These nonparametric tests make no assumption about Normality. They are a means of testing hypotheses about populations (the median or the distributions themselves) when assumptions about the data having an approximately Normal distribution are not true, or in the face of outliers.
They are all based on ranks. Briefly, in a sorted data set, the smallest value has rank 1 and the largest has rank n. In the case of ties (multiple occurrences of the same data value), each tied value is typically given a rank equal to the average rank for that value.
The Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test
This test is based on ranking two independent samples together, then summing the ranks for one of the samples as the test statistic. It is a nonparametric alternative to the two-sample t test. Most software implements this test as the equivalent Mann-Whitney test.
Excel cannot perform these nonparametric tests.
Use Analyze ➔ Fit Y by X.
Note: If you have JMP Pro, you can duplicate the output of Figure 16.3 (using the Exact test) with Analyze ➔ Fit Y by X, then use the red triangle to select Nonparametric ➔ Exact Test ➔ Wilcoxon Exact Test.
For more information, see the JMP Video Technology Manual, Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test.
For this test, Minitab requires the data be in two columns. If your data are not in that form, use copy and paste to create the two columns.
Use Stat ➔ Nonparametrics ➔ Mann-Whitney.
The Minitab Video Technology Manual, Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test, gives more information and an example.
Use Analyze ➔ Nonparametric Tests ➔ Independent Samples.
Alternatively, with a numeric grouping variable, you can use Analyze ➔ Nonparametric Tests ➔ Legacy Dialogs ➔ 2 Independent Samples.
The SPSS Video Technology Manual, Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test, gives more information and an example.
Use Statistics ➔ Non-parametrics ➔ Mann-Whitney U.
TI calculators cannot perform these nonparametric tests without additional programs. These programs require downloading with a TI-Connect cable. For more information, see the TI Video Technology Manuals, Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test, Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test, and Kruskal-Wallis Test.
With one variable of data and another designating the groups, the command to perform this test is
> wilcox.test(Response ~ Grouping, data=dataset)
As always, the data=dataset option is not needed if the data set has been attached.
If the data are in two separate variables, the command would be
> wilcox.test(Var1, Var2)
The R Video Technology Manual, Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test, gives more information and an example. This video also explains the many options that can be added to this basic command.
The Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test
This test is typically used for matched pairs data to test a null hypothesis that the median difference is 0. It can also be used to test the median of a single population. We first rank the absolute values of the differences (data). Values less than the hypothesized median are then given negative signs. The test statistic is typically the sum of the positive ranks.
For testing paired data (with the two sets of observations in two columns), use Analyze ➔ Matched Pairs.
For testing a single population, use Analyze ➔ Distribution.
For an example, see the JMP Video Technology Manual, Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test.
For paired data, first ensure that the data are in two separate columns.
Use Stat ➔ Nonparametrics ➔ Pairwise Differences to compute the differences.
Now, for either differences or actual data, use Stat ➔ Nonparametrics ➔ 1-Sample Wilcoxon.
For more information, see the Minitab Video Technology Manual, Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test.
For paired data, use Analyze ➔ Nonparametric Tests ➔ Related Samples.
Alternatively, with a numeric grouping variable, you can use Analyze ➔ Nonparametric Tests ➔ Legacy Dialogs ➔ 2 Related Samples.
The SPSS Video Technology Manual, Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test, gives more information and an example.
For testing paired data (with the two sets of observations in two columns), use Statistics ➔ Nonparametrics ➔ Wilcoxon Paired.
For testing a single population, use Statistics ➔ Nonparametrics ➔ Wilcoxon Signed Rank.
For paired data, use the command
> wilcox.test(Var1, Var2, paired=T)
This is the same command for the rank sum test, but with an added parameter to indicate we have paired data.
The R Video Technology Manual, Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test, gives more information and an example. This video also explains the many options that can be added to this basic command.
The Kruskal-Wallis Test
This nonparametric test replaces one-way ANOVA. The null hypothesis is essentially that all populations have the same distribution (or, sometimes, medians). The test statistic is based on the sum of the ranks for all groups. P-values come from the chisquare distribution with k−1 degrees of freedom, where k is the number of categories (groups).
Use Analyze ➔ Fit Y by X.
For more information, see the JMP Video Technology Manual, Kruskal-Wallis Test.
Use Stat ➔ Nonparametrics ➔ Kruskal-Wallis. Click to select and enter the column with the response values and the column with group labels. Click “OK.”
Minitab results give the median for each group, the average rank for each group, the H statistic, and two P-values (the one adjusted for ties is typically used).
For more information, see the Minitab Video Technology Manual, Kruskal-Wallis Test.
Use Analyze ➔ Nonparametric Tests ➔ Independent Samples.
Alternatively, with a numeric grouping variable, you can use Analyze ➔ Nonparametric Tests ➔ Legacy Dialogs ➔ K Independent Samples.
The SPSS Video Technology Manual, Kruskal-Wallis Test, gives more information and an example.
Use Statistics ➔ Nonparametrics ➔ Kruskal-Wallis.
With one variable containing the data and another for group identification, use the command
> kruskal.test(Response ~ Groups)
The R Video Technology Manual, Kruskal-Wallis Test, gives more information and an example. This video also explains the many options that can be added to this basic command.