
View the Show Me More video and then answer the questions.


Pamela D. Maxwell/Shutterstock

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Question 1

Pietr wants to enjoy some tasty Doritos® while he’s watching a baseball game. He pours himself a bowl, grabs a glass of iced tea, and sits down to his snack. According to the video you watched, how many cheesy chips constitute a single serving?

Question 2

Do you enjoy sugary breakfast cereals? Maybe you like the different colors and shapes of the marshmallows in a bowl of a brand-name breakfast cereal. They are all the same flavor, in case you didn’t know! If you want to have one serving of this morning treat with some milk, how much cereal should you pour for yourself?

Question 3

What is more enjoyable than a having some popular chocolate sandwich cookies with a cold glass of milk? That’s what Tavonne thinks as she sits down to the sweet treat. Her plate has nine cookies on it. How many servings is she about to consume if she eats them all?

Question 4

Even though most people know that we tend to eat more than we need, there may be an evolutionary basis for people to eat until they are overweight. The concept of blank suggests that when food is in good supply, we should eat more than we need in case we have to go through a period where food is not so readily available.