For Exercises 15.1 to 15.3, see pages 15-6 to 15-7; for 15.4 to 15.6, see page 15-10; for 15.7, see pages 15-12 to 15-13; for 15.8 to 15.10, see page 15-15; for 15.11, see page 15-16; for 15.12 and 15.13, see page 15-18; and for 15.14 to 15.16, see pages 15-20 to 15-21.

Question 15.8

15.8 What’s wrong?

For each of the following, explain what is wrong and why.

  1. You should reject the null hypothesis that there is no interaction in a two-way ANOVA when the test statistic is small.
  2. Sums of squares are equal to mean squares divided by degrees of freedom.
  3. The significance tests for the main effects in a two-way ANOVA have a chi-square distribution when the null hypothesis is true.
  4. The estimate is obtained by pooling the marginal sample variances.