[music playing]
Annaliase: A flashbulb memory is a memory that has a deep emotional connection with a person and so that they are able to more vividly recall that memory and it sticks with them for a lot longer than just a normal memory.
Tyler: That's when a really good or really bad experience happened in your life and you're not forgetting that. You're pretty much going to remember it probably until the day you die.
Michael: Five years old-- I was living in Dayton and I have no other memories from this time other than when the tornado sirens went off. The tornado sirens went off-- I was at my neighbor's house and my parents and their parents locked us in the closet. They were freaking out. I was freaking out. I didn't know what to think. I've never experienced this-- Didn't expect it. I had no idea what was going on. I didn't know what a tornado was, so I'm just kind of having an existential crisis in this closet. And then this girl is just bawling her eyes out and I had no idea what to do. I just felt helpless.
Tyler: Everyone has a bunch of bad ones. I've been in a car accident. I'm not going to forget that one. I was rearended and I just remember-- pinpoint every single detail like I hit my head on the steering wheel. I saw my phone fly.
Kayla: I was in Michigan with my uncle. We went to a baseball game but I really wasn't paying attention to who was playing but I wanted chocolate ice cream. My sister said I couldn't have it because I'll make a mess and it'll show my clothes and stuff like that. So when we were at the concession stand about to order, a foul ball had hit me in my lower back and it hurt so bad. So I had to get an ice bag and eventually we got back to getting our ice cream. And I was able to get chocolate then. I was happy but I still made a mess either way.
[music playing]