Avery: Recognition is when you're trying to remember something, and you need something from the outside in order to remember it. So like maybe something that you see or something that you hear will spark that memory. It will help you remember better. And then recall is when you remember it on your own without anything from the outside helping you.
Marisa: So for, like, recognition, when somebody is to point out the perpetrator, they would be given several different mug shots and ask who did it or even if they had a lineup. That would be recognition. And recall would be having the person describe how the perpetrator looked like and had somebody draw it.
Avery: If you are taking a test that had a short answer on it, you would use recall to remember the answer and be able to write it down. Recognition would be like a multiple choice test, when you see the answer, you recognize that it goes with a question.
Marisa: For an essay, I would definitely study way harder and try and absorb the information, whereas if it was a multiple choice, when I study, I maybe would just skim over it, so that when it comes to the question, if one of the answers stood out to me as, like, I remember that while I was skimming, then I would choose that answer. So essay writing requires more studying, and it's a lot harder.