For Exercise 2.91, see page 106; for 2.92 and 2.93, see pages 106–107; for 2.94 to 2.96, see page 108; for 2.97 to 2.99, see page 109; and for 2.100 and 2.101, see pages 111–112.
2.107 Condition on age
Refer to the previous exercise.
(a) For Age 15 to 19: 89.7% are Full-time and 10.3% are Part-time. For Age 20 to 24: 81.82% are Full-time and 18.18% are Part-time. For Age 25 to 34: 50.06% are Full-time and 49.94% are Part-time. For Age 35 and Over: 27.15% are Full-time and 72.85% are Part-time. (d) Students aged 15–24 are much more likely to be Full-time, while students aged 35 and over and more likely to be Part-time. Students aged 25–34 are about equally likely to be Full- or Part-time students. (e) Because there are only 2 categories for Status, if we are given the percentage of Full-time students, the percentage of Part-time students must be 100% minus the percentage for Full-time. (f) Both are valid descriptions; it mostly depends on the condition in which you are interested. If we are interested in a particular age group, the current analysis likely has more meaning, whereas if we are interested in a particular status, the previous analysis has more meaning.