Most statistical analyses rely heavily on statistical software. In this Appendix, we discuss the use of Excel 2013, JMP 12, Minitab 17, SPSS 23, CrunchIt, R, and a TI-83/-84 calculator for conducting statistical analysis. As specialized statistical packages, JMP, Minitab, and SPSS are the most popular software choices both in industry and in colleges and schools of business. R is an extremely powerful statistical environment that is free to anyone; it relies heavily on members of the academic and general statistical communities for support. As an all-purpose spreadsheet program, Excel provides a limited set of statistical analysis options in comparison. However, given its pervasiveness and wide acceptance in industry and the computer world at large, we believe it is important to give Excel proper attention. It should be noted that for users who want more statistical capabilities but want to work in an Excel environment, there are a number of commercially available add-on packages (if you have JMP, for instance, it can be invoked from within Excel). Finally, instructions are provided for the TI-83/-84 calculators. While generally sufficient for an introductory course, most statistical analysis is beyond the capabilities of even the best calculator, so those seeking to continue their learning of statistics should consider learning one of the specialized statistical packages.
Even though basic guidance is provided in this and subsequent Appendices, it should be emphasized that PSBE is not bound to any of these programs. Computer output from statistical packages is very similar, so you can feel quite comfortable using any one these packages.
File Naming Conventions
Each program has its own file extensions for saving data worksheets and output. All use the typical interface to open and save (or “save as” to change a name) files from the File menu. The extensions are shown below; to access data files from the CD or website, the naming convention is YYZZZ-XXaaaaa.ext, where “xx” is the chapter number; “yy” is eg for examples, ex for exercises, or ta for tables; “zzz” is the number of the exercise, example, or table; and “aaaaa” is a short description of the topic. File extensions depend on the software:
Data file extension | Output file extension | |
![]() |
.xls or .xlsx |
.xls or .xlsx Excel embeds output, including graphics, into the worksheet |
![]() |
.jmp |
.jmpprj Projects contain all data, reports, and output |
![]() |
.mtw |
.mpj Projects contain both data and output |
![]() |
.sav | .spv |
![]() |
.csv R can read many formats; comma separated is typical |
.Rdata Saves the entire workspace |
Getting Help
If you encounter a question not answered in this material, most software platforms offer help (both general and contextual) in dialog boxes. To access help topics, click “Help” in the menu bar at the top of the screen; for contextual help, click “Help” in a dialog box. Several of these packages (Minitab, JMP, SPSS, and R) also have tutorials available that will help you get started. Click on the “Tutorial” option from the Help pull-down menu.
Getting Started
We assume that the reader is familiar with the basic layout and usage of Excel. As noted earlier, Excel provides a number of standard statistical analysis procedures but is not as comprehensive as a stand-alone statistical package. Therefore, for a few topics covered in this book, software support will be found only in a statistical package or in an enhanced add-on version of Excel rather than in standard Excel. Excel is the only software platform with a dynamic worksheet (meaning it updates as data are changed that impact formulas); all the other programs have the capability to compute new columns, but once computed, the data residing there are static.
Built-In Statistical Functions and Charts
Excel has a variety of built-in statistical functions that can be used to compute common descriptive statistics for a given set of data or to compute probabilities for well-known statistical distributions. To find these functions, select the “Formulas” tab found in the main menu. Click “More Functions,” which allows you to select the category “Statistical” to reveal all the statistical functions.
In addition to the built-in statistical functions, a number of graphing options are available that may prove useful for data analysis. The available charts are found by selecting the “Insert” tab found in the main menu. One then finds a variety of graphing options in the “Charts” group. A few statistical options (for example, regression fitting) can be implemented within the charts.
Installing Data Analysis ToolPak Add-In
Excel’s built-in statistical functions can be useful for isolated computations. However, attempting to do a more complete statistical analysis with a collection of “raw” functions can be a laborious and clumsy process. Excel provides an add-in known as Analysis ToolPak, which enables you to perform a more integrative statistical analysis. This add-in is not loaded with the standard installation of Excel. To install this add-in, click “File,” “Options,” “Add-ins,” and then, in the “Manage” box, choose “Excel Add-ins” and click “Go.” Select “Analysis ToolPak” and finally click “OK.”
