Advisors and Reviewers
Advisors and Reviewers

Advisors and Reviewers

Special Contributions

Many people contributed to the creation of the Second Edition of Principles of Life. However, two individuals deserve special mention for their contributions. Susan D. Hill did a masterful job in writing Chapter 38 on Animal Development. Nickolas Waser worked extensively with Mary Price on the Ecology section (Part 7), and was otherwise intimately involved in discussions of the book’s planning and execution.

Many People to Thank

In addition to the many biologists listed on these pages who provided formal reviews, each of us benefitted enormously from personal contacts with colleagues who helped us resolve issues and made critical suggestions for new material. They are: Walter Arnold, University of Veterinary Medicine (Vienna); Harry Greene, Cornell University; Will Petry, University of California, Irvine; David Sleboda, Brown University; Thomas Ruf, University of Veterinary Medicine (Vienna); Andrew Zanella, The Claremont Colleges; Edward McCabe, University of Colorado and the March of Dimes Foundation; and Frank Price, Utica College.

Between-editions Reviewers

Rebecca Achterman, Western Washington University

William Anderson, Harvard University

Felicitas Avendano, Grand View University

Dave Bailey, St. Norbert College

Annalisa Berta, San Diego State University

Lori Boies, St. Mary’s University

Nicole Bournias-Vardiabasis, California State University, Santa Bernardino

Elizabeth Braker, Occidental College

Cheryl Burrell, Wake Forest University

Robert Cabin, Brevard College

David Carroll, Florida Institute of Technology

Karen Champ, College of Central Florida

Shelton Charles, Forsyth Technical Community College

Sixue Chen, University of Florida

Doug Darnowski, Indiana University Southeast

Maria Davis, Olivet College

Weston Dulaney, Nashville State Community College

Laurie Eberhardt, Valparaiso University

Ingeborg Eley, Hudson Valley Community College

Lewis Feldman, University of California, Berkeley

Austin Francis, Jr., Armstrong Atlantic State University

Jason Garvon, Lake Superior State University

Patricia Geppert, The University of Texas at San Antonio

Nicole Gerlanc, Frederick Community College

Arundhati Ghosh, University of Pittsburgh

Suzanne Gollery, Sierra Nevada College

Elizabeth Good, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

Eileen Gregory, Rollins College

Susan Hester, The University of Arizona

Samantha Hilber, University of Florida

Jill Holliday, University of Florida

Brian Hurdle, Frederick Community College

Sanjeeda Jafar, Morgan State University

Jerald Johnson, Brigham Young University

Susan Jorstad, The University of Arizona

Erin Keen-Rhineheart, Susquehanna University

Stephen Kilpatrick, University of Pittsburgh

Michael Koban, Morgan State University

Daniel Kueh, Emory University

Kristen Lennon, Frostburg State University

Jun Liu, Cornell University

James Malcolm, The University of Redlands

Steve Marcus, The University of Alabama

Nilo Marin, Broward College

Erin Martin, University of Portland

Robert Minckley, University of Rochester

Alexey Nikitin, Grand Valley State University

David Oppenheimer, University of Florida

Aswini Pai, St. Lawrence University

Crima Pogge, City College of San Francisco

Mary Preuss, Webster University

Frank Price, Hamilton College

David Puthoff, Frostburg State University

Sabiha Rahman, University of Ottawa

Nancy Rice, Western Kentucky University

Lori Rose, Hill College

Paul Schulte, University of Nevada, Las Vegas

Jon Shenker, Florida Institute of Technology

Cara Shillington, Eastern Michigan

Miles Silman, Wake Forest University

Thomas Terleph, Sacred Heart University

Mark Thogerson, Grand Valley State University

Elethia Tillman, Spelman College

Mike Troyan, Pennsylvania State University

Ximena Valderrama, Ramapo College of New Jersey

Sebastian Vélez, Worcester State University

Alexander Wait, Missouri State University

Katherine Warpeha, University of Illinois, Chicago

Ted Weinert, The University of Arizona

Erika Whitney, Morgan State University

Michelle Wien, Bryn Mawr College

Accuracy Reviewers

Brian Antonsen, Marshall University

Michael Baltzley, Western Oregon University

Alexa Bely, University of Maryland

Smriti Bhotika, University of Florida

Greta Bolin, Tarrant County College

Katherine Boss-Williams, Emory University

Michelle Boone, Miami University of Ohio

Jackie Brittingham, Simpson College

W. Randy Brooks, Florida Atlantic University

Justin Brown, Simpson College

Deborah Cardenas, Collin College

Trevor Caughlin, University of Florida

Shelton Charles, Forsyth Technical Community College

Donna Charley-Johnson, University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh

Kelly Jean Craig, Colorado Mesa University

Kathryn Craven, Armstrong Atlantic State University

Noelle Cutter, Molloy College

Nancy Dalman, University of North Georgia

Doug Darnowski, Indiana University Southeast

Sandra L. Davis, University of Indianapolis

Ann Marie Davison, Kwantlen Polytechnic University

James Demastes, University of Northern Iowa

Jesse Dillon, California State University, Long Beach

Wes Dulaney, Nashville State Community College


Michele DuRand, Memorial University

Todd Egan, Elmira College

Gordon Fain, The University of California, Los Angeles

Victor Fet, Marshall University

Jeffrey Firestone, University of Maryland

Michael Fultz, Morehead State University

Mark Garcia, Collin College

Deborah Gelman, Pace University

Emily Gillespie, Marshall University

Christopher Gilson, Emory University

Richard Gonzalez-Diaz, Seminole State College of Florida

Harry Greene, Cornell University

Shala Hankison, Ohio Wesleyan University

Amy Hark, Muhlenberg College

Phillip Harris, The University of Alabama

Julie Havens, Armstrong Atlantic State University

Marshal Hedin, San Diego State University

Anna Hicks, Memorial University

Nicole Huber, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs

Amanda Hyde, Greenfield Community College

Erika Iyengar, Muhlenberg College

Laura Jackson, University of Northern Iowa

Jerald Johnson, Brigham Young University

Carly Jordan, The George Washington University

Matthew Kayser, University of Pennsylvania Medical School

Kim Lackey, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa

Marc Lajeunesse, University of South Florida

Evan Lampert, University of North Georgia

Charlie Lawrence, Viterbo University

Eric Liebgold, Salisbury University

Clark Lindgren, Grinnell College

Jessica Lucas, Santa Clara University

Lisa Lyons, Florida State University

C. Smoot Major, University of Southern Alabama

Marlee Marsh, Columbia College

Megan McNulty, The University of Chicago

Kyle McQuade, Colorado Mesa University

Susan T. Meiers, Western Illinois University

Tamra Mendelson, University of Maryland, Baltimore County

Anthony Metcalf, California State University, San Bernadino

Clara Moore, Franklin and Marshall College

Jeanelle Morgan, University of North Georgia

Jacqueline Bee Nesbit, University of New Orleans

Marcia Newcomer, Louisiana State University

Richard Niesenbaum, Muhlenberg College

John Ophus, University of Northern Iowa

Rebecca Orr, Collin College

Cassandra Osborne, Western State Colorado University

Andrew Palmer, Florida Institute of Technology

Karla Passalacqua, Emory University

Lisa Petrella, Marquette University

Eric Ribbens, Western Illinois University

George Robinson, University at Albany,

State University of New York

Nicole M. Roy, Sacred Heart University

Aaron Schrey, Armstrong Atlantic State University

James Schulte, Clarkson University

Sarah Shannon, Indiana University

Frederick Sheldon, Louisiana State University

Bin Shuai, Wichita State University

Nancy Solomon, Miami University of Ohio

Sarah Spinette, Rhode Island College

Robert Sterner, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities

Oliver Sturm, Rhodes College

Timothy Sullivan, Armstrong Atlantic State University

Thomas Terleph, Sacred Heart University

Dustin Vale-Cruz, Springfield College

Kenneth van Golen, University of Delaware

Christine Weilhoefer, University of Portland

Robert Wise, University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh

MaryJo A. Witz, Monroe Community College

John Yoder, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa

Ximena Valderrrama, Ramapo College of New Jersey

Media and Supplements Authors and Reviewers

Juliann Aukema, University of California, Santa Barbara

Edward Awad, Vanier College

Roberta Batorsky, Rowan University

Alexa Bely, University of Maryland

Joe Bruseo, Holyoke Community College

Shannon Compton, University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Douglas Darnowski, Indiana University Southeast

Ann Marie Davison, Kwantlen Polytechnic University

Donna Francis, University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Emily Gillespie, Marshall University

Richard Gonzalez-Diaz, Seminole State University

Carol Hand, science writer

Phillip Harris, University of Alabama

Laurel Hester, Keuka College

Peggy Hill, science writer

Jerry Johnson, Brigham Young University

Norman Johnson, University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Stephen Kilpatrick, University of Pittsburgh

Kim Lackey, University of Alabama

Marlee Marsh, Columbia College

Betty McGuire, Cornell University

Stephanie Moeckel-Cole, University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Paul Nolan, The Citadel

Kristine Nowak, Kennesaw State University

Don O’Malley, Northeastern University

Lesley Evans Ogden, science writer

Sherry Ogg, Johns Hopkins University

Barbara Peckarsky, University of Wisconsin, Madison

Sarah Shannon, Indiana University

Leo Shapiro, University of Maryland

Molly Solanki, science writer

Nancy Solomon, Miami University

Meredith Stafford, Johns Hopkins University

John Townsend-Mehler, Montana State University

Mary Tyler, University of Maine

Robert Wise, University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh
