Note: Page numbers followed by f refer to Infographics.
Abdominal obesity, 353, 355, 355f
Absorption, 52, 52f
of alcohol, 448f
of copper, 325
of iron, 319–320, 320f
of lipids, 127, 128f
of minerals, 286
of protein, 169, 170f
Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 15
Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Ranges (AMDRs), 9f, 10–11
Accessory organs, 53, 54f
secretions from, 60–61
Acesulfame K (Sunnet; Sweet One), 89f
Acetaldehyde, alcohol conversion to, 447–448, 454
Acetaldehyde dehydrogenase, 448
Acetate, 448
Acetyl-coenzyme A, 448
Acid-base balance, phosphorus and, 292
Acid reflux, 67, 68f
Active transport, 62, 62f
Activity energy expenditure (AEE), 347, 347f
Adenosine triphosphate (ATP), 369, 370f
Adequacy, as component of healthy diets, 25
Adequate Intakes (AIs), 9, 9f
Adipose tissue, 122
late. See Late adolescence
vegetarian diets during, 199–200
Adrenaline, 112
late. See Aging
transition from college to, 455
Aerobic energy systems, 369, 371–374, 372f, 373f
osteoporosis and, 290
protein needs and, 175
vitamin B12 deficiency and, 248
Air displacement, 356f, 357
Alcohol use and abuse, 446–455, 447f. See also Wine
alcohol metabolism and, 447–448, 448f
factors affecting intoxication and, 448–449, 449f
hangovers and, 453–454
harmful effects of alcohol and, 450–453, 450f–453f
“moderate” consumption and, 450
nutritional considerations and, 454f, 454–455
potential benefits of alcohol and, 450
protein deficiency and, 178
Wernicke-Korskoff syndrome and, 240–241
Alcohol use disorder, 453, 453f
Alimentary canal. See Gastrointestinal tract; specific organs
Allergens, 429
Alliance for a Healthier Generation, 429
Allport, Susan, 135
Alpha-linolenic acid, in plant-based diets, 199
Alveoli, of breast, 403, 403f
Alzheimer disease
atherosclerosis and, 147f
Mediterranean diet and, 202–203
Amenorrhea, 379
Amino acids, 165–167, 166f
essential and nonessential, 166f, 166–167
limiting, 177
Amylase, 57
Amylopectin, 78f
Amylose, 78f
Anabolic hormones, 100
Anabolism, 369
Anaerobic energy systems, 369–371
Anaphylactic shock, 429
Anaphylaxis, 429
copper deficiency and, 325
iron-deficiency (microcytic hypochromic), 317, 320–322, 400
megaloblastic, 246, 247f, 248
pernicious, 250
Animal research, 13, 14f
Anorexia nervosa, 442–443, 444f
Anthocyanins, 194
Antibodies, 429
Anti-coagulants, 226
Antidiuretic hormone (ADH), 301f, 301–302
Antiobesity drugs, 357
vitamin A as, 220–221, 221f
vitamin C as, 251
vitamin E as, 224, 224f
Appetite, 345–346
Ariboflavinosis, 243
Arsenic, 328
Arteries, 145
Artificial food colors, 480
Ascorbic acid. See Vitamin C
Aspartame (Equal; Nutrasweet), 88, 89f
Atherosclerosis, 145, 146f, 147, 147f
female athlete triad and, 379–380
hydration for, 381–382, 382f
protein needs of, 163, 164, 173, 175, 181
supplements for, 274
training for, 378–379
Autoimmune diseases, 100. See also Celiac disease; Diabetes mellitus
Bacillus cereus, 468, 470f
foodborne illness caused by, 469
in gastrointestinal tract, 64, 66
Balance, as component of healthy diets, 25
Bang, Hans Olaf, 120, 126–127, 130, 136, 137
Banting, Frederick, 102, 112
Bariatric surgery, 357, 358f. See also Gastric bypass
Barker, David, 2
Basal metabolic rate (BMR), fat-free mass and, 347, 348f, 349, 350f, 351
Basal metabolism, 346–347, 347f
Basic 7, 33
Benardot, Dan, 368–369, 378–379, 384
Berenson, Gerald, 144, 154, 156
Beriberi, 239–240
Best, Charles, 102
Beta-carotene, 217, 218, 221, 222
lung cancer and, 260–261
Beta-Carotene and Retinol Efficacy Trial (CARET), 260–261, 272
Bile, 61
Binders, 286
Binge drinking, 446, 451f, 452
Binge eating disorder, 442, 443–444, 445f
Bioavailability, 211
of minerals, 286
of vitamins, 211
Bioelectrical impedance, 356f, 357
Biotin, functions in body, 253f
Birth, delayed cord clamping and, 392–393, 408–409
Birth weight, factors influencing, 396
Bisphenol A (BPA), 480
Bitter taste, 57
Black cohosh, 273f
Blindness, vitamin A deficiency and, 221–222
Bliss, Michael, 99, 113
Blood. See also Anemia; Blood clotting
hemoglobin and, 317, 320–321
myoglobin and, 317, 319
nutrient circulation in, 62, 63f
Blood alcohol concentration, 449, 449f
Blood clotting
anti-coagulants and, 226
vitamin K and, 225
Blood glucose
diabetes and. See Diabetes mellitus
excess, damage done by, 105, 106f
during a hangover, 454
measuring, 104, 105f
Blood pressure
DASH diet and, 295, 295f
potassium and, 296
sodium and, 283, 284, 293
Body building, 380–381
Body composition, determination of, 356f, 357
Body mass index (BMI), 353, 354f
risk of death related to, 353, 353f
Body weight. See also Obesity; Weight gain; Weight loss
at birth, factors influencing, 396
of children, nutrition during pregnancy and, 2, 11–12
excess, 340
healthy, 353, 353f
waist circumference and, 353, 355, 355f
Bogalusa Heart Study, 143–145, 152, 154
Bolus, 58
calcium and, 288f, 289, 290, 291f
magnesium and, 288f, 291
osteoporosis and. See Osteoporosis
phosphorus and, 288f, 291
vitamin A toxicity and, 222
vitamin D and, 209–210, 214, 216, 290
vitamin K and, 225, 290
Borden, Amanda, 379
Borg Rating of Perceived Exertion Scale, 374, 375f
Boron, 328
Breastfeeding, 403–405
to avoid food allergies, 432
breast milk composition and, 404f, 404–405
conditions precluding, 405
Built environment, 340