Invoking Data Analysis ToolPak Procedures
Once the Data Analysis ToolPak is installed, the statistical analysis routines are found by first selecting the “Data” tab found on the main toolbar. You will then see the “Data Analysis” command in the “Analysis” group. The following figure shows a blank Excel spreadsheet with the “Data Analysis” command invoked, resulting in the appearance of the Data Analysis menu box.
Within the Data Analysis menu box, there are 19 menu choices. When you select one of these, a box specific to the statistical routine will appear that asks for you to indicate where the data reside and where you want the output to be displayed. To indicate where the data for analysis reside, you specify the range of cells for the data in the “Input Range” box. This can be accomplished by first clicking the cursor in the “Input Range” box and then typing in the cell range, or more easily you can highlight the data by clicking and dragging the mouse over the cell range. The statistical output can be placed either in the current worksheet (placement indicated with “Output Range” box), in a new worksheet tabbed with the current workbook (“New Worksheet Ply” option), or in an entirely new workbook (“New Workbook” option).
Upon entering JMP on either Mac or Windows, you will find the JMP home window, which is partitioned into four sections, including recent files and a list of open windows. Upon opening a dataset (illustrated below), a data table will be shown in a separate window.
Modeling Types
Variables in JMP take on a property called “modeling type,” which is just a classification for what measurements in a variable mean. For example, the chromosomal sex of an individual (male vs. female) is a different type of measurement than the age of an individual—one is a category, whereas the other is a numeric quantity. In JMP, variables are designated as being Nominal (categories), Ordinal (ordered categories), or Continuous (numeric measurements on a scale, like age). This designation is important, because JMP will help you produce analyses and graphical output that is appropriate for the type of variable you have. To change or set the modeling type of a variable, simply double-click on the variable name and select the data and modeling types appropriate for that variable (see figure below).
Invoking Statistical Procedures
To produce an analysis or create a graph, users can make a sequence of selections from a series of menus that all begin in the menu bar. In JMP, analyses and graphics are grouped by their context within “platforms.” For example, the “Fit Y by X” platform under the Analyze menu allows users to test hypotheses when there is one Y variable and one X variable (for instance, a two-group t test or a simple regression). Which type of analysis is returned depends on the modeling types of the variables specified (as described previously).
Once a platform is launched, additional options are available under the “Red Triangles” in the output window. These Red Triangles are special menus that show contextualized options—that is, analyses and options that make sense for the types of variables specified. In this regard, JMP is said to have a “progressive” interface: launching a platform is the first step, and once in a platform you can produce any number of analyses. If you are looking for a specific analysis, the “Statistics Index,” available under the Help menu, provides a list of all available procedures and can even launch an example for a given analysis. If you need additional help, select the question mark tool in the menu and click on any object in JMP to see the documentation for that object.
Upon entering Minitab, you will find the display partitioned into two windows, as seen in the following figure. The Session window is the area where all nongraphical statistical output and Minitab commands generating statistical output (graphical and nongraphical) are displayed. The Data Window displays a spreadsheet environment (known as a worksheet) where the data can be directly entered and edited. Each column represents a variable to be analyzed. There is a third window, which is minimized when Minitab starts (the Project Manager window); this keeps track of all the analyses that have been done in a project.
Invoking Statistical Procedures
There are two ways to invoke procedures:
You can type commands in the Session window. To do so, you must first enable the command language:
This will produce a “MTB>” prompt in the Session window. At this prompt, you can then type desired commands.
Upon entering CrunchIt you will be shown a blank dataset with rows and columns (see the figure below). To enter data, click in a cell and enter a value. To change a column name, double-click the column header and enter a new column name.
Invoking Statistical Procedures
Users can make a sequence of selections from a series of menus that all begin in the menu toolbar. Once the sequence of selections has been made, you will encounter dialog and/or option boxes that allow you to indicate which variable(s) will be part of the analysis, along with other information. If further help is needed, you can click the “Help” button that appears in dialog boxes. Once all appropriate information is provided, click “Calculate” to get the desired output.
