EXAMPLE 11.1 A Space Model

Allocation of space or other resource within a business organization is often done using quantitative methods. Characteristics for a subunit of the organization are determined, and then a mathematical formula is used to decide the required needs.

A university has used this approach to determine office space needs in square feet (ft2) for each department.1 The formula allocates 210 ft2 for the department head (HEAD), 160 ft2 for each faculty member (FAC), 160 ft2 for each manager (MGR), 150 ft2 for each administrator and lecturer (LECT), 65 ft2 for each postdoctorate and graduate assistant (GRAD), and 120 ft2 for each clerical and service worker (CLSV). These allocations were not obtained through multiple linear regression but rather determined by a university committee using information on the numbers of each employee type and space availability in the buildings on campus.