
Read the Show Me More article and then answer the questions.


Read the article (Opens in new window)

Question 1

When presented with politically charted words like “Democrat,” “Republican,” and “independent,” participants in the research discussed in this article showed enhanced activation of the blank . This part of the brain is associated with anxiety.

Question 2

Ten-year old Marcus has been visiting his grandparents in Arizona for the last week, and it is time to fly home. He wants to go home to his parents because he misses them, but he also can choose to stay and spend more time with Nanny and Poppy. He feels torn between these two decisions but has to select one of them. Which part of his brain is probably activated in this moment?

Question 3

Research finds that there is a surprising gender divide when it comes to people’s perception of political candidates. Which statement reflects the research findings into participants’ responses to two well-known candidates?