1. James C. McCroskey, “Classroom Consequences of Communication Anxiety,” Communication Education 26 (1977): 27–33; James C. McCroskey, “Oral Communication Apprehension: A Reconceptualization,” in Communication Yearbook 6, ed. M. Burgoon (Beverly Hills: Sage, 1982), 136–70; Virginia P. Richmond and James C. McCroskey, Communication Apprehension, Avoidance, and Effectiveness, 5th ed. (Boston: Allyn & Bacon, 1998).
2. Adapted from James C. McCroskey, “Oral Communication Apprehension: A Summary of Recent Theory and Research,” Human Communication Research 4 (1977): 79–96.
3. C. Kane, “Overcoming Stage Fright—Here’s What To Do,” Christine Kane (blog), April 24, 2007, http://christinekane.com/blog/overcoming-stage-fright-heres-what-to-do/.
4. R. Behnke, C. R. Sawyer, and R. Chris, “Milestones of Anticipatory Public Speaking Anxiety,” Communication Education 48 (April 1999): 165–72.
5. David-Paul Pertaub, Mel Slater, and Chris Barker, “An Experiment on Public Speaking Anxiety in Response to Three Different Types of Virtual Audience,” Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments 11 (2002): 678–80.
6. Joe Ayres, “Coping with Speech Anxiety: The Power of Positive Thinking,” Communication Education 37 (1988): 289–96; Joe Ayres, “An Examination of the Impact of Anticipated Communication and Communication Apprehension on Negative Thinking, Task-Relevant Thinking, and Recall,” Communication Research Reports 9 (1992): 3–11.
7. S. Hu and Joung-Min Romans-Kroll, “Effects of Positive Attitude toward Giving a Speech on the Cardiovascular and Subjective Fear Responses during Speech in Speech Anxious Subjects,” Perceptual and Motor Skills 81, no. 2 (1995): 609–10; S. Hu, T. R. Bostow, D. A. Lipman, S. K. Bell, and S. Klein, “Positive Thinking Reduces Heart Rate and Fear Responses to Speech-Phobic Imagery,” Perceptual and Motor Skills 75, no. 3, pt. 2 (1992): 1067–76.
8. M. T. Motley, “Public Speaking Anxiety Qua Performance Anxiety: A Revised Model and Alternative Therapy,” Journal of Social Behavior and Personality 5 (1990): 85–104.
9. Joe Ayres, C. S. Hsu, and Tim Hopf, “Does Exposure to Performance Visualization Alter Speech Preparation Processes?” Communication Research Reports 17 (2000): 366–74.
10. Joe Ayres and Tim S. Hopf, “Visualization: Is It More Than Extra-Attention?” Communication Education 38 (1989): 1–5.
11. Herbert Benson and Miriam Z. Klipper, The Relaxation Response (New York: HarperCollins, 2000).
12. Laurie Schloff and Marcia Yudkin, Smart Speaking (New York: Plume, 1991), 91–92.
13. Lars-Gunnar Lundh, Britta Berg, Helena Johansson, Linda Kjellén Nilsson, Jenny Sandberg, and Anna Segerstedt, “Social Anxiety Is Associated with a Negatively Distorted Perception of One’s Own Voice,” Cognitive Behavior Therapy 31 (2002): 25–30.