EXERCISE 38–6 APA documentation: reference list

EXERCISE 38–6APA documentation: reference list

Click on the APA reference list entry that is handled correctly.

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1 of 10

The student has summarized material from a government report titled Teaching Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Instructional Strategies and Practices, 2008, which was written and published in Washington, DC, in 2008 by the U.S. Department of Education.


EXERCISE 38–6 APA documentation: reference list - 1 of 10: The student has summarized material from a government report titled Teaching Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Instructional Strategies and Practices, 2008, which was written and published in Washington, DC, in 2008 by the U.S. Department of Education.

2 of 10

The student has quoted from an advertisement for the medication Concerta, which appears on pages 121-123 of the February 2009 issue of O: The Oprah Magazine. The volume number is 10 and the issue number is 2. The journal is paginated by issue.


EXERCISE 38–6 APA documentation: reference list - 2 of 10: The student has quoted from an advertisement for the medication Concerta, which appears on pages 121-123 of the February 2009 issue of O: The Oprah Magazine. The volume number is 10 and the issue number is 2. The journal is paginated by issue.

3 of 10

The student has paraphrased an article by Paul Steinberg found on the Web site of The New York Times (http://nytimes.com/). The article title is “Attention Surplus? Re-examining a Disorder” and is dated March 7, 2006.


EXERCISE 38–6 APA documentation: reference list - 3 of 10: The student has paraphrased an article by Paul Steinberg found on the Web site of The New York Times (http://nytimes.com/). The article title is “Attention Surplus? Re-examining a Disorder” and is dated March 7, 2006.

4 of 10

The student has summarized material from an article in the journal Developmental Psychology titled “Gene x Environment Interactions in Reading Disability and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder.” The article is in volume 45, issue 1, published in January 2009, and is printed on pages 77-89. The journal is paginated continuously throughout the volume. The authors are Bruce F. Pennington, Lauren M. McGrath, Jenni Rosenberg, Holly Barnard, Shelley D. Smith, Erik G. Willcutt, Angela Friend, John C. DeFries, and Richard K. Olson.


EXERCISE 38–6 APA documentation: reference list - 4 of 10: The student has summarized material from an article in the journal Developmental Psychology titled “Gene x Environment Interactions in Reading Disability and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder.” The article is in volume 45, issue 1, published in January 2009, and is printed on pages 77-89. The journal is paginated continuously throughout the volume. The authors are Bruce F. Pennington, Lauren M. McGrath, Jenni Rosenberg, Holly Barnard, Shelley D. Smith, Erik G. Willcutt, Angela Friend, John C. DeFries, and Richard K. Olson.

5 of 10

The student has summarized information from pages 26-28 of the book Teaching Young Children with ADHD: Successful Strategies and Practical Interventions for PreK-3, by Richard A. Lougy, Silvia L. DeRuvo, and David Rosenthal. The book was published in Thousand Oaks, California, in 2007 by Corwin Press.


EXERCISE 38–6 APA documentation: reference list - 5 of 10: The student has summarized information from pages 26-28 of the book Teaching Young Children with ADHD: Successful Strategies and Practical Interventions for PreK-3, by Richard A. Lougy, Silvia L. DeRuvo, and David Rosenthal. The book was published in Thousand Oaks, California, in 2007 by Corwin Press.

6 of 10

The student has quoted material from a journal article accessed in the Academic OneFile database. The journal is American Journal of Psychology, and the article, “Implicit Theories of Intelligence, Perceived Academic Competence, and School Achievement: Testing Alternative Models,” was published in volume 119, issue 2, in 2006, on pages 223-238. The journal is paginated continuously throughout the volume. The article was written by Eleftheria Gonida, Grigories Kiosseoglou, and Angeliki Leondari. The article has no DOI (digital object identifier). The database’s accession number for the document is A147872672, and the writer found the journal’s Web site at http://www.press.uillinois.edu/journals/ajp.html.


EXERCISE 38–6 APA documentation: reference list - 6 of 10: The student has quoted material from a journal article accessed in the Academic OneFile database. The journal is American Journal of Psychology, and the article, “Implicit Theories of Intelligence, Perceived Academic Competence, and School Achievement: Testing Alternative Models,” was published in volume 119, issue 2, in 2006, on pages 223-238. The journal is paginated continuously throughout the volume. The article was written by Eleftheria Gonida, Grigories Kiosseoglou, and Angeliki Leondari. The article has no DOI (digital object identifier). The database’s accession number for the document is A147872672, and the writer found the journal’s Web site at http://www.press.uillinois.edu/journals/ajp.html.

7 of 10

The student has paraphrased material from an article titled “The Role of Coping Humor in the Physical and Mental Health of Older Adults,” published in November 2008 in the scholarly journal Aging and Mental Health, volume 12, issue 6, pages 713-718. The journal is paginated continuously through the volume. The article was written by Elsa Marziali, Lynn McDonald, and Peter Donahue.


EXERCISE 38–6 APA documentation: reference list - 7 of 10: The student has paraphrased material from an article titled “The Role of Coping Humor in the Physical and Mental Health of Older Adults,” published in November 2008 in the scholarly journal Aging and Mental Health, volume 12, issue 6, pages 713-718. The journal is paginated continuously through the volume. The article was written by Elsa Marziali, Lynn McDonald, and Peter Donahue.

8 of 10

The student summarized information from a podcast that was retrieved from the Web site http://www.pbs.org/merrow/podcast/. The podcast is called “The Right Answer?” from the series Education Podcast with John Merrow. It was produced by Jane Renaud, and there is no date of posting.


EXERCISE 38–6 APA documentation: reference list - 8 of 10: The student summarized information from a podcast that was retrieved from the Web site http://www.pbs.org/merrow/podcast/. The podcast is called “The Right Answer?” from the series Education Podcast with John Merrow. It was produced by Jane Renaud, and there is no date of posting.

9 of 10

The student has quoted from an online video file titled “How to Treat ADHD in Children,” hosted by Matthew H. Erdelyi. No date is given for the video online; it was accessed by the student on January 30, 2009. The URL is http://www.articlesbase.com/videos/5min/29158215.


EXERCISE 38–6 APA documentation: reference list - 9 of 10: The student has quoted from an online video file titled “How to Treat ADHD in Children,” hosted by Matthew H. Erdelyi. No date is given for the video online; it was accessed by the student on January 30, 2009. The URL is http://www.articlesbase.com/videos/5min/29158215.

10 of 10

The student has quoted material from an interview titled “What’s New with ADHD?” The interview was conducted by Richard L. Peck and was published in volume 26, issue 1, of Behavioral Health Management in 2001. The interview was with E. Clarke Ross and appears on pages 26-30 of the journal. The journal is paginated by issue.


EXERCISE 38–6 APA documentation: reference list - 10 of 10: The student has quoted material from an interview titled “What’s New with ADHD?” The interview was conducted by Richard L. Peck and was published in volume 26, issue 1, of Behavioral Health Management in 2001. The interview was with E. Clarke Ross and appears on pages 26-30 of the journal. The journal is paginated by issue.