For Exercises 6.51 and 6.52, see pages 320–321; for 6.53 to 6.55, see pages 323–324; for 6.56 to 6.59, see pages 325–326; for 6.60 to 6.62, see pages 328–329; for 6.63 and 6.64, see page 331; and for 6.65 and 6.66, see page 332.
6.54 State null and alternative hypotheses.
In the setting of the previous exercise, suppose that the Cleveland homebuilders were convinced, before interviewing their sample, that residents of Cleveland spend less than the national average on housing. Do the interviews support their conviction? State null and alternative hypotheses. Find the -value, using the interview results given in the previous problem. Why do the same data give different -values in these two problems?