CrunchIt Files
CrunchIt provides file options from the File menu, including creating a new dataset, importing data from a file or url, and exporting datasets to a file. CrunchIt also provides direct access to datasets from this book by selecting “Load from The Practice of Statistics for Business and Economics.”
In this section we provide a very basic overview, but for more instruction Texas Instruments provides getting started tutorials at ➔ Products ➔ Graphing calculators. Here, select your calculator and Support Resources.
After pressing the STAT button, you have three options: EDIT, CALC, and TESTS (shown below). Selecting “EDIT” enters the data-table editor, allowing you to type in data; “CALC” includes options for descriptive statistics as well as regression procedures; and “TESTS” includes hypothesis testing procedures.
Invoking Statistical Procedures
After entering data, statistical procedures can be selected from the “CALC” and “TEST” sections. After making the necessary selections your calculator will return the results of tests and procedures.
R is command-line software, although some “menu” interfaces (like R Commander) can help—especially beginners. To load R Commander, after installing the package, click Packages ➔ Load Package, and select Rcmdr. This also allows for an easier means of inputting data.
R works from data frames (a collection of variables). There are several methods of inputting data. For a small data set, you may want to directly enter the data from the command line, as in the following example that creates a data frame called mydat with variables x and y:
> x=c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)
> y=c(10,13,8,7,9,8,4,10)
> mydat <- data.frame(x,y)
Another method evokes a spreadsheet-like input frame:
> mydata <- data.frame(num=numeric(0))
> mydata <- edit(mydata)
You can also input data by reading from a file. R can read many types, including .csv (comma separated variable) format, .xls and .xlsx (Excel), as well as others. An example command to read a .csv file that indicates the first row has variable names is given below.
> mydata <- read.csv(“file.txt”,head=T)
R commands have many possible parameters to give graphs titles, and so on. For full documentation on any command, click “Help,” select “R functions(text),” and enter the name of the command in the box.
The R Video Technology Manuals: Introduction Video would be helpful here.
Displaying Distributions with Graphs
Bar Graphs
Note: When you have only one column that requires summarizing, you will find that the field name appears in a section titled “Axis Fields (Categories).” You want to also have this field name in the section titled “∑ Values.” To do so, click and hold the field name and then drag the field from the field section into the “∑ Values” section. Excel will then automatically make the counts and create a corresponding bar graph.
Pie Charts
Note: Alternatively, right-click on the bar graph and click “Change Chart Type” option.
Pareto Chart
Note: To remove gaps between bars, right-click on any one of the bars, select the Format Data Series option, then set the gap width to 0%. With no gap it is best to border the bars with line edges. Before closing the Format Data Series box, click the Border Color option and select the Solid line option and then click Close.
If you wish to change the automatically selected classes, enter upper values for each class into the spreadsheet and input their cell range in the Bin Range box.
Stemplots are not available in standard Excel or with the Data Analysis ToolPak.
Time Plots
For videos to help with these topics, see the Excel Video Technology Manuals on Bar Chart, Pie Chart, Histogram, and Time Plot.
Bar Graphs
Using the Distribution Platform (does not separate bars):
Note: Frequency Bar Graphs are produced for nominal and ordinal variables, and histograms are produced for continuous variables. Remember, you can change the modeling types of variables by clicking the icon next to the variable name in columns list in the dataset.
Using Graph Builder (properly separates bars):
Pareto Chart
Pie Chart
Using the Pareto Plot Platform:
Using Graph Builder:
Time Plots
Using Time Series Platform:
Using Graph Builder (requires a time variable for X):
For videos to help with these topics, see the JMP Video Technology Manuals on Bar Chart, Pie Chart, Histogram, Stemplot, and Time Plot.
Bar Graphs
If the frequencies have been pretabulated, select “Values from a table” from the Bars represent menu.
If the frequencies have not been tabulated, select “Counts of unique values” from the Bars represent menu. Select “Simple” for the type of bar graph, then click “OK.”
For pretabulated frequencies, click-in the data column into the “Graph” variables box and click-in the column that has the names of the categories into the “Categorical” variables box.
