!launchpad! for Principles of Life, SECOND EDITION
!launchpad! for Principles of Life, SECOND EDITION

LaunchPad ( is the easy-to-use online platform that integrates the e-Book, all of the student and instructor media resources, and assessment functions into a unified interface. In addition to a wealth of course management, communication, organization, and gradebook features, LaunchPad includes the following resources.


A complete online version of the textbook, the e-Book is fully integrated into LaunchPad and includes media resources, in-text links to all glossary entries (with audio pronunciations), and flexible notes and highlighting features. In addition, instructors can easily hide chapters or sections that they don’t cover in their course, rearrange the order of chapters and sections, and add their own content directly into the e-Book.


LearningCurve is a powerful adaptive quizzing system with a game-like format to engage students. Rather than simply answering a fixed set of questions, students answer dynamically selected questions to progress toward a target level of understanding. At any point, students can view a report (with links to e-Book sections and media resources) of how well they are performing in each topic, to help them focus on problem areas.

Student Resources

INTERACTIVE SUMMARIES. For each chapter, these dynamic summaries combine a review of important concepts with links to all of the key figures, Activities, and Animated Tutorials.

ANIMATED TUTORIALS. In-depth animations and simulations present complex topics in a clear, easy-to-follow format that includes a brief quiz.

MEDIA CLIPS. New for the Second Edition, these short, engaging video clips depict fascinating examples of some of the many organisms, processes, and phenomena discussed in the textbook.

ACTIVITIES. A range of interactive activities helps students learn and review key facts and concepts through labeling diagrams, identifying steps in processes, and matching concepts.

LECTURE NOTEBOOK. Available online as PDF files, the Lecture Notebook includes all of the textbook’s figures and tables, with space for note-taking.

BIONEWS FROM SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. BioNews makes it easy for instructors to bring the dynamic nature of the biological sciences and up-to-the-minute currency into their course via an automatically updated news feed.

BIONAVIGATOR. A unique visual way to explore all of the Animated Tutorials and Activities across the various levels of biological inquiry—from the global scale down to the molecular scale.

ANALYZE THE DATA. Online versions of the Analyze the Data exercises included in many of the Investigation figures in the textbook.

FLASHCARDS AND KEY TERMS. An ideal way for students to learn and review the extensive terminology of introductory biology, featuring a review mode and a quiz mode.

INVESTIGATION LINKS. An overview of the experiments featured in each of the textbook’s Investigation figures, with links to the original paper(s), related research or applications that followed, and additional information related to the experiment.

GLOSSARY. The full glossary, with audio pronunciations for all terms.

TREE OF LIFE. An interactive version of the Tree of Life from Appendix A, with links to a wealth of information on each group listed.

MATH FOR LIFE. A collection of mathematical shortcuts and references to help students with the quantitative skills they need in the biology laboratory.

SURVIVAL SKILLS. A guide to more effective study habits, including time management, note-taking, highlighting, and exam preparation.

Assessment Resources

SUMMATIVE QUIZZES. The pre-built summative quizzes assess overall student understanding of each chapter, and provide instructors with data on class and individual-student comprehension of chapter material.

LEARNINGCURVE. Reports provide instructors with instant information on student performance, broken down by individual section.

Strive for a 5: Preparing for the AP ® Biology Exam

Franklin Bell, Mercersburg Academy, Mercersburg, PA John Lepri, University of North Carolina, Greensboro

(ISBN 1-4641-8652-9)

Strive for a 5 is a study guide and test preparation workbook for use throughout the AP® course. Following the textbook chapter by chapter, it reinforces the book’s key concepts and focuses on the Big Ideas and Learning Objectives from the AP® Biology Curriculum. The workbook includes four main sections:

SCIENCE PRACTICES. Scientists share seven fundamental methods when performing their work. These include modeling, applying mathematics, posing questions, designing experiments, analyzing data, using explanations and theories, and connecting related knowledge across many domains. These “Science Practices” are enforced throughout the AP® Biology curriculum and are emphasized at the end of each Strive chapter in a section of the workbook that provides a thorough explanation about the importance and application of each method.

STUDY GUIDE. The study guide section is presented in chapters that follow the textbook. Each study chapter opens with an overview of the corresponding textbook material. The Big Ideas and Learning Objectives from the AP® Biology Curriculum that are covered in the chapter are clearly stated. The study guide presents each book concept and follows it with a number of free-response exercises. Emphasis on describing, explaining, and analyzing helps students master every concept in preparation for the exam.

TEST PREPARATION. This section of the workbook provides a description of the AP® Biology exam and includes strategies to help students prepare for and take the test. There are study tips for students to apply during the months of preparation, as well as strategies to use on test day. There’s even a list of things to avoid while taking the test—things that can waste valuable time or lower a score.

FULL-LENGTH PRACTICE EXAMS. The workbook concludes with two full-length practice exams that are designed to look and feel just like the real AP® exam. (Answer keys are included.) Working through these exams under the appropriate time limits will give students practice—and can help them gain the confidence they need to walk into the exam room feeling fully prepared.

Companion Website

The Principles of Life Companion Website is available free of charge to students. The site provides access to all of the media referenced in the textbook links, as well as a variety of additional resources, including flashcards, study ideas, and more.

Additional Media and e-Book Offerings

For information about additional resources that are available to support your book, please visit the catalog page: