Identify the fat-
Describe the properties of the fat-
Describe the role of vitamin D in blood calcium regulation (Infographic 10.3)
Identify excellent dietary sources of the fat-
Describe the role of vitamin A in healthy vision (Infographic 10.6)
List sources of free radicals and describe how antioxidants can block oxidative damage (Infographics 10.7 and 10.8)
Explain how vitamin E works as an antioxidant in the cell membrane (Infographic 10.10)
In 2005, Michael Holick, PhD, MD, received a desperate call. Kimani, a young lowland gorilla—
RICKETS a condition caused by vitamin D deficiency, characterized by “bowed” legs due to impaired bone mineralization, softening of bones, skeletal malformations, and muscular weakness
When Holick, an endocrinologist at Boston University, arrived at Franklin Park Zoo, his heart broke. The seven-
In humans, rickets affects bone development in children usually because of an extreme vitamin D and calcium deficiency. Although it is a relatively rare condition among humans in the United States, here it was in a young gorilla in captivity.
Kimani’s doctors had tried giving her a vitamin D supplement, but it hadn’t made much of a difference. Holick im-