If the frequencies have not been pretabulated, click the column that has data on the categorical names that need to be counted into the “Categorical” variables box.
Pareto Chart
Pie Charts
If the frequencies have been pretabulated, select the “Chart values” from a table option.
If the frequencies have not been pretabulated, select “Chart counts” of unique values option.
If the frequencies have been pretabulated, click-in the data column into the Summary variables box, and click the column that has the names of the categories into the Categorical variables box.
If the frequencies have not been pretabulated, click-in the column that has data on the categorical names that need to be counted into the Categorical variables box.
Time Plots
Note: By default Minitab will label the time periods as “1,” “2,” “3,” and so on. If you wish to label the time periods by year, as in Figure 1.12 in your text, click the “Time/Scale” button, select the “Calendar” option, select the desired time periods (for example, “Year”) from the adjacent menu and a starting value. Click “OK” to return to the main dialog. Click “OK” to produce the plot.
For videos to help with these topics, see the Minitab Video Technology Manuals on Bar Chart, Pie Chart, Histogram, Stemplot, and Time Plot.
Bar Graphs
Pie Charts
Pareto Plot
Select the variable to plot, then click the arrow next to “Category Axis” to move the variable to the category axis section.
Note: This procedure also produces a box plot and descriptive statistics by default.
Time Plots
With Sequence Charts:
With Scatter/Dot (requires a time variable):
For videos to help with these topics, see the SPSS Video Technology Manuals on Bar Chart, Pie Chart, Histogram, Stemplot, and Time Plot.
Bar Graphs
With summarized data:
With raw data:
Pie Charts
With summarized data:
With raw data:
Pareto Plot
Pareto plots are not available in Crunchit. To create one, the data must be entered in decreasing frequency.
Time Plots
For videos to help with these topics, see the Crunchit! Help Videos on Stemplots, Histograms, and Time Plots.
TI Calculators try to graph everything they can at the same time. For that reason, before creating any statistical graph/plot, you should check to see that no functions are entered on the Y= screen; if so, use CLEAR to erase those functions. Also, make sure only one STAT PLOT is “On” at a time; use STAT PLOTS option 4: PlotsOff to turn them all off.
Bar Graphs
Pie Charts
Pie Charts are not available on a TI-83.
Pareto Plot
Pareto Plots are not explicitly available on a TI-83, but a bar chart with descending frequencies can be made by following the steps for Bar Graphs while entering categories in order of descending frequencies.
Stemplots are not available on a TI-83.
Time Plots
For videos to help with these topics, see the TI-83/-84 Video Technology Manuals on Histogram and Time Plot.
Bar Graphs
A basic bar graph with raw data in a variable named “cat” in the mydat data frame can be created using the command
> barplot(table(mydat$cat))
If data are already summarized into a variable named “c1,” use the command
> barplot(mydat$Freq,names.arg=mydat$c1)
Pie Charts
A pie chart with raw data in a variable named “cat” in data frame mydat can be created with the command
> pie(table(mydat$cat))
If data are already summarized, modify the command to the one below with frequencies in Frq and slice labels in c2.
> pie(mydat$Frq,names=c2)
Pareto Plot
Pareto plots are not available in R.
A basic histogram for data stored in variable y can be created using the command
> hist(mydat$y)
To set your own bins (the example below uses bins <5,5<x≤10, … to>25), modify the command to
> hist(mydat$y,breaks=c(5,10,15,20,25))
A basic stemplot can be created using the command
> stem(mydat$y)
Time Plots
A time series plot using an index or other variable for time can be done as a connected scatterplot. Use type=“b” to have both points and lines, or type=“l” to simply have connected lines.
> plot(mydat$x,mydat$y,type=“b”)
For videos to help with these topics, see the R Video Technology Manuals on Bar Chart, Pie Chart, Histogram, Stemplot, and Time Plot.
Describing Distributions with Numbers
Numeric Summaries of Distributions
Boxplots are not available in standard Excel, but they are available in the enhanced add-on version of Excel.
For videos to help with these topics, see the Excel Video Technology Manuals on Boxplots, Sorting Data, and Summary Statistics.