Bulimia nervosa, 442, 443, 444f
B vitamins, 235, 238f, 238–250. See also Folate; Niacin; Pantothenic acid; Riboflavin; Thiamin; Vitamin B6; Vitamin B12
as coenzymes, 238, 238f
for athletes, 383
during pregnancy, 401
Calcitriol, 214, 216
adolescent need for, 440
blood, vitamin D and, 214, 215f, 216
bone and, 288f, 289, 290, 291f
in childhood, 426
functions in body, 287–289, 288f
in plant-based diets, 198–199
during pregnancy, 400
rickets and, 210
sources of, 289, 289f
supplementary, 290–291
in yogurt, 441
Calcium homeostasis, 288
Calories, 342
defined, 6
weight loss and, 359
Campylobacter, 467, 467f, 470f, 475
alcohol use and, 450
defined, 191
development of, 191f, 191–192, 192f
fat intake and, 154
of lung, prevention of, 260–261
Mediterranean diet and, 202
metastasis of, 191, 191f
reducing risk of, 191–192, 192f, 271
of skin, sunlight and, 226, 227
Carbohydrate(s), 3, 5f, 75–97. See also Grains; Sugar(s)
complex, 78f, 79
digestion of, 84–86
for endurance exercise, 375–376, 376f–378f, 378
fiber and. See Dietary fiber; Functional fiber
intake recommendations for, 91, 93, 93f, 378
simple, 77, 78f, 79
sources of, 79, 80f, 81, 81f
structure and function of, 77, 79
Carbohydrate counting, 111–112
Carbohydrate loading, 376, 377f
Carbon skeletons, 172, 173f
Carboxyl groups, 122
Cardiorespiratory exercise, 367, 368f
Cardiovascular disease (CVD), 144f, 144–154. See also Coronary artery disease (CAD); Heart disease
atherosclerosis and, 145, 146f, 147, 147f
defined, 145
heart-protective diet to prevent, 151–154, 152f, 155f
risk factors for, 147–151, 148f, 151f
Carotenoids, 194, 195f, 196, 196f, 217, 221
Catabolism, 369
Cecum, 64, 65f
Celiac disease, 49–51, 62, 66, 69, 430
Cell(s), 50f
Cell differentiation, vitamin A and, 219
Cell membrane, nutrient transport across, 61–62, 62f
Cellulose, 78f
Chemical digestion, 53, 56, 56f
Children. See also Infants
food allergies in, 416, 429–432, 430f, 431f
foods eaten by, 419–420, 419f–421f
growth and development of, 417, 418f, 419
iron poisoning in, 323
nutrients of concern for, 426, 427f, 428
nutritional recommendations for, 422–423, 422f–424f, 425–426
obesity in, 428f, 428–429
vegetarian diets and, 199–200
Chloride, 297
Cholecystokinin (CCK), 61
Cholesterol, 124–125, 125f
LDL and HDL, 129f, 129–130. See also High-density lipoproteins (HDLs); Low-density lipoproteins (LDLs)
vitamin D production from, 212, 214
Choline, 250, 253f
ChooseMyPlate. See MyPlate
Chromium, 328, 329f
Chronic diseases, 7
Chylomicrons, 127, 129f
Chyme, 58, 60
Circular folds, 58, 60f
Circulatory system, 62, 63f
Clostridium perfringens, 467, 467f, 470f
Cobalamin. See Vitamin B12
Coenzymes, 235
acetyl-coenzyme A as, 448
B vitamins as, 238, 238f
Co-factors, trace minerals as, 312
Cognitive ability
iodine deficiency during pregnancy and, 316
vitamin B12 and, 248
Cohen, Pieter, 264–265, 276
College years. See Late adolescence
Colon, 64, 65f
Common cold, vitamin C and, 251
Complementary proteins, 198, 198f
Complete proteins, 177, 197
Complex carbohydrates, 78f, 79
Constipation, 67 (CL), 270
Control group, 13
Convenience stores, 28
Copper, 324–326, 329f
deficiency of, 325
functions in body, 324–325
intake recommendations for, 325
sources of, 325–326, 326f
Coronary arteries, 145
Coronary artery disease (CAD). See also Cardiovascular disease (CVD); Heart disease
“French paradox” and, 194
in Inuit people, 119–120, 126–127, 132, 136–137
Correlational evidence, 14
Creatine monohydrate, 383
Creatine phosphate, 370
Cretinism, 316
Critical periods, 397
Crohn’s disease, 67
Cross-contamination, of foods, preventing, 475
Curcumin, 195f
Cytosol, 369
Dahl, Lewis K., 283, 284
DASH diet, 295, 295f
Dawes, Dominique, 379
alcohol use and, 451
risk related to body mass index, 353, 353f
Dehydration, 303–304, 381
Delayed cord clamping, 392–393, 408–409
DelSordo, Mario, 36, 36f
Denaturation, of protein, 168–169, 169f
Dental caries, 87–88
prevention of, 327–328
Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), 167
“Developmental origins hypothesis,” 2
DeWaal, Caroline Smith, 464, 473
Diabetes mellitus, 99–117
blood glucose regulation and, 100–101, 101f
complications of, 105, 106f
gestational, 105–106, 107f, 401
hypoglycemia and, 112
increase in, 106, 108, 108f
insulin and, 100, 102–103
treatment and prevention of, 108f, 108–113, 111f
type 1, 100–103
type 2, 103–105, 104f–106f
Diarrhea, 67
zinc supplementation for, 323
DASH, 295, 295f
healthy. See Healthy diets
heart-protective, 151–154, 152f, 155f
high-fat, health risks of, 154
high-protein, 164, 171, 175, 180–181
plant-based. See Mediterranean diet; Plant-based diets; Semi-vegetarian diets; Vegetarian diets
Dietary fat, 3, 5f, 120. See also High-density lipoproteins (HDLs); Lipids; Lipoproteins; Low-density lipoproteins (LDLs)
adipose tissue and, 122
hydrogenation of, 132
Dietary fiber, 78f, 79, 90–91
in childhood, 426
insoluble, 90, 91, 91f, 92f
intake recommendations for, 90
soluble, 90, 91f
types of, 90, 91f
Dietary folate equivalents (DFEs), 245, 246f
Dietary Guidelines for Americans (DGAs), 29–30, 30f–34f, 32–33, 35, 152
children and, 419f, 422, 423
on vegetarian diets, 190
Dietary Reference Intake (DRI) values, 8, 8f, 9f, 11
Dietary supplement(s), 258–281
functional foods and, 274–276, 275f, 276f
harm caused by, 270–272, 271f, 272f
