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Section 7.1 Exercises

For Exercises 7.1 and 7.2, see page 360; for 7.3 and 7.4, see page 362; for 7.5 to 7.7, see page 365; for 7.8 and 7.9, see page 368; for 7.10 and 7.11, see page 371; and for 7.12 and 7.13, see page 372.

Question 7.14

7.14 Finding critical t*-values.

What critical value t* from Table D should be used to calculate the margin of error for a confidence interval for the mean of the population in each of the following situations?

  1. A 95% confidence interval based on n=9 observations.
  2. A 90% confidence interval from an SRS of 27 observations.
  3. A 95% confidence interval from a sample of size 27.
  4. These cases illustrate how the size of the margin of error depends on the confidence level and on the sample size. Summarize the relationships illustrated.

Question 7.15

7.15 A one-sample t test.

The one-sample t statistic for testing


from a sample of n=16 observations has the value t=2.23.

  1. What are the degrees of freedom for this statistic?
  2. Give the two critical values t* from Table D that bracket t.
  3. What are the right-tail probabilities p for these two entries?
  4. Between what two values does the P-value of the test fall?
  5. Is the value t=2.23 significant at the 5% level? Is it significant at the 1% level?
  6. If you have software available, find the exact P-value.


(a) df=15. (b) 2.131 and 2.249. (c) 0.025 and 0.02. (d) 0.02 < P-value < 0.025. (e) It is significant at the 5% level; it is not significant at the 1% level. (f) 0.0207.

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Question 7.16

7.16 Another one-sample t test.

The one-sample t statistic for testing


from a sample of n=25 observations has the value t=1.79.

  1. What are the degrees of freedom for t?
  2. Locate the two critical values t* from Table D that bracket t. What are the right-tail probabilities p for these two values?
  3. How would you report the P-value for this test?
  4. Is the value t=1.79 statistically significant at the 5% level? At the 1% level?
  5. If you have software available, find the exact P-value.

Question 7.17

7.17 A final one-sample t test.

The one-sample t statistic for testing


based on n=120 observations has the value t=3.28.

  1. What are the degrees of freedom for this statistic?
  2. How would you report the P-value based on Table D?
  3. If you have software available, find the exact P-value.


(a) df=119. (b) 0.0005 < P-value < 0.001. (c) 0.00068.

Question 7.18

7.18 Business bankruptcies in Canada.

Business bankruptcies in Canada are monitored by the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy Canada (OSB).7 Included in each report are the assets and liabilities the company declared at the time of the bankruptcy filing. A study is based on a random sample of 75 reports from the current year. The average debt (liabilities minus assets) is $92,172 with a standard deviation of $111,538.

  1. Construct a 95% one-sample t confidence interval for the average debt of these companies at the time of filing.
  2. Because the sample standard deviation is larger than the sample mean, this debt distribution is skewed. Provide a defense for using the t confidence interval in this case.

Question 7.19

7.19 Fuel economy.

Although the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) establishes the tests to determine the fuel economy of new cars, it often does not perform them. Instead, the test protocols are given to the car companies, and they perform the tests themselves. To keep the industry honest, the EPA does run some spot checks each year. Recently, the EPA announced that Hyundai and Kia must lower their fuel economy estimates for many of their models.8 Here are some city miles per gallon (mpg) values for one of the models the EPA investigated:


28.0 25.7 25.8 28.0 28.5 29.8 30.2 30.4
26.9 28.3 29.8 27.2 26.7 27.7 29.5 28.0

Give a 95% confidence interval for μ, the mean city mpg for this model.


(27.3654, 28.9471).

Question 7.20

7.20 Testing the sticker information.

Refer to the previous exercise. The vehicle sticker information for this model stated a city average of 30 mpg. Are these mpg values consistent with the vehicle sticker? Perform a significance test using the 0.05 significance level. Be sure to specify the hypotheses, the test statistic, the P-value, and your conclusion.


Question 7.21

7.21 The return-trip effect.

We often feel that the return trip from a destination takes less time than the trip to the destination even though the distance traveled is usually identical. To better understand this effect, a group of researchers ran a series of experiments.9 In one experiment, they surveyed 69 participants who had just returned from a day trip by bus. Each was asked to rate how long the return trip had taken, compared with the initial trip, on an 11-point scale from 5= a lot shorter to 5= a lot longer. The sample mean was −0.55, and the sample standard deviation was 2.16.

  1. These data are integer values. Do you think we can still use the t-based methods of this section? Explain your answer.
  2. Is there evidence that the mean rating is different from zero? Carry out the significance test using α=0.05 and summarize the results.


(a) Because n40, we can still use the t procedure for non-Normal distributions. (b) H0:μ=0.Ha:μ0.t=2.12,df=68,0.02<P-value<0.04. The data are significant at the 5% level; there is evidence that the mean rating is different from zero. (People do not feel that the trips take the same time.)

Question 7.22

7.22 Health insurance costs.

The Consumer Expenditure Survey provides information on the buying habits of U.S. consumers.10 In the latest report, the average amount a husband and wife spent on health insurance was reported to be $3251 with a standard error of $89.76. Assuming a sample size of n=200, calculate a 90% confidence interval for the average amount a husband and wife spent on health insurance.

Question 7.23

7.23 Counts of seeds in one-pound scoