Brief Table of Contents
Brief Table of Contents

Brief Table of Contents

      1 Principles of Life 1

PART 1 Cells

      2 The Chemistry and Energy of Life 18

      3 Nucleic Acids, Proteins, and Enzymes 37

      4 Cells: The Working Units of Life 60

      5 Cell Membranes and Signaling 82

      6 Pathways that Harvest and Store Chemical Energy 105

PART 2 Genetics

      7 The Cell Cycle and Cell Division 129

      8 Inheritance, Genes, and Chromosomes 150

      9 DNA and Its Role in Heredity 172

      10 From DNA to Protein: Gene Expression 194

      11 Regulation of Gene Expression 215

      12 Genomes 234

      13 Biotechnology 253

      14 Genes, Development, and Evolution 273

PART 3 Evolution

      15 Processes of Evolution 298

      16 Reconstructing and Using Phylogenies 325

      17 Speciation 343

      18 The History of Life on Earth 357

PART 4 Diversity

      19 Bacteria, Archaea, and Viruses 378

      20 The Origin and Diversification of Eukaryotes 401

      21 The Evolution of Plants 420

      22 The Evolution and Diversity of Fungi 450

      23 Animal Origins and Diversity 469

PART 5 Plant Form and Function

      24 The Plant Body 521

      25 Plant Nutrition and Transport 537

      26 Plant Growth and Development 555

      27 Reproduction of Flowering Plants 573

      28 Plants in the Environment 589

PART 6 Animal Form and Function

      29 Fundamentals of Animal Function 605

      30 Nutrition, Feeding, and Digestion 624

      31 Breathing 643

      32 Circulation 661

      33 Muscle and Movement 681

      34 Neurons, Sense Organs, and Nervous Systems 699

      35 Control by the Endocrine and Nervous Systems 733

      36 Water and Salt Balance 751

      37 Animal Reproduction 768

      38 Animal Development 787

      39 Immunology: Animal Defense Systems 809

      40 Animal Behavior 827

PART 7 Ecology

      41 The Distribution of Earth’s Ecological Systems 845

      42 Populations 864

      43 Ecological and Evolutionary Consequences of Interactions within and among Species 882

      44 Ecological Communities 898

      45 The Global Ecosystem 916

      Appendix A The Tree of Life 936

      Appendix B Making Sense of Data: A Statistics Primer 943

      Appendix C Some Measurements Used in Biology 956