EXERCISE 43–3Chicago documentation: notes
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1 of 10
The student has paraphrased from page 73 of the book Icons of American Architecture: From the Alamo to the World Trade Center, by Donald Langmead. The book was published in 2009 by Greenwood Publishing Group in Westport, Connecticut. This is the second reference to the source in the paper, and it immediately follows the first reference.
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2 of 10
The student has paraphrased information from an article, “First Steel Columns for the Freedom Tower Raised,” dated December 19, 2006, and written by the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. The article was published on pages 853-57 of volume 2 of the second edition of The 9/11 Encyclopedia, edited by Stephen E. Atkins. The student quoted from page 854. The book was published in 2011 by ABC-CLIO, in Santa Barbara, California. This is the first reference to the article in the paper.
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3 of 10
The student has quoted from page 7 of an article in Bridge, volume 32, issue 1, published in 2002. The article, by Leslie E. Robertson, is titled “Reflections on the World Trade Center.” This is the first reference to the article in the paper.
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4 of 10
The student has quoted from page 76 of “Building Plans,” by Paul Goldberger. The article appeared in the weekly magazine New Yorker on September 24, 2001. This is the first reference to the article in the paper.
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5 of 10
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6 of 10
The student has summarized information from an online article published by Architectural Digest at the URL http://www.architecturaldigest.com/architecture/2012-09/one-world-trade-center-new-york-david-childs-article. The article, “A Look at the New One World Trade Center,” was written by Robert Sullivan and published in September 2012. This is the first reference to the article in the paper.
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7 of 10
The student has quoted from page 145 of the book Loose Space: Possibility and Diversity in Urban Life, edited by Karen A. Franck and Quentin Stevens, published in 2007 by Routledge in New York. The passage quoted is in the chapter “Transforming Public Space into Sites of Mourning and Free Expression” and was written by Karen A. Franck and Lynn Paxson. This is the first reference to the chapter in the paper.
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8 of 10
The student has quoted from an interview with Brian Clark conducted by Matt Barrett. The interview, which appeared in an episode titled “Why the Towers Fell” on the television program Nova, was broadcast on April 30, 2002, on the Public Broadcasting System. The source is a broadcast interview, so there is no page number. This is the first reference to the source in the paper.
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9 of 10
The student has quoted from an article, “Wider Inquiry into Towers Is Proposed,” by James Glanz. It appeared on May 2, 2002, in the online version of the New York Times. The URL is http://www.nytimes.com/2002/05/02/nyregion/02TOWE.html, and this is the first reference to the article in the paper.
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10 of 10
The student has summarized information from the article “Why Did the World Trade Center Collapse?,” by Thomas W. Eagar and Christopher Musso. The article appeared in the online journal JOM: The Journal of the Minerals, Metals, and Materials Society, volume 53, issue 12, published in 2001. The URL of the article is http://www.tms.org/pubs/journals/JOM/0112/Eagar/Eagar-0112.html. This is the first reference to the article in the paper.
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