EXAMPLE 15.10 Right Shade of Green

It is commonly thought that environmentally friendly consumption is driven by a desire to protect the environment and not to enhance one’s self-image. Is that the case in all settings? To study this, a two-factor experiment was run, in which subjects looked at an advertisement for a fuel-efficient vehicle and then reported their purchase intentions. One factor was whether the advertisement had a self-benefit or other-benefit appeal. The other factor was the type of accountability (public or private).8 Here are the mean purchase intentions:


Appeal Public Private Mean
Self-benefit 3.26 4.58 3.92
Other-benefit 4.84 3.37 4.11
Mean 4.05 3.98 4.01

The means are plotted in Figure 15.4. In the analysis of this experiment, only the interaction is statistically significant. How are we to interpret these results?

Figure 15.4: FIGURE 15.4 Plot of average purchase intent by accountability and appeal, Example 15.10.