Working with two or three of your classmates, discuss your feelings about mandatory vaccination. Do you believe exemptions should be granted only for medical reasons or for personal or religious reasons as well? Write a paragraph that summarizes your group’s conclusions.
Write a cause-
Review the four pillars of argument discussed in Chapter 1. Does your essay include all four elements of an effective argument? Add anything that is missing. Then, label the key elements of your essay.
What could your school do to encourage students to adopt healthier lifestyles? Write an editorial for your college newspaper in the form of a cause-
If the university takes steps to encourage healthier lifestyles, students will benefit greatly.
If the university does not take steps to encourage students to adopt healthier lifestyles, the consequences could be serious.
Look at pictures of female celebrities online, and consider the likely effects of these images on teenage girls. Then, write an essay arguing for or against the charge that images such as these help to encourage poor self-
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In recent years, young children’s lives have become more and more structured. Instead of the free play that their parents enjoyed, many of today’s children are busy with scheduled sports, lessons, and play dates. Write an essay structured as a causal chain that traces the probable causes of this change as well as its likely effects on children and on their families. In your thesis statement, indicate whether you consider the effects positive or negative.