For Exercise 1.33, see page 24; for 1.34 and 1.35, see page 25; for 1.36 to 1.38, see page 26; for 1.39, see page 27; for 1.40 to 1.42, see pages 30-31; for 1.43, see page 32; and for 1.44 and 1.45, see page 33.
1.38 Include the outlier.
Include Suriname, where the start time is 208 days, in the data set, and show that the median is 12 days. Note that with this TTS25 case included, the sample size is now 25 and the median is the 13th observation in the ordered list. Write out the ordered list and circle the outlier. Describe the effect of the outlier on the median for this set of data.