Subject Matter of Informative Speeches

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Broadly speaking, informative speeches may be about objects or phenomena, people, events, processes, concepts, or issues. These are not hard-and-fast divisions—a speech can be about both the process of dance and the people who perform it, for example—nor are they the only way to categorize informative speeches. These categories, however, do indicate the range of potential subject matter suited to an informative purpose, as seen in the following table.

Objects or Phenomena

Addresses various aspects of nonhuman subjects (their history and function, for example)
  • The health of Lake Michigan
  • Ribbon use in awareness-raising campaigns
  • History of graphic novels

Addresses impact of individuals and groups on society (including athletes, authors, inventors, political leaders, refugees, soldiers, and others)
  • Rahul Singh, founder, GlobalMedic
  • Amy Poehler, actress
  • Ai Weiwei, artist
  • You, the speaker
Current or Historical Events

Addresses noteworthy occurrences, past and present
  • 1937 Paris World’s Fair
  • The fall of Libya’s dictator
  • The Battle of Britain

Demonstrates and/or explains how something is done, how it is made, or how it works
  • Development of baby penguins
  • Visualization in sports
  • Operation of hybrid cars
  • Interviewing for a job

Addresses abstract or complex ideas, theories, or beliefs
  • Responsible knowledge
  • Chaos theory
  • Free speech

Addresses problems or matters of dispute to raise awareness and deepen understanding (rather than to advocate for a position)
  • Impact of long-term unemployment
  • French ban on burkas
  • Obesity epidemic in the United States

Quick Tip

Reveal the Backstory

Speeches about events and those about people often rely in part on reportage—the who, what, where, when, and why of the facts. But more than facts, audience members want insight. One way to shed light on an event is through the backstory—the little-known story revealing what led up to the event. Offering “behind-the-scenes” information nearly always sparks interest.

Question 23.3

What kind of “backstory” information will you mention in your speech. Jot down a few ideas here.