A Pocket Guide to Public Speaking
How to Use This Book
New to This Edition
Getting Started
Becoming a Public Speaker
Gain a Vital Life Skill
The Classical Roots of Public Speaking
Learning to Speak in Public
Public Speaking as a Form of Communication
Public Speaking as an Interactive Communication Process
From A to Z: Overview of a Speech
Analyze the Audience
Select a Topic
Determine the Speech Purpose
Compose a Thesis Statement
Develop the Main Points
Gather Supporting Materials
Separate the Speech into Its Major Parts
Outline the Speech
Consider Presentation Aids
Practice Delivering the Speech
Managing Speech Anxiety
Identify What Makes You Anxious
Pinpoint the Onset of Nervousness
Use Proven Strategies to Boost Your Confidence
Activate the Relaxation Response
Use Movement to Minimize Anxiety
Learn from Feedback
Ethical Public Speaking
Earn Your Listeners’ Trust
Respect Audience Values
Use Your Rights of Free Speech Responsibly
Contribute to Positive Public Discourse
Observe Ethical Ground Rules
Avoid Offensive Speech
Avoid Plagiarism
Fair Use, Copyright, and Ethical Speaking
Listeners and Speakers
Recognize That We Listen Selectively
Listen Responsibly
Strive for the Open Exchange of Ideas
Anticipate the Common Obstacles to Listening
Practice Active Listening
Evaluate Evidence and Reasoning
Offer Constructive and Compassionate Feedback
Analyzing the Audience
Adapt to Audience Psychology: Who Are Your Listeners?
Adapt Your Message to Audience Demographics
Adapt to Cultural Differences
Interview and Survey Audience Members
Assess the Speech Setting and Context
Selecting a Topic and Purpose
Decide Where to Begin
Identify the General Purpose of Your Speech
Narrow Your Topic
Form a Specific Speech Purpose
Compose a Thesis Statement
From Source to Speech: Narrowing Your Topic to Fit Your Audience
Developing Supporting Material
Offer Examples
Share Stories
Draw on Testimony
Provide Facts and Statistics
Refer Orally to Your Sources
Locating Supporting Material
Locate Secondary Sources
From Source to Speech: Recording and Citing Books
From Source to Speech: Recording and Citing Articles from Periodicals
Generating Primary Sources: Interviews and Surveys
Evaluate Sources for Trustworthiness
Record References as You Go
Finding Credible Sources on the Internet
Use a Library Portal to Access Credible Sources
Be a Critical Consumer of Information
Distinguish among Information, Propaganda, Misinformation, and Disinformation
From Source to Speech: Evaluating Web Sources
Make the Most of Internet Search Tools
From Source to Speech: Recording and Citing Web Sources
Conduct Smart Searches
Record Internet Sources
Citing Sources in Your Speech
Alert Listeners to Key Source Information
From Source to Speech: Demonstrating Your Sources’ Reliability and Credibility
Avoid a Mechanical Delivery
Overview of Source Types with Sample Oral Citations
Properly Citing Quoted, Paraphrased, and Summarized Information
Organizing the Speech
Use Main Points to Make Your Claims
Use Supporting Points to Prove Your Claims
Pay Close Attention to Coordination and Subordination
Strive for a Unified, Coherent, and Balanced Organization
Use Transitions to Give Direction to the Speech
From Point to Point: Using Transitions to Guide Your Listeners
Developing Supporting Material
Arranging Speech Points Chronologically
Arranging Speech Points Using a Spatial Pattern
Arranging Speech Points Using a Causal (Cause-Effect) Pattern
Arranging Speech Points Using a Problem-Solution Pattern
Arranging Speech Points Topically
Arranging Speech Points Using the Narrative Pattern
Outlining the Speech
Plan on Creating Two Outlines
Use Sentences, Phrases, or Key Words
Create a Working Outline First
Prepare a Speaking Outline for Delivery
Starting, Finishing, and Styling
Developing the Introduction and Conclusion
Preparing the Introduction
Preparing the Conclusion
Using Language
Prepare Your Speeches for the Ear
Choose Concrete Words and Vivid Imagery
Choose Words That Build Credibility
Choose Words That Create a Lasting Impression
Choosing a Method of Delivery
Strive for Naturalness and Enthusiasm
Select a Method of Delivery
Controlling the Voice
Adjust Your Speaking Volume
Vary Your Intonation
