Glucose metabolism begins in the cytosol and is completed in mitochondria
All cells in the body are able to use glucose as fuel to produce ATP. The first step in glucose oxidation occurs in the cytosol with the process of glycolysis (or the glycolytic pathway), which does not require oxygen.
Glycolysis means to break apart glucose, and it splits the six-
Glycolysis is a universal process that allows every cell in the body to extract energy from carbohydrates.
Glycolysis occurs in two phases, an energy investment phase and an energy payoff phase. During the first phase, glucose is rearranged into fructose, and energy is invested as phosphates from two ATP molecules are transferred to the sugar molecule to make it more reactive. The doubly phosphorylated fructose can then be split into two 3-
Glycolysis is the metabolic pathway by which all cells can produce ATP by breaking down glucose to pyruvate. Glycolysis occurs in the cytosol of the cell and does not require oxygen.
In the energy payoff phase of glycolysis, energy is harvested as these phosphorylated three-
In addition, two coenzymes (NAD+) are reduced (to NADH) as they acquire high-
Sufficient oxygen availability also allows pyruvate to enter mitochondria where its oxidation can be completed. The aerobic oxidation of pyruvate is responsible for generating the majority of ATP that is derived from glucose metabolism. However, for pyruvate to enter the next major pathway of energy metabolism (the citric acid cycle), it must first be transformed into a two-
Coenzyme A attaches to pyruvate, which allows a CO2 to be released. This produces the two-
The final step in the oxidation of glucose involves entry of acetyl-
In the citric acid cycle, acetyl-
The citric acid cycle not only completes the oxidation of glucose, it is also the final oxidative pathway for fatty acids and amino acids. Fatty acids also enter the citric acid cycle as acetyl-
At the completion of the citric acid cycle the oxidation of glucose has yielded 12 reduced coenzymes: two from glycolysis, two from the oxidation of two molecules of pyruvate to acetyl-
To use the energy conserved in reduced coenzymes, they transfer their high-
The transfer of electrons from reduced coenzymes to the ETC is also critically important because it returns the coenzymes to their oxidized form, which allows them to continue participating in the oxidation of metabolic fuels. If the electron transfer did not occur reduced coenzymes would accumulate, and oxidized coenzymes would become depleted. With an inadequate number of coenzymes available to accept electrons from fuels as they are oxidized, oxidation would slow dramatically and eventually stop.
At the end of the ETC, electrons combine with oxygen and positively charged hydrogen ions to form water (step 8 in the Cellular Respiration illustration following).
Cellular Respiration is the process by which the energy stored in fuels is transferred to ATP through a series of enzyme-
QuestionWhat carries electrons produced during glycolysis, the citric acid cycle, and fatty acid oxidation to the electron transport chain? The metabolism of all fuels releases high- |
The complete aerobic oxidation of one molecule of glucose produces a total of 32 molecules of ATP from three different sources. Glycolysis produces a net yield of two ATP. Two ATP (GTP) are produced by the citric acid cycle, and 28 ATP are produced from the energy captured by the transport of electrons down the ETC. Since both the citric acid cycle and the ETC are aerobic pathways, 30 of the maximum 32 ATP produced by glucose oxidation are produced in an oxygen-
Under some circumstances glycolysis produces pyruvate and reduced coenzymes faster than the aerobic pathways in mitochondria can process them. This may occur when glycolysis metabolizes glucose at very rapid rates to meet high energy demands, or if the activity of the ETC is slowed because of limited oxygen availability. See the Aerobic Versus Anaerobic Glycolysis illustration.
In these circumstances an alternative means to return reduced coenzymes (NADH) in the cytosol to their oxidized form (NAD+) must be used so that glycolysis can continue to provide ATP. This is accomplished by pyruvate functioning as an alternative hydrogen atom acceptor (both the electron and the positively charged hydrogen ion). Reduced coenzymes can transfer their hydrogen atom to pyruvate, transforming it to lactate. This quickly regenerates oxidized coenzymes that can then participate in another round of glycolysis.