
Read the Show Me More article and then answer the questions.


Carolyn Franks/Shutterstock

Read the article (Opens in new window)

Question 1

In 1974, sociologist Phillip Kunz and his family received a record number of Christmas cards, many from people he did not even know. Why did this happen?

Question 2

Which psychologist suggested that the rules of reciprocity are “drilled into us as children”?

Question 3

Heather is a server in a local restaurant, and she has noticed that tips have been somewhat low in recent weeks. According to the article you read, what should she do to subtly encourage people to leave her more money after the meal?

Question 4

In the 1960s, a group of religious individuals called Hare Krishnas began raising money in public places, such as airports. How would they convince strangers to make donations, even small contributions, to their religious organization?