Adjust Your Speaking Rate
Use Strategic Pauses
Strive for Vocal Variety
Carefully Pronounce and Articulate Words
Use Dialect (Language Variation) with Care
Pay Attention to Body Language
Practice the Delivery
Presentation Aids
Speaking with Presentation Aids
Select an Appropriate Aid
Decide How to Present the Aid
Designing Presentation Aids
Keep the Design Simple
Use Design Elements Consistently
Select Appropriate Typeface Styles and Fonts
Use Color Carefully
Consider Subjective Interpretations of Color
A Brief Guide to Microsoft PowerPoint
Give a Speech, Not a Slide Show
Develop Effective Slides
Avoid Technical Glitches
Using Microsoft PowerPoint
From Slide Show to Presentation: Getting Ready to Deliver a PowerPoint Presentation
Types of Speeches
Informative Speaking
Gain and Sustain Involvement
Subject Matter of Informative Speeches
Decide How to Communicate Your Information
Take Steps to Reduce Confusion
Arrange Points in a Pattern
Sample Informative Speech
Persuasive Speaking
Focus on Motivation
Balance Reason and Emotion
Stress Your Credibility
Target Listeners’ Needs
Encourage Mental Engagement
Construct Sound Arguments
Address Culture
Strengthen Your Case with Organization
Identify the Disposition of the Audience
Speaking on Special Occasions
Speeches of Introduction
Speeches of Acceptance
Speeches of Presentation
Roasts and Toasts
Eulogies and Other Tributes
After-Dinner Speeches
Speeches of Inspiration
Online, Group, and Business Contexts
Preparing Online Presentations
Apply Your Knowledge of Face-to-Face Speaking
Understand the Unique Demands of Virtual Delivery
Plan for the Delivery Mode
Online Presentation Platforms
Online Presentation Planning Checklist
Communicating in Groups
Focus on Goals
Plan on Assuming Dual Roles
Center Disagreements around Issues
Resist Groupthink
Adopt an Effective Leadership Style
Presenting in Teams
Working in Teams
Presenting in Panels, Symposia, and Forums
Business and Professional Presentations
Sales Presentations
Staff Reports
Progress Reports
Crisis-Response Presentations
In the Classroom: Case Study Presentations
Speaking across the Curriculum
Presentations Assigned across the Curriculum
The Review of Academic Articles
The Team Presentation
The Debate
The Poster Presentation
The Service Learning Presentation
Preparing for On-the-Job Audiences
Science and Mathematics Courses
Research (“Scientific Talk”) Presentation
Methods/Procedure Presentation
Research Overview Presentation
Field Study Presentation
Preparing Effective Presentations in Science and Mathematics
Technical Courses
Engineering Design Review
Architecture Design Review
Request for Funding
Preparing Effective Technical Presentations
Social Science Courses
Review of the Literature
Debate Controversial Topics
Apply Theories to a Research Question
Evaluate Policies and Programs
Recommend Policies
Preparing Effective Presentations in the Social Sciences
Arts and Humanities Courses
Informative Talks of Description and Analysis
Presentations That Compare and Contrast
Preparing Effective Arts and Humanities Presentations
Education Courses
Delivering a Lecture
Facilitating a Group Activity
Facilitating a Classroom Discussion
Preparing Effective Education Presentations
Nursing and Allied Health Courses
Evidence-Based Practice Presentation
Clinical Case Study Presentation
Quality Improvement Proposal
Treatment Plan Reports
Preparing Effective Presentations in Nursing and Allied Health Courses
Citation Guidelines
Question-and-Answer Sessions
Preparing for Mediated Communication
Tips for Non-Native Speakers of English
Notes: Chapter 1
Notes: Chapter 3
Notes: Chapter 4
Notes: Chapter 5
Notes: Chapter 6
Notes: Chapter 8
Notes: Chapter 9
Notes: Chapter 10
Notes: Chapter 11
Notes: Chapter 12
Notes: Chapter 13
Notes: Chapter 14
Notes: Chapter 15
Notes: Chapter 16
Notes: Chapter 17
Notes: Chapter 18
Notes: Chapter 19
Notes: Chapter 20
Notes: Chapter 21
Notes: Chapter 23
Notes: Chapter 24
Notes: Chapter 25
Notes: Chapter 26
Notes: Chapter 27
Notes: Chapter 28
Notes: Chapter 29
Notes: Chapter 30
Notes: Chapter 31
Notes: Chapter 32
Notes: Chapter 33
Notes: Chapter 35
Notes: Chapter 36
Notes: Appendix B
Notes: Appendix C
Notes: Appendix D