EXERCISE 43–7Chicago documentation: bibliography
Click on the Chicago bibliography entry that is handled correctly.
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1 of 10
The student has quoted material from the book The Communist Manifesto, by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. The book was originally published in 1888 and was released online by Project Gutenberg in 2005. The student accessed the book at http://www.gutenberg.org/etext/61. The original publisher is unknown.
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2 of 10
The student has summarized material from the article “Soviet and American Communist Parties” on the Web site Soviet Archives Exhibit. The article and the Web site do not have an author. The site is sponsored by the Library of Congress. The URL for the article is http://www.ibiblio.org/expo/soviet.exhibit/party.html, and the student accessed the site on January 13, 2009.
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3 of 10
Near the beginning of the research paper, the student has summarized material from the book Why Did the Soviet Union Collapse? Understanding Historical Change, by Robert W. Strayer. The book was published by M. E. Sharpe in 1998 in Armonk, NY. Near the end of the paper, the student summarized material from an article by Robert W. Strayer titled “Decolonization, Democratization, and Communist Reform: The Soviet Collapse in Comparative Perspective.” The article appeared on pages 375-406 of the Journal of World History, volume 12, issue 2, in 2001.
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4 of 10
The student has quoted from an e-mail message received from a relative, Max Pavlovsky, who lived in the Soviet Union during his childhood. The e-mail was sent to the student on December 28, 2008.
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5 of 10
The student has quoted from the film The Battleship Potemkin, directed by Sergei Eisenstein in 1925. The student viewed a DVD that was distributed in 2004 by Delta Entertainment in Los Angeles.
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6 of 10
The student has quoted material from page 202 of the book The Rise of Russia and the Fall of the Soviet Empire by John B. Dunlop. The book was published in 1993 by Princeton University Press. The material being quoted originally appeared on page 64 in a September 2, 1991, Newsweek article by Henry A. Kissinger titled “Dealing with a New Russia.”
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7 of 10
The student has paraphrased material from the article “Redesigning History in Contemporary Russia,” by Catherine Merridale. The article appeared on pages 13-28 of the Journal of Contemporary History, volume 38, number 1, which was published in 2003. The student accessed the article on February 16, 2009, from the JSTOR database, which assigns the article the stable URL http://www.jstor.org/stable/3180694.
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8 of 10
The student summarized information from an article titled “Narrating the Russian Revolution: Institutionalism and Continuity across Regime Change,” by Don K. Rowney. The article appeared on pages 79-105 of Comparative Studies in Society and History, volume 47, issue number 1, published in 2005.
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9 of 10
The student has paraphrased material from a newspaper article titled “Russians Get New, Fond Glimpse of the Last Czar,” by Courtney Weaver. The article appeared on page 8 in section A of the July 20, 2008, New York Times.
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10 of 10
The student is quoting material from an article titled “Russia’s Struggle with the Language of Marketing in the Communist and Post-Communist Eras,” by Nigel Holden, Andrei Kuznetsov, and Jeryl Whitelock. The article appeared on pages 474-88 of Business History, volume 50, issue number 4, published in 2008.
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