herbal, pros and cons of, 272–273, 273f
labeling of, 265, 266f, 267–270
people benefiting from, 263, 264f
quality of, 267, 269–270
regulation of, 263–265, 265f
risks associated with, 276
Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA) of 1994, 262, 263, 264
Dieting, 357–359
Diferuloymethane, 195f
facilitated, 62, 62f
simple, 61–62, 62f
Digestion, 49–73
bacteria in, 64, 66
of carbohydrates, 84–86
chemical, 53, 56, 56f
defined, 51
disorders of, 66–67, 68f, 69. See also Celiac disease
gastrointestinal tract and accessory organs and. See Accessory organs; Gastrointestinal tract; specific organs
of lipids, 127, 128f
mechanical, 53–54, 55f
overview of, 52, 52f
path of, 57–64
of protein, 168–169, 170f
Digestive system, 53, 54f. See also Accessory organs; Gastrointestinal tract; specific organs
Dipeptides, 166
Disaccharides, 77, 78f
autoimmune, 100. See also Celiac disease; Diabetes mellitus
chronic, 7
diverticular, 67, 68f
fecal-oral transmission of, 468
foodborne. See Foodborne illness
obesity and, 343, 344f
protein-deficiency, 177–178, 179f
risk of, nutrition and, 3, 4f
vitamin deficiency. See specific vitamins and diseases
Diverticular disease, 67, 68f
Docosapentaenoic acid (DPA), 131, 132, 136
in plant-based diets, 199
Donohue, Zachary, 365–366
Drinking water. See Water
Dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA), 356f, 357
Duodenum, 58, 60f
Dutch Hunger Winter, 1–2, 244–245
Dyerberg, Jørn, 119, 120, 126–127, 130, 131, 132, 136, 137
Eating behaviors
of children, parents and, 423, 425
in late adolescence, determinants of, 440–441, 441f
Eating disorders, 442–446
causes of, 445–446
newly recognized, 444–445
prevalence of, 442
types of, 442–444, 444f, 445f
Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), 130–131, 132, 136, 199
Eijkman, Christiaan, 239–240
Elders. See Aging
Electrolytes, 292–293, 293f. See also Chloride; Potassium; Sodium
Embryo, 394
Emulsification, 127
Emulsifiers, 126
aerobic energy systems and, 369, 371–374, 372f, 373f
anaerobic energy systems and, 369–371
defined, 342
intake recommendations for, during pregnancy, 396–397, 398f
needs for, during lactation, 405
nutrients as source of, 5–6
requirements for, in childhood, 422, 422f
Energy balance, 342–343, 343f, 351–357
hormones and, 343, 345, 345f
Energy density, 25, 26f, 27, 27f
Energy metabolism, water-soluble vitamins and, 235
Energy substrates, 369
Enrichment, with niacin, 242
Enzymes, digestive, 56, 56f, 57
in carbohydrate digestion, 84–85, 85f
Epidemiological studies, 13, 14f
Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), 195f
Epigenetics, 12
Epinephrine, 112, 429
Epithelial cells, vitamin A and, 219
Ergogenic aids, 382–383
Escherichia coli, 464, 467, 470f, 471
Esophagus, 54f, 59f
Essential amino acids, 166f, 166–167
Essential fatty acids, 131
Estimated Average Requirements (EARs), 8, 9f, 10f
Estimated Energy Requirements (EERs), 9f, 10, 360f
Excretion, 52, 52f
Exercise. See also Athletes; Physical fitness
body building and, 380–381
in diabetes, 112
endurance, carbohydrates for, 375–376, 376f–378f, 378
energy and, 369–374, 370f
fitness and, 366–367, 367f
intensity of, measures of, 374–375, 375f
resistance, 367, 368f, 380
types of, 367, 368f
Experiment(s), 12–13, 14f
Experimental group, 13
Experimental model systems, 13, 14f
Extracellular fluid, 299, 299f
Eyes, vitamin A and, 219, 219f, 221–222
Facilitated diffusion, 62, 62f
Famine, maternal, childhood obesity related to, 2
Fasano, Alessio, 66
Fasting hypoglycemia, 112
Fat(s), dietary. See Dietary fat; Lipids
Fat-free mass (FFM), basal metabolic rate and, 347, 348f, 349, 350f, 351
Fat-soluble vitamins, 211–231. See also Vitamin A; Vitamin D; Vitamin E; Vitamin K
properties of, 211f, 211–212, 212f
Fat substitutes, 135–136
Fatty acids, 122
cis, 122, 123f
degree of saturation of, 122, 123f
dietary fat composition of, 122, 124f
essential, 131
monounsaturated, 153
omega-6, 131, 132, 153, 199
omega-3. See Omega-3 fatty acids
polyunsaturated, 153
structure of, 122, 123f
trans, 122, 123f, 132, 134, 153
Fatty streaks, 150
Fecal-oral transmission, 468
Female athlete triad, 379–380
Fenugreek, 273f
Fermentation, 447
Fertility, 396
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASDs), 452
Fetal alcohol syndrome, 401
Fetus, 394
dietary. See Dietary fiber
functional, 90, 91f
Fitness. See Athletes; Exercise; Physical fitness
Flavanols, 194, 195f
Flavonoids, 194, 195f
Flaxseed, 195
Flexibility exercise, 367, 368f
Flexitarians, 189, 189f
Fluoride, 327–328, 329f
intake recommendations for, 328
Foam cells, 145
Folate, 244–247
deficiency of, 244–245, 246, 247, 247f
dietary folate equivalents and, 245, 246f
functions in body, 253f
during pregnancy, 244–245, 246–247, 399
Folic acid, 245
Food additives, 479f, 479–480
Food allergen(s), 429, 431f
Food Allergen Labeling and Consumer Protection Act of 2004, 431–432
Food allergies, 416, 429–432, 430f, 431f
Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 38
claims on food labels and, 40f, 41
dietary supplement regulation by, 263–265, 265f, 267, 269
sugar alternatives and, 88, 89f
Foodborne illness
contamination and, 465, 466f
foodborne infections and, 468
foodborne intoxication and, 467–468
pathogens causing, 467, 469
persons at risk for, 469, 471, 471f
