EXAMPLE 14.11 Comparing the Likelihood of Purchase Scores

CASE 14.1 In the moral strategy study, . There are three populations, so the degrees of freedom in the numerator are . The degrees of freedom in the denominator are . In Table E, first find the column corresponding to two degrees of freedom in the numerator. For the degrees of freedom in the denominator, there are entries for 100 and 200. These entries are very close. To be conservative, we use critical values corresponding to 100 degrees of freedom in the denominator because these are slightly larger. Because 9.93 is beyond 7.41, we reject and conclude that the differences in means are statistically significant, with .

Critical value
0.100 2.36
0.050 3.09
0.025 3.83
0.010 4.82
0.001 7.41