Both undernutrition and overnutrition are forms of malnutrition—a state of inadequate or unbalanced nutrition. Sometimes, undernutrition does not stem from a lack of food overall, but from a lack of specific essential nutrients, known as nutrient deficiency.
inadequate nourishment caused by insufficient dietary intake of one or more essential nutrients or poor absorption and/or use of nutrients in the body
excess intake or imbalance of calories and/or essential nutrients relative to need that results in adverse health effects
a state of undernutrition or overnutrition caused by inadequate, excessive, or unbalanced intake of calories and/or essential nutrients
a condition resulting from insufficient supply of essential nutrients through dietary inadequacy or impaired absorption or use
Obesity—a condition characterized by excess body fat and often associated with other health problems—
a condition characterized by accumulation of excess body fat, generally associated with adverse health effects
diseases that are generally slow in progression and of long duration; e.g., heart disease and diabetes