place of food preparation and, 464, 464f
symptoms of, 469, 470f
Foodborne infections, 468
Foodborne intoxication, 467–468
Food defense, 473
Food deserts, 24, 27–28, 35, 36f, 37–38, 481
Food environment, 340
Food guides
for Americans, 29–30, 30f–34f, 32–33, 35. See also Dietary Guidelines for Americans (DGAs)
global, 37, 37f
Food insecurity, 480–482, 481f
Food intolerances, 430–431
Food jags, 426
Food labeling, 38–43
allergen labeling and, 431–432
claims and, 40f, 41
future, 41–43, 42f
ingredients lists and, 39, 41
Nutrition Facts Panel and, 38, 39f
percent Daily Value and, 38–39
trans fats and, 153
Food poisoning. See Foodborne illness
Food Pyramid, 33
Food safety, 463–480. See also Foodborne illness
avoiding cross-contamination of foods and, 475
food additives and, 479f, 479–480
Food Safety Modernization Act and, 265, 265f, 473, 473f
food temperatures and, 475–479, 476f–478f
HACCP and irradiation and, 471–473
history of, 465, 466f, 467, 467f
in home, 473–480, 474f, 475f
during pregnancy, 402f, 403
Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) of 2011, 265, 265f, 473, 473f
Food security, 480–484, 481f
genetically modified organisms and, 482–483, 483f
sustainability and, 483
Food Stamps, 482
Foremilk, 404
Formula feeding, 406
Fortification, with niacin, 242
France, dietary guidelines in, 37
Free radicals
antioxidant protection against damage from, 220–221, 221f, 224, 224f, 251
sources and effects of, 220f, 220–221
French maritime pine bark, 273f
“French paradox,” 194
Freshman 15, 438, 441–442
Fructose, 78f, 79, 110
Fruita Planta, 264
Functional fiber, 90, 91f
Functional foods, 274–276, 275f, 276f
Funk, Casimir, 239, 240
Galactose, 78f, 79, 110
Gallagher, Mari, 23, 28, 35, 37, 38, 42–43
Gallbladder, 54f
Gallstones, 67, 68f
Garlic, 273f
Gastric band, 358f
Gastric bypass, 358f
copper deficiency and, 325
vitamin B12 deficiency and, 249–250
Gastric juices, 58
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), 67, 68f
Gastrointestinal motility, 53–54, 55f
Gastrointestinal tract, 52f, 52–66. See also specific organs
bacteria in, 64, 66
“Generally recognized as safe” (GRAS), 88, 263–264, 480
Genetically modified (GM) foods, 482–483, 483f
Genetically modified organisms (GMOs), 482–483, 483f
Genetics, 12
Genomics, nutritional, 13
Gestation, 394. See also Pregnancy
Gestational diabetes, 105–106, 107f, 401
Ghrelin, 343, 345f
Ginger, 273f
Glucagon, 100
Glucose, 78f, 79
in body, 85–86. See also Blood glucose
Gluten sensitivity
celiac disease and. See Celiac disease
non-celiac, 69
Glycemic index (GI), 110
low, in gestational diabetes, 105
Glycemic load (GL), 111
Glycerol, 122
Glycogen, 78f, 79
endurance exercise and, 375f, 375–376, 376f
Glycolysis, 370–371
Goiter, 311–312, 315–316
Goldberger, Joseph, 233, 234–235, 237, 241
anatomy of, 82f
refining of, 76, 81–82, 82f
whole, 76, 82–83
Grossfield, Muriel, 378–379
in childhood, 417, 418f, 419
in infancy, 406f, 406–408
in late adolescence, 439
retardation of, zinc deficiency and, 323
Growth charts, 417, 418f
Growth spurts, 417
Guiding Stars, 42
Hand washing, to prevent foodborne illness, 474
Hangovers, 453–454
Hawthorn, 273f
Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP), 472–473
Health claims
on dietary supplement labels, 267, 268f
on food labels, 40f, 41
Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010, 420, 421f
Healthy diets, 23–47
components of, 24–25, 25f
defined, 24
Dietary Guidelines for Americans and, 29–30, 30f–34f, 32–33, 35
food labeling. See Food labeling
global nutrition and, 35–37, 37f
nutrient density and energy density of foods and, 25, 26f, 27, 27f
Solid Fats and Added Sugars and, 28–29, 29f
Healthy People 2000, 16
Heartburn, 67
Heart disease. See also Cardiovascular disease (CVD); Coronary artery disease (CAD)
in Inuit people, 119–120, 126–127, 132, 136–137
Mediterranean diet and, 120, 202
Heart-protective diet, 151–154, 152f, 155f
Heavy drinking, 446, 451f
Heme iron, 198
Hemicellulose, 78f
Hemoglobin, 312, 317, 320–321, 400
Hemorrhage, vitamin K deficiency and, 226
Hemorrhoids, 67, 68f
Herbal supplements, 272–273, 273f
High-density lipoproteins (HDLs), 129f, 129–130, 149
niacin to raise, 242
Hindmilk, 404
“Hitting the wall,” 375–376
Holick, Michael, 209, 213, 226
Holman, Ralph, 130–131
Holy basil, 273f
Homeostasis, maintenance of, 6–7
anabolic, 100
blood glucose regulation and, 100
of digestive system, 56
vitamin D as, 214
Hubbell, Madison, 365–369, 374, 382, 384
Hunger, 343, 345–346
appetite and, 345–346
hormones and, 343, 345, 345f
Hydrochloric acid (HCL), 58
Hydrogenation, 132
Hygiene hypothesis, 416, 431, 432
Hypercalcemia, 290–291
Hyperglycemia, 100–101
Hypertension. See Blood pressure
Hypervitaminosis A, 222
Hypervitaminosis D, 216–217
Hypoglycemia, 112
Hypokalemia, 296, 297
Hyponatremia, 303–304
water intake and, 382
Hypotheses, 12
Hypothyroidism, 315–316
Hypovitaminosis A, 221–222
Ice dancing, 365–366
Ileum, 58, 60f
Illness. See Diseases; Foodborne illness; specific diseases
Immune function
immune response and, 430
vitamin E and, 224
Immunoglobulin E (IgE), 429
Incomplete proteins, 177, 197–198
breastfeeding of, 403f, 403–404
delayed cord clamping and, 392–393, 408–409
factors influencing birth weight of, 396
formula feeding of, 406
