After you read an argument, read through it again, this time highlighting as you read. When you highlight, you use underlining and symbols to identify the essay’s most important points. (Note that the word highlighting does not necessarily refer to the underlining done with a yellow highlighter pen.) This active reading strategy will help you to understand the writer’s ideas and to see connections among those ideas when you reread.
How do you know what to highlight? As a general rule, you look for the same signals that you looked for when you read the essay the first time—
Underline key ideas—
Box or circle words or phrases you want to remember.
Place a check mark or a star next to an important idea.
Place a double check mark or double star next to an especially significant idea.
Draw lines or arrows to connect related ideas.
Write a question mark near an unfamiliar reference or a word you need to look up.
Number the writer’s key supporting points or examples.
Here is how a student, Katherine Choi, highlighted the essay “When Life Imitates Video” by John Leo, which appears below. Choi was preparing to write an essay about the effects of media violence on children and adolescents. She began her highlighting by underlining and starring the thesis statement (para. 2). She then circled references to Leo’s two key examples, “Colorado massacre” (1) and “Paducah, Ky.” (7) and placed question marks beside them to remind herself to find out more about them. In addition, she underlined and starred some particularly important points (2, 8, 9) as well as what she identified as the essay’s concluding statement (11).
This essay first appeared in U.S. News & World Report on May 3, 1999.
Marching through a large building using various bombs and guns to pick off victims is a conventional video-
Did the sensibilities created by the modern, video kill games play a role in the Littleton massacre? Apparently so. Note the cool and casual cruelty, the outlandish arsenal of weapons, the cheering and laughing while hunting down victims one by one. All of this seems to reflect the style and feel of the video killing games they played so often.
No, there isn’t any direct connection between most murderous games and most murders. And yes, the primary responsibility for protecting children from dangerous games lies with their parents, many of whom like to blame the entertainment industry for their own failings.
But there is a cultural problem here: We are now a society in which the chief form of play for millions of youngsters is making large numbers of people die. Hurting and maiming others is the central fun activity in video games played so addictively by the young. A widely cited survey of 900 fourth-
Dress rehearsal. The conventional argument is that this is a harmless activity among children who know the difference between fantasy and reality. But the games are often played by unstable youngsters unsure about the difference. Many of these have been maltreated or rejected and left alone most of the time (a precondition for playing the games obsessively). Adolescent feelings of resentment, powerlessness, and revenge pour into the killing games. In these children, the games can become a dress rehearsal for the real thing.
Psychologist David Grossman of Arkansas State University, a retired Army officer, thinks “point and shoot” video games have the same effect as military strategies used to break down a soldier’s aversion to killing. During World War II, only 15 to 20 percent of all American soldiers fired their weapon in battle. Shooting games in which the target is a man-
Video games are much more powerful versions of the military’s primitive discovery about overcoming the reluctance to shoot. Grossman says Michael Carneal, the schoolboy shooter in Paducah, Ky., showed the effects of video-
More realistic touches in video games help blur the boundary between fantasy and reality—guns carefully modeled on real ones, accurate-
These killings are supposed to be taken as harmless over-
SWAT teams and cops now turn up as the intended victims of some video-
“We have to start worrying about what we are putting into the minds of our young,” says Grossman. “Pilots train on flight simulators, drivers on driving simulators, and now we have our children on murder simulators.” If we want to avoid more Littleton-
Look carefully at Katherine Choi’s highlighting of John Leo’s essay above. How would your own highlighting of this essay be similar to or different from hers?
Reread “Violent Media Is Good for Kids.” As you read, highlight the essay, using different colors for different important points, and writing question marks and comments beside references that need further explanation, or to connect related ideas.
As you highlight, you should also annotate what you are reading. Annotating means making notes—
As you read an argument and think critically about what you are reading, use the questions in the following checklist to help you make useful annotations.
Questions for Annotating
What issue is the writer focusing on?
Does the writer take a clear stand on this issue?
