This article first appeared on on March 2, 2015.
Fulfill George Washington’s Last Wish—
In 1796, in his final annual address to Congress, President George Washington called for the creation of:
“… a National University; and also a Military Academy. The desirableness of both these Institutions, has so constantly increased with every new view I have taken of the subject, that I cannot omit the opportunity of once for all, recalling your attention to them.”
The Military Academy was soon built at West Point. But despite leaving $22,222 for its establishment (a lot of money back then) in his last will and testament, Washington’s National University never came to pass.
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Instead, lawmakers chose to rely on state governments and religious denominations to build and finance new colleges and universities.
Today, the American higher education system is in crisis. The price of college has grown astronomically, forcing students and parents to take out loans that now exceed $1.2 trillion in outstanding debt. Many of those loans are falling into default as graduates struggle to find work. The latest research suggests that our vaunted universities are producing graduates who haven’t learned very much.
The time has come to revive George Washington’s great idea, in 21st century form. Advances in information technology that would have seemed like pure magic in colonial times mean we can now create a 21st Century National University that will help millions of students get a high-
Washington’s Role
To see how, it helps to understand the three ways the federal government currently supports higher education.
“Second, the U.S. Department of Education provides $150 billion annually in grants and loans to help students pay for college.”
Two of them are well known. First, the Defense Department, National Institutes of Health, and other federal agencies spend hundreds of billions of dollars financing university-
As tuitions rise and states continue to slash funding for public universities (Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker recently proposed $300 million in new cuts), the federal government has become the college financier of last resort.
But there is a third essential federal role in higher education that is far less well known. In many ways, it’s the most important of them all, and the key to creating a 21st Century National University. In addition to funding colleges, the federal government approves colleges.
It does this through a little-
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A University with No Buildings
So, here’s the big idea: In order to build a 21st Century National University, all the federal government has to do is something very simple: Approve itself.
In George Washington’s days, this would have been only the first step of a process subsequently involving the construction of an actual university. Doing this today would accomplish little in solving the higher education crisis, because physical universities cost billions of dollars to construct from scratch and can still only enroll a handful of the many students who can’t afford a good education.
Fortunately, there’s no need for new buildings—
Tens of millions of students have already signed up for these courses over the last four years. Yet enrollment in traditional colleges hasn’t flagged, and prices have continued to rise. The reason is clear. The free college providers can’t (or won’t) give online students the one thing they need more than anything else: a college degree. Elite universities like Harvard and Stanford don’t want to dilute their exclusive brands. Nonelite universities don’t want to give away something they’re currently selling for a lot of money.
That’s where the federal government comes in. With some authorizing language from Congress and a small, one-
Don’t worry, federal bureaucrats won’t be in charge of academic matters. Instead, National U. would hire teams of leading scholars to evaluate and approve courses. Some of the decisions shouldn’t be difficult.
For example, this week, edX is launching a free, nine-
It seems likely that this is a good course.
A Degree from National U.
National U., moreover, wouldn’t be limited to courses from existing colleges. Any higher education provider, public or private sector, could submit a course for approval. Those that aren’t already accredited would pay a fee to cover the cost of evaluation.
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National U. would also map out which courses students need to take to earn an associate or bachelor’s degree. This won’t be difficult, since existing colleges have already established a standard set of requirements: a certain number of approved lower-
While many of the courses will be free, students will bear small costs for taking exams through secure online channels or in-
If it all sounds too good to be true, keep in mind that free online courses from the likes of MIT are a very recent phenomenon. Higher education policies just haven’t adapted to them—
The federal government’s higher education approval powers are long-
What proposal argument does Carey make in this essay?
Label the strategies used in this essay, following the model of the Prieto essay on the previous page.
Where does Carey make a cause-
Where does Carey make an evaluation argument? What is he evaluating? On what criteria does he base his essay?
Does Carey make a definition argument in this essay? Does he make an ethical argument? If so, where? If not, where could he add these strategies?
How does each strategy contribute to the overall effectiveness of Carey’s argument?