Getting Started

Steps in Gaining Confidence 22

An Ethical Inventory 25

Correctly Quote, Paraphrase, and Summarize Information 28

Dealing with Distractions While Delivering a Speech 32


Respond to the Audience as You Speak 39

Reviewing Your Speech in the Light of Audience Demographics 44

Identifying the Speech Topic, Purpose, and Thesis 55

Evaluating Your Research Needs 61

Finding Speeches Online 65

Identifying Paid Listings in Search Results 82


Reviewing Main and Supporting Points 101

Choosing an Organizational Pattern 111

Steps in Creating a Working Outline 114

Tips on Using Notecards or Sheets of Paper 121

Steps in Creating a Speaking Outline 124

Starting, Finishing, and Styling

Guidelines for Preparing the Introduction 126

How Effective Is Your Introduction? 130

Guidelines for Preparing the Conclusion 131

How Effective Is Your Conclusion? 133

Use Language Effectively 140


Practice Check for Vocal Effectiveness 148

Tips on Using a Microphone 149

Tips for Using Effective Facial Expressions 151

Broad Dress Code Guidelines 153

Presentation Aids

Incorporating Presentation Aids into Your Speech 161

Apply the Principles of Simplicity and Continuity 164

Using PowerPoint Presentations Effectively 165

Ensuring Legal Use of Media Acquired Electronically 171

Types of Speeches

Strategies for Explaining Complex Information 181

Possible Matches of Organizational Patterns with Speech Types 183

Structure the Claims in Your Persuasive Speech 196

Be a Culturally Sensitive Persuader 202

Steps in the Motivated Sequence 207

Preparing a Speech of Introduction 220

Online, Group, and Business Contexts

Creating a Podcast 236

Team Presentation Tips 246

Speaking across the Curriculum

Tips for Winning a Debate 258

Evaluating Your Original Research Presentation 262

Tips for Preparing Successful Scientific Presentations 264