growing, nutrition for, 406f, 406–408
introducing solid food to, 407–408, 408f, 432
iron needs of, 408
low birth weight, 2, 400
small for gestational age, 395
spina bifida in, 245
vitamin K in, 226
Inflammatory bowel disease, 67, 69
Ingestion, 52, 52f
Ingredients lists, 39, 41
Initiation stage, of cancer development, 191, 191f
Insoluble fiber, 90, 91, 91f, 92f
discovery as treatment for diabetes, 102–103
glucose control and, 100
mass production of, 103
Insulin pumps, 109
Insulin resistance, 103–104, 104f
Interstitial fluid, 299
alcohol, factors influencing, 448–449, 449f
foodborne, 467–468
Intracellular fluid, 299, 299f
Inuit people, heart disease in, 119–120, 126–127, 132, 136–137
Iodine, 314–317, 329f
deficiency of, 311–312, 314, 315–316
functions in body, 315, 315f
intake recommendations for, 317
during pregnancy, 400
sources of, 314–315, 317f
Ions, 285
Iron, 317–323, 329f
absorption of, 319–320, 320f
adolescent need for, 440
in childhood, 426
cord clamping and, 408–409
deficiency of, 317, 320–322, 408–409
heme, 198, 317, 318f, 319
hemoglobin and, 312
infant needs for, 408
intake recommendations for, 322–323
non-heme, 198, 318f, 319
in plant-based diets, 198
during pregnancy, 399, 400
sources of, 319, 322f
toxicity of, 323
Iron-deficiency anemia, 320–322
in pregnancy, 400
prevalence of, 317
Irradiation, of food, 472
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), 67
Isoflavones, 194
Jack in the Box restaurants, 467, 471
Jackson, Samuel L., 463
Jejunum, 58, 60f
Jirtle, Randy, 12
Joslin Diabetes Center, 99
The Jungle (Sinclair), 465
Junod, Suzanne, 465, 467
Katzmarzyk, Peter, 151
Keratinization, 222
Ketoacidosis, 100
Ketone bodies, 100
Kilocalories (kcals), 6
Kimani (gorilla), 209, 213
Kondrashova, Anita, 415, 416, 432
Kwashiorkor, 178, 179f
of dietary supplements, 265, 266f, 267–270
of food. See Food labeling
Lactase, 84, 85f
Lactate, 371
Lactation, 403. See also Breastfeeding
nutrition during, 405, 405f
Lacto-ovo vegetarians, 189, 189f, 199–200
Lactose, 78f, 79
Lactose intolerance, 84–85, 430
Lacto-vegetarians, 189, 189f
Laffel, Lori, 106, 108
Lamont, Linda, 173, 175, 180
Large intestine, 54f, 64, 65f
Late adolescence, 436–461
alcohol use in. See Alcohol use and abuse
determinants of eating behavior in, 440–441, 441f
eating challenges on campus and, 441–442, 443f
eating disorders in. See Eating disorders
growth and development in, 439
nutrient requirements in, 439–440
transition to college life in, 455
Lecithin, 126
Lee, Helen, 38
Leptin, 345, 345f
Let’s Move, 429
Levine, James, 339–340, 342, 346, 349, 351, 359, 361, 362
Licorice root, 273f
Limiting amino acids, 177
Lind, James, 251
Linoleic acid, 131
Lipases, 57, 127
Lipids, 118–141, 142–161. See also Dietary fat; Fatty acids; High-density lipoproteins (HDLs); Lipoproteins; Low-density lipoproteins (LDLs)
cardiovascular disease and. See Cardiovascular disease (CAV)
defined, 120
digestion and absorption of, 127, 128f
intake recommendations for, 134–136
roles in body, 121–122
structure and function of, 121, 121f
transport of, 127, 129f, 129–130, 130f
Lipoproteins, 127, 129f, 129–130, 130f, 149. See also High-density lipoproteins (HDLs); Low-density lipoproteins (LDLs)
Listeria monocytogenes, 403, 469, 470f
Listeriosis, 403, 469
Liver, 54f
Lobules, of breast, 403, 403f
Low birth weight (LBW) infants, 2, 400
Low-density lipoproteins (LDLs), 129, 129f
antioxidant action of vitamin E and, 224, 224f
atherosclerosis and, 145
niacin to lower, 242
Lower esophageal sphincter, 58, 59f
Lumen, 52
Lung cancer, prevention of, 260–261
Lutein, 196
Lycopene, 195f, 196
Lymphatic system, nutrient circulation in, 62, 63f
MacLeod, John, 102, 103
Macro minerals, 284. See also Calcium; Chloride; Magnesium; Phosphorus; Potassium; Sodium; Sulfur
Macronutrients, 5f, 5–6, 210–211. See also Carbohydrate(s); Lipids; Protein; Water
functions in body, 288f, 291
sources of, 292f
Major minerals, 284. See also Calcium; Chloride; Magnesium; Phosphorus; Potassium; Sodium; Sulfur
Malnutrition, 7. See also Overnutrition; Undernutrition
food deserts and, 38
protein deficiency and, 177–178, 179f
Maltase, 84, 85f
Maltose, 78f, 79
Manganese, 328, 329f
Mannitol, 89f
Marasmus, 178, 179f
Maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max), 374
Meat Inspection Act of 1906, 465, 467
Mechanical digestion, 53–54, 55f
Mediterranean diet, 120, 187, 188, 201f, 201–203
health benefits of, 202–203
Megaloblastic anemia, 246, 247f, 248
Menstruation, in female athletes, 379
Mercer, Judith, 391–393, 409
Mercury contamination, of fish, 400–401
Messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA), 167
Metabolic syndrome, 149–150, 150f
of alcohol, 447–448, 448f
basal, 346–347, 347f
of energy, water-soluble vitamins and, 235
Metastasis, 191, 191f
Methyl groups, 122
Micelles, 127
Microcytic hypochromic anemia, 317, 320–322
Micro minerals. See Chromium; Copper; Fluoride; Iodine; Iron; Manganese; Molybdenum; Selenium; Trace minerals; Zinc
Micronutrients, 6, 6f, 210. See also -Vitamin(s); Vitamin A; Vitamin D; Vitamin E; Vitamin K
Microvilli, 58, 61f
Mindless Eating: Why We Eat More Than We Think (Wansink), 438
Minerals, 3, 6f, 284–298
absorption and bioavailability of, 286
defined, 284
in food, 286–287