What is the writer’s thesis?
What is the writer’s purpose (his or her reason for writing)?
What kind of audience is the writer addressing?
Does the argument appear in a popular periodical or in a scholarly journal?
Does the writer seem to assume readers will agree with the essay’s position?
What evidence does the writer use to support the essay’s thesis? Does the writer include enough evidence?
Does the writer consider (and refute) opposing arguments?
Do you understand the writer’s vocabulary?
Do you understand the writer’s references?
Do you agree with the points the writer makes?
Do the views the writer expresses agree or disagree with the views presented in other essays you have read?
The following pages, which reproduce Katherine Choi’s highlighting of John Leo’s essay also include her marginal annotations. In these annotations, Choi put Leo’s thesis and some of his key points into her own words and recorded a few questions that she intended to explore further. She also added notes to clarify his references to two iconic school shootings. Finally, she identified arguments against Leo’s position and his refutation of these arguments.
This essay first appeared in U.S. News & World Report on May 3, 1999.
Columbine H.S., 1999
Marching through a large building using various bombs and guns to pick off victims is a conventional video-
His position: “video kill games” can lead to violent behavior
Did the sensibilities created by the modern, video kill games play a role in the Littleton massacre? Apparently so. Note the cool and casual cruelty, the outlandish arsenal of weapons, the cheering and laughing while hunting down victims one by one. All of this seems to reflect the style and feel of the video killing games they played so often.
Opposing arguments
No, there isn’t any direct connection between most murderous games and most murders. And yes, the primary responsibility for protecting children from dangerous games lies with their parents, many of whom like to blame the entertainment industry for their own failings.
Date of survey?
(He means “training” does have negative effects, right?)
But there is a cultural problem here: We are now a society in which the chief form of play for millions of youngsters is making large numbers of people die. Hurting and maiming others is the central fun activity in video games played so addictively by the young. A widely cited survey of 900 fourth-
Opposing argument
Dress rehearsal. The conventional argument is that this is a harmless activity among children who know the difference between fantasy and reality. But the games are often played by unstable youngsters unsure about the difference. Many of these have been maltreated or rejected and left alone most of the time (a precondition for playing the games obsessively). Adolescent feelings of resentment, powerlessness, and revenge pour into the killing games. In these children, the games can become a dress rehearsal for the real thing.
Quotes psychologist (= authority)
Psychologist David Grossman of Arkansas State University, a retired Army officer, thinks “point and shoot” video games have the same effect as military strategies used to break down a soldier’s aversion to killing. During World War II, only 15 to 20 percent of all American soldiers fired their weapon in battle. Shooting games in which the target is a man-
Video games are much more powerful versions of the military’s primitive discovery about overcoming the reluctance to shoot. Grossman says Michael Carneal, the schoolboy shooter in Paducah, Ky., showed the effects of video-
More realistic touches in video games help blur the boundary between fantasy and reality—guns carefully modeled on real ones, accurate-
These killings are supposed to be taken as harmless over-
SWAT teams and cops now turn up as the intended victims of some video-
Recommendation for action
“We have to start worrying about what we are putting into the minds of our young,” says Grossman. “Pilots train on flight simulators, drivers on driving simulators, and now we have our children on murder simulators.” If we want to avoid more Littleton-
Reread Gerard Jones’s “Violent Media Is Good for Kids.” As you read, refer to the “Questions for Annotating” checklist and use them as a guide as you write your own reactions and questions in the margins of Jones’s essay. In your annotations, note where you agree or disagree with Jones, and briefly explain why. Quickly summarize any points that you think are particularly important. Look up any unfamiliar words or references you have identified, and write down brief definitions or explanations. Think about these annotations as you prepare to discuss the Jones essay in class (and, eventually, to write about it).
Exchange books or share computer screens with another student, and read his or her highlighting and annotating. How are your written responses similar to the other student’s? How are they different? Do your classmate’s responses help you to see anything new about Jones’s essay?