Numeric Summaries of Distributions
Using the Distribution Platform:
A boxplot that identifies potential outliers is included with the histogram by default.
Using Graph Builder:
For videos to help with these topics, see the JMP Video Technology Manuals on Boxplots and Summary Statistics.
Numeric Summaries of Distributions
For videos to help with these topics, see the Minitab Video Technology Manuals on Boxplots, Sorting Data, and Summary Statistics.
Numeric Summaries of Distributions
For videos to help with these topics, see the SPSS Video Technology Manuals on Boxplots, Sorting Data, and Summary Statistics.
Numeric Summaries of Distributions
For videos to help with these topics, see the Crunchit! Help Videos on Pictures for Quantitative Data and Descriptive Statistics.
Numeric Summaries of Distributions
For videos to help with these topics, see the TI-83/-84 Video Technology Manuals on Boxplots, Sorting Data, and Summary Statistics.
Numeric Summaries of Distributions
Summary statistics for variable x can be found with a command like
> numSummary(x,statistics=c(“mean”,“sd”,“IQR”,“quantiles”),
+ quantiles=c(0,.25,.5,.75,1))
The command “summary(mydat)” will find the mean and five-number summary for all variables in a data frame (or simply specify a single variable).
The command is simply
> boxplot(x)
For videos to help with these topics, see the R Video Technology Manuals on Boxplots, Sorting Data, and Summary Statistics.
Density Curves and the Normal Distributions
Normal Distribution Calculations
Excel does not provide a means to visualize areas under the Normal curve, but it can compute areas under the Normal curve or work backward.
Normal Quantile Plots
Neither Normal quantile plots nor Normal probability plots are available as a basic function in Excel. To create these, this author recommends watching the recommended video.
For videos to help with these topics, see the Excel Video Technology Manuals on Normal Calculations and Normal Quantile Plots.
Normal Distribution Calculations
Note: For JMP 11 and earlier versions, the Distribution Calculator (and many other interactive simulators) can be downloaded for free from
Normal Quantile Plot
Note: The option to produce Normal quantile plots is available only for continuous variables, since such a plot makes sense only for continuous variables.
For videos to help with these topics, see the JMP Video Technology Manuals on Normal Calculations and Normal Quantile Plots.
Normal Distribution Calculations
For more precise values:
Normal Quantile Plots
For videos to help with these topics, see the Minitab Video Technology Manuals on Normal Calculations and Normal Quantile Plots.
Normal Distribution Calculations
SPSS does not have a probability look up graphical interface. Cumulative probabilities can be found and inverse calculations performed using Compute Variable.
Normal Quantile Plots
For videos to help with these topics, see the SPSS Video Technology Manuals on Normal Calculations and Normal Quantile Plots.
Normal Distribution Calculations
Normal Quantile Plots
For videos to help with these topics, see the Crunchit! Help Videos on Normal Calculations and Normal Quantile Plots.
Normal Distribution Calculations
There are two ways to find Normal distribution probabilities: using “normalcdf” from the 2ndVARS=[DISTR] menu, or using “ShadeNorm” from the DRAW menu in the same location. If using ShadeNorm, be sure to use 2ndPRGM=[DRAW], 1:ClrDraw between calculations. Otherwise, the Normal curve will become increasingly filled in, and you won’t be able to discern the area of interest.
For probabilities such as P(X>2) or P(X<1) the upper (lower) end of the area is + (–) infinity. For the calculator, +∞ is 12nd , 99=1e99, but practically speaking, any “very large” value will work.
To look up proportions of the Normal distribution:
To find the value in a standard Normal distribution with a particular proportion to the left:
Normal Quantile Plots
For videos to help with these topics, see the TI-83/-84 Video Technology Manuals on Normal Calculations and Normal Quantile Plots.
Normal Distribution Calculations
To find the cumulative probability, that is, P(X≤x), use the command
> Pnorm(x,mu,sd)
To find value in a standard Normal distribution with a particular proportion to the left, use
> qnorm(Prob,mu,sd)
Normal Quantile Plots
The command is
> qqnorm(mydat$x)
For videos to help with these topics, see the R Video Technology Manuals on Normal Calculations and Normal Quantile Plots.