The New York Times published this essay on March 12, 2006.
Concerning the nature of knowledge
Wikipedia, the free online encyclopedia, currently serves up the following: Five billion pages a month. More than 120 languages. In excess of one million English-
Wikipedia says yes, but I am unconvinced.
Qualifications such as a degree in a field
Dispensing with experts, the Wikipedians invite anyone to pitch in, writing an article or editing someone else’s. No expertise is required, nor even a name. Sound inviting? You can start immediately. The system rests upon the belief that a collectivity of unknown but enthusiastic individuals, by dint of sheer mass rather than possession of conventional credentials,° can serve in the supervisory role of editor. Anyone with an interest in a topic can root out inaccuracies and add new material.
At first glance, this sounds straightforward. But disagreements arise all the time about what is a problematic passage or an encyclopedia-
The egalitarian nature of a system that accords equal votes to everyone in the “community”—middle-
Wikipedia’s reputation and internal editorial process would benefit by having a single authority vouch for the quality of a given article. In the jargon of library and information science, lay readers rely upon “secondary epistemic criteria,” clues to the credibility of information when they do not have the expertise to judge the content.
“What does Wikipedia’s system offer in place of an expert authority?”
Once upon a time, Encyclopaedia Britannica recruited Einstein, Freud, Curie, Mencken, and even Houdini as contributors. The names helped the encyclopedia bolster its credibility. Wikipedia, by contrast, provides almost no clues for the typical article by which reliability can be appraised. A list of edits provides only screen names or, in the case of the anonymous editors, numerical Internet Protocol addresses. Wasn’t yesterday’s practice of attaching “Albert Einstein” to an article on “Space-
What does Wikipedia’s system offer in place of an expert authority willing to place his or her professional reputation on the line with a signature attached to an article?
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When I asked Jimmy Wales, the founder of Wikipedia, last week, he discounted the importance of individual contributors to Britannica. “When people trust an article in Britannica,” he said, “it’s not who wrote it, it’s the process.” There, a few editors review a piece and then editing ceases. By contrast, Wikipedia is built with unending scrutiny and ceaseless editing.
He predicts that in the future, it will be Britannica’s process that will seem strange: “People will say, ‘This was written by one person? Then looked at by only two or three other people? How can I trust that process?’”
The Wikipedian hive is capable of impressive feats. The English-
If every topic could be addressed like this, without recourse to specialized learning—
Biographical entries, for example, are often accompanied by controversy. Several recent events have shown how anyone can tamper with someone else’s entry. Congressional staff members have been unmasked burnishing articles about their employers and vandalizing those of political rivals. (Sample addition: “He likes to beat his wife and children.”)
Mr. Wales himself ignored the encyclopedia’s guidelines about “Dealing with Articles about Yourself” and altered his own Wikipedia biography; when other editors undid them, he reapplied his changes. The incidents, even if few in number, do not help Wikipedia establish the legitimacy of a process that is reluctant to say no to anyone.
It should be noted that Mr. Wales is a full-
Most winningly, he has overseen a system that is gleefully candid in its public self-
It is easy to forget how quickly Wikipedia has grown; it began only in 2001. With the passage of a little more time, Mr. Wales and his associates may come around to the idea that identifying one person as a given article’s supervising editor would enhance the encyclopedia’s reputation.
Mr. Wales has already responded to recent negative articles about vandalism at the site with announcements of modest reforms. Anonymous visitors are no longer permitted to create pages, though they still may edit existing ones.
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To curb what Mr. Wales calls “drive-
When asked what problems on the site he viewed as most pressing, Mr. Wales said he was concerned with passing along the Wikipedian culture to newcomers. He sounded wistful when he spoke of the days not so long ago when he could visit an article that was the subject of a flame war and would know at least some participants—
As the project has grown, he has found that he no longer necessarily knows anyone in a group. When a dispute flared recently over an article related to a new dog breed, he looked at the discussion and asked himself in frustration, “Who are these people?”
Isn’t this precisely the question all users are bound to ask about contributors?
By wide agreement, the print encyclopedia in the English world reached its apogee in 1911, with the completion of Encyclopaedia Britannica’s 11th edition. (For the fullest tribute, turn to Wikipedia.) But the Wikipedia experiment need not be pushed back in time toward that model. It need only be pushed forward, so it can catch up to others with more experience in online collaboration: the open-
Wikipedia and open-
Jeff Bates, a vice president of the Open Source Technology Group who oversees, the host of more than 80,000 active open-
Wikipedia has good stuff, too. These have been designated “featured articles.” But it will be a long while before all one-
Mr. Wales is not happy with this pace and seems open to looking again at the open-
There’s no question that Wikipedia volunteers can address many more topics than the lumbering, for-
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In paragraph 3, Stross presents the Wikipedia philosophy. In your own words, summarize this philosophy.
At what points in his essay does Stross refute the Wikipedia philosophy? What aspects of this philosophy does he seem to disagree with most?
Do you think Stross should have provided formal definitions of the terms anonymous source and open source? Why or why not?
Where in the essay does Stross acknowledge Wikipedia’s strengths? Do you think that the encyclopedia’s strengths outweigh its weaknesses? Explain.
Do you agree with Jimmy Wales, founder of Wikipedia, that in the future, Britannica’s process “will seem strange” (para. 10)? Why or why not?
What does Stross mean when he says, “Version 1.0 is still in the future” (28)?