimes-reviews-prince-mahesh-samantha.html) on September 27, 2011.


EXERCISE 33–6 MLA documentation: works cited - 10 of 10: The student has quoted from “Dookudo, the Biggest Hit You’ve Never Heard Of,” a review of the Indian film Dookudo, directed by Sreenu Vaitla. The review was written by Steven Zeitchik and published in the online version of the newspaper Los Angeles Times (latimesblogs.latimes.com/movies/2011/09/dookudu-daring-dashing-showtimes-reviews-prince-mahesh-samantha.html) on September 27, 2011.