major (macro), 284. See also Calcium; Chloride; Magnesium; Phosphorus; Potassium; Sodium; Sulfur
overview of, 284–285, 285f
trace (micro). See Chromium; Copper; Fluoride; Iodine; Iron; Manganese; Molybdenum; Selenium; Trace minerals; Zinc
ultratrace, 328
Mitochondria, 369, 372–373
Moderation, as component of healthy diets, 24
Modifiable risk factors, for cardiovascular disease, 148, 148f
Molybdenum, 328, 329f
Monosaccharides, 77, 78f
Monounsaturated fatty acids, 122, 123f, 153
Morning sickness, 401
Mouth, 54f, 57
Mozaffarian, Rebecca, 75, 77, 82, 83, 87, 93
Mucosa, 52
Mucus, 52
Murray, Joseph, 49–51, 52–53, 69
Mutations, cancer and, 191, 191f
My Daily Food Plan, 34f, 35
Myocardial infarction, 145, 146f
Myoglobin, 317, 319
MyPlate, 32f–33f, 33, 35, 82, 83
children and, 422, 423, 424f
on meal planning for pregnancy, 397
on vegetarian diets, 199, 200f
National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP), 152
National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), 17
National School Lunch Program (NSLP), 420, 482
National Weight Control Registry (NWCR), 359
Negative energy balance, 342, 343f
Neotame, 89f
Neuromotor exercise, 367, 368f
Neurotransmitters, thiamin deficiency and, 240
Neutraceuticals, 274–276, 275f, 276f
Newman, William, 150
Niacin, 241–242
deficiency of, 233–235, 237, 241, 242
enrichment with, 242
fortification with, 242
functions in body, 253f
sources of, 241–242, 243f
toxicity of, 242
Niacin equivalents (NEs), 242
Nickel, 328
Nicotinic acid. See Niacin
Nielsen, Aase Brøndum, 136
Nitrogen balance, 172–173, 174f
Non-celiac gluten sensitivity, 69
Nonessential amino acids, 166f, 166–167
Nonexercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT), 349, 350f, 351
weight loss and, 361–362
Non-heme iron, 198
Non-nutritive sweeteners, 88, 89f
Norovirus, 467, 467f, 470f
North American diet, assessment of, 17
NSF International (NSF), 270
Nutrient(s), 3, 5–7. See also Carbohydrate(s); Dietary fats; Lipids; Minerals; Proteins; Vitamins; Water
circulation in blood and lymph, 62, 63f
classes of, 3
digestion of. See Digestion
essential, 3
homeostasis and, 6–7
intake recommendations for, 8–10, 8f–10f
macro-, 5f, 5–6
micro-, 6, 6f
phyto-, 6
transport across cell membrane, 61–62, 62f
Nutrient claims, on food labels, 40f, 41
Nutrient deficiency, 7
Nutrient density, 25, 26f
defined, 2
disease risk and, 3, 4f
science of, 2, 3f
Nutritional genomics, 13
Nutrition Facts Panel, 38, 39f
Nutrition information
credible sources of, 15–16, 16f
evaluating sources of, 18
Nutrition Labeling and Education Act (NLEA) of 1990, 38, 39
NuVal Nutrition Scoring System, 42
Obama, Barack, 473
Obama, Michelle, 429
Obesity, 7
abdominal, 353, 355, 355f
in childhood, 428f, 428–429
diabetes and, 103
energy balance and, 342, 343f
factors contributing to development of, 351, 352f
fat intake and, 154
food deserts and, 38
as global problem, 36–37
health consequences of, 343, 344f
maternal diet during pregnancy and, 2, 11–12
nonexercise activity thermogenesis and, 349, 350f, 351
prevalence and consequences of, 340, 341f, 342
surgical treatment of, 357, 358f. See also Gastric bypass
Older adults. See Aging
Olestra, 136
Oligosaccharides, 79
Omega-6 fatty acids, 131–132, 153, 199
Omega-3 fatty acids, 131–132, 135, 153
in plant-based diets, 199
during pregnancy, 400–401
Omenn, Gilbert, 259–260, 270, 272
Opsin, 219, 219f
Oral cavity, 54f, 57
Oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT), 104, 105f
Organ(s), 51f. See also specific organs
Organic foods
conventional foods vs., 200–201
food safety and, 478f, 478–479
Organ systems, 51f
Orthorexia nervosa, 445
Osmosis, 299, 299f
Osteomalacia, 216
Osteopenia, 290
Osteoporosis, 290
in female athletes, 379
vitamin A toxicity and, 222
Other specified feeding or eating disorder (OSFED), 444–445
Overhydration, 297–298, 303
Overnutrition, 7, 482
Overweight, 340
Pai You Guo, 265
Pancreas, 54f
Pancreatic juice, 60
Pantothenic acid, 244
functions in body, 253f
Parasites, foodborne illness caused by, 469
Parathyroid hormone (PTH), calcium and, 288–289
Parents, children’s eating behaviors and, 423, 425
Pellagra, 233–235, 237, 242
Pepsin, 168
Peptide(s), 166
Peptide bonds, 166, 166f
Percent Daily Value (%DV), 38–39
Peristalsis, 54, 55f
Pernicious anemia, 250
Pescatarians, 189, 189f
Phelps, Michael, 163, 164, 181
Philabundance, 36, 36f
Phillips, Stuart, 175, 181
Phosphagen system, 370
Phosphocreatine, 370
Phospholipids, 126, 126f
Phosphorus, 291–292
functions in body, 288f
Photosynthesis, 79, 81, 81f
Physical activity. See also Exercise
fitness and, 366
Physical fitness, 364–389
components of, 366–369, 367f, 368f
energy and, 369–374, 370f
exercise and. See Exercise
recommendations for, 383–384
Phytochemicals, 6, 192–196
Phytoestrogens, 195
Pica, 401
Placebo(s), 13
Placebo effect, 13
Placenta, 393, 393f
Plant-based diets, 186–207. See also Mediterranean diet; Semi-vegetarian diets; Vegetarian diets
benefits of, 190
guidelines for, 199–200
iron in, 198
nutrition plan for, 196–199, 197f
organic vs. conventional foods and, 200–201
phytochemical benefits and, 192–196
protein in, 197–198, 198f
Plaque, 145, 146f
antioxidant action of vitamin E and, 224, 224f
Polyols, 88
Polypeptides, 166
Polyphenols, 193–194, 194f, 195f
Polysaccharides, 78f, 79
Polyunsaturated fatty acids, 122, 123f, 153
Positive energy balance, 342, 343f
Potassium, 296–297
blood pressure and, 296
deficiency of, 297
functions in body, 296
intake recommendations for, 284
sources of, 296f
Prasad, Ananda, 323
Prebiotics, 66, 275–276, 276f
Prediabetes, 104
Preformed vitamin A, 217
Pregnancy, 393–403
alcohol use during, 452
defined, 393
energy and nutrient needs during, 396–401, 398f
factors influencing birth weight and, 396
folate needs during, 244–245, 246–247, 399
foodborne illness during, 469
food safety during, 402f, 403
gestational diabetes and, 105–106, 107f
healthy, 401
increased nutrients needed during, 397, 399
iodine needs during, 316
iron needs during, 400
nutrition before conception and, 396–397
nutrition during, children’s weight and, 2, 11–12
omega-3 fatty acids during, 400–401
timeline of, 394, 394f
vitamin A needs during, 399–400
weight gain in, 395, 396f, 397f
Probiotics, 64, 66, 275–276, 276f
Processed foods, 24
Progression stage, of cancer development, 191, 191f
Promotion stage, of cancer development, 191, 191f
Prostaglandins, 136
Proteases, 58, 168
Protein, 3, 5f, 162–185
athletes’ need for, 163, 164, 173, 175, 181
complementary, 198, 198f
complete, 177, 197
deficiency of, 177–178, 179f
denaturation of, 168–169, 169f
diets high in, 164, 171, 175, 180–181
digestion and absorption of, 168–169, 170f
folding of, 168, 168f
incomplete, 177, 197–198
intake recommendations for, 164–165, 175
in plant-based diets, 197–198, 198f
quality of, 175, 176f, 177, 178f
roles in body, 164, 165f, 169, 171
seniors’ need for, 175
structure of, 165–167, 166f
Protein synthesis, 167f, 167–168
Protein turnover, 171–173, 172f–174f, 175
Protozoans, 469
Provitamins, 217
Puberty, 417, 419
Publishing research findings, 13
Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906, 465, 467
Pycnogenol, 273f
Pyloric sphincter, 58, 59f
Pyridoxine. See Vitamin B6
Pyruvate, 371
Quasi-vegetarians, 189, 189f
The Queen of Fats (Allport), 135
Quercetin, 195f
Randomized controlled trials (RCTs), 13, 14f
Reactive hypoglycemia, 112
Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs), 8, 9f, 10f
Rectum, 64, 65f
Refined grains, 76
Registered dietitians (RDs), 15
Regulation, of dietary supplements, 263–265, 265f
Reservatrol, 194
Resistance training, 367, 368f, 380
Resistant starches, 110
Respiration, 300
Rethinking Drinking program, 455
Retinal, 217, 219, 219f
Retinoic acid, 217
Retinoids, 217
Retinol, 217
Retinol activity equivalents (RAEs), 217–218
Rhodopsin, 219, 219f, 221–222
Riboflavin, 243
deficiency of, 243
functions in body, 253f
in plant-based diets, 199
sources of, 243, 244f
Rickets, 209–210, 216
Risk factors
for cancer, 191–192, 192f
for cardiovascular disease, 147–151, 148f–151f
Robinson, Mark, 297–298, 303
Roosevelt, Theodore, 465
Ros, Emilio, 188
Saccharin (Sugar Twin; Sweet’N Low), 88, 89f
St. John’s wort, 273f
Saliva, 57
Salivary glands, 54f
Salmonella, 467, 467f, 470f
Salty taste, 57
Satiation, 343, 345
Satiety, 343, 345
Saturated fats, sources of, 151f
Saturated fatty acids, 122, 123f, 127
Scientific method, 12–15, 13f
Scurvy, 250–251
Segmentation, 54, 55f
Selenium, 326–327, 329f
deficiency of, 326
functions in body, 326
intake recommendations for, 326, 327
sources of, 326–327, 327f
Semi-vegetarian diets, 189, 189f
Seniors. See Aging
Senna, 273f
Sesso, Howard, 271
Sibutramine, 264
Side chains, of amino acids, 165–166, 166f
Sign(s), 233
Significant Scientific Agreement (SSA), 267
Silicon, 328
Simple carbohydrates, 77, 78f, 79
Simple diffusion, 61–62, 62f
Sinclair, Upton, 465
cancer of, sunlight and, 226, 227
vitamin D production in, 212, 213
Skinfold thickness, 356f, 357
Small for gestational age (SGA) infants, 395
Small intestine, 54f, 58, 60, 60f–61f
Smoking, during pregnancy, 401
Sodium, 292–295
blood, low, 303–304
blood pressure and, 283, 284, 293
DASH diet and, 295, 295f
deficiency of, 382
functions in body, 293
intake recommendations for, 284, 293–294, 294f
limiting, 32
sources of, 293, 294f
Solid Fats and Added Sugars (SoFAS), 28–29, 29f
Solid food, introduction of, 407–408, 408f, 432
Solubility, of vitamins, 211
Soluble fiber, 90, 91f
Solutes, 299, 299f
Solvents, water as, 299
Sorbitol, 89f
Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC), 482
Sphincter, 58
Spina bifida, 245, 399
Sports drinks, 382
Sports supplements, 382–383
Staphylococcus, 467, 467f
Staphylococcus aureus, 468, 470f
Starches, 78f, 79
resistant, 110
Sterols, 124–125, 125f
Stevia (Pure Via; Truvia), 88, 89f
Stomach, 54f, 58, 59f
vitamin B12 deficiency and gastric bypass and, 249–250
Stop & Shop, 83
Stover, Patrick, 14–15
Stroke, 145, 146f
Structure/function claims
on dietary supplement labels, 267, 269f
on food labels, 40f, 41
Stunkard, Albert, 11
Sucralose (Splenda), 88, 89f
Sucrase, 84, 85f
Sucrose, 78f, 79, 110
Sugars, 78f, 79
added, 86–87
alternative, 88, 89f
blood. See Blood glucose
dental caries and, 87–88
Sulfur, 292
skin cancer and, 226, 227
vitamin D production and, 212, 213
Supplement(s). See Dietary supplement(s)
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), 482
Supplement Facts Panel, 265, 266f, 267
Sustainability, 483
Sweating, hydration and, 381
Sweeteners, non-nutritive, 88, 89f
Sweet taste, 57
Symptoms, 233
Tagatose (Naturlose), 89f
Taste buds, 57–58
Tauxe, Robert, 471
calcium and, 289
caries and, 87–88, 327–328
fluoride and, 327–328
Temperature, of food, 475–479, 476f–478f
Thawing, safe, 477, 477f
Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes (TLC), 152
Thermic effect of food (TEF), 347, 347f
Thiamin, 240–241
deficiency of, 240–241
functions in body, 253f
sources of, 240, 241f
Thirst, 301–302
Thompson, Leonard, 102–103
Thyroid gland, 315
Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), 315, 316
Tissues, 50f
Tocopherols, 222
Tolerable Upper Intake Levels (ULs), 9, 9f, 10f
Total energy expenditure (TEE), 346–347, 347f
“Toxic food environment,” 346
Trace minerals, 284, 310–333. See also Chromium; Copper; Fluoride; Iodine; Iron; Manganese; Molybdenum; Selenium; Zinc
as co-factors, 312
deficiencies of, 313
functions in body, 312, 313f
general properties of, 314f
Transcription, 167, 167f
Trans fatty acids, 132, 134, 153
Translation, 167, 167f
Treatment group, 13
Triglycerides, 122, 123f, 124, 124f
Trimesters, 394, 394f
Tripeptides, 166
Tryptophan, niacin synthesis from, 241–242
Type 1 diabetes mellitus, 100–103
Type 2 diabetes mellitus, 103–105, 104f–106f
Ulcer(s), 67, 68f
Ulcerative colitis, 67
Ultratrace minerals, 328
Umami, 57
Umbilical cord, 393
delayed clamping of, 392–393, 408–409
Undernourishment, 483–484, 484f
Undernutrition, 7, 482
Underwater weighing, 356f, 357
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)
dietary recommendations of, 32f–33f, 33, 35
meat inspection by, 467
United States gymnastics team, training for, 378–379
United States Pharmacopeial Convention (USP), 270
Unsaturated fatty acids, 122, 127
Unspecified feeding or eating disorder (UFED), 444–445
Uterus, 393
Vanadium, 328
Variety, as component of healthy diets, 24
Vegan diets, 189, 189f, 249
Vegetarian diets, 189, 189f, 196–198, 197f
Veins, 145
Very low density lipoproteins (VLDLs), 129, 129f
Villi, 58, 60f, 61f
Viruses, foodborne illness caused by, 469
Vision, vitamin A and, 219, 219f, 221–222
Vitamin(s), 3, 6f, 208–257. See also Dietary supplements; specific vitamins
bioavailability and solubility of, 211
deficiencies of, 237. See also specific vitamins
defined, 210
discovery of, 210–211
fat-soluble. See Fat-soluble vitamins; Vitamin A; Vitamin D; Vitamin E; Vitamin K
mega-doses of, 271
preserving in foods, 236, 236f
water-soluble. See B vitamins; Choline; Folate; Niacin; Pantothenic acid; Riboflavin; Thiamin; Vitamin B12; Vitamin B6; Vitamin C; Water-soluble vitamins
Vitamin A, 217–219
antioxidant protection from, 220–221, 221f
deficiency of, 221–222
functions in body, 219, 219f
lung cancer and, 260–261
preformed, 217
during pregnancy, 399–400
primary functions of, 211f
sources of, 217–218, 218f
toxicity of, 222
Vitamin B6, 243–244
deficiency of, 244
functions in body, 253f
sources of, 235f, 243–244
Vitamin B12, 247–250
deficiency of, 248, 249–250
functions in body, 253f
in plant-based diets, 199
sources of, 249, 249f
Vitamin C, 250–252
deficiency of, 250–251
functions in body, 251, 253f
sources of, 252, 252f
Vitamin D, 212–217
bone and, 290
in childhood, 428
deficiency of, 209–210, 216
functions in body, 214, 215f, 216
in plant-based diets, 198–199
during pregnancy, 400
primary functions of, 211f
production in skin, 212, 213
rickets and, 209–210, 216
sources of, 213–214, 214f
toxicity of, 216–217
Vitamin E, 222–224
deficiency of, 224
functions in body, 223–224, 224f
lung cancer and, 260
primary functions of, 211f
sources of, 223, 223f
toxicity of, 224
Vitamin K, 224–226
bone and, 290
deficiency of, 226
functions in body, 225
primary functions of, 211f
sources of, 225, 225f
toxicity of, 226
Vomiting, 66
Waist circumference, 353, 355, 355f
Walgreens, 43
Walking, weight loss and, 359, 361–362
Walmart, 43, 83
Wansink, Brian, 437–438
Water, 3, 5f, 284, 297–304
athletes’ intake of, 381–382, 382f
balance in body, 299f–301f, 299–302
excessive intake of, 297–298, 303
fluoridation of, 327–328
functions in body, 298–299
hard vs. soft, 286–287
intake recommendations for, 302f, 302–303
minerals in, 286–287
tap vs. bottled, 303
Waterland, Robert, 11–15, 17
Water-soluble vitamins, 211, 232–257. See also B vitamins; Choline; Folate; Niacin; Pantothenic acid; Riboflavin; Thiamin; Vitamin B12; Vitamin B6; Vitamin C
characteristics of, 235–237, 235f–237f
Weight gain, 346–351. See also Obesity; Overweight
energy expenditure and, 346–347, 347f
fat-free mass and basal metabolic rate and, 347, 348f, 349, 350f, 351
nonexercise activity thermogenesis and, 349, 350f, 351
in pregnancy, 395, 396f, 397f
Weight loss, 357–358
calories and, 359
dietary and lifestyle approaches to, 357–359, 360f
maintenance of, 360
strategies for, 361–362, 362f
surgical approaches to, 357, 358f. See also Gastric bypass
Wernicke-Korskoff syndrome, 240–241
Wheeler, George, 237
Whole grains, 76, 82–83
Whole Grains Council, 83, 93
Whole Grain Stamp, 83, 84, 93
Mediterranean diet and, 202
reservatrol in, 194
Wolfe, Robert, 171, 180–181
World Health Organization (WHO), 36–37
Xylitol, 89f
Yogurt, calcium in, 441
Zeaxanthin, 196
Zinc, 323–324, 329f
copper absorption and, 325
deficiency of, 323, 324
for diarrhea treatment, 323
functions in body, 323–324
intake recommendations for, 324
in plant-based diets, 198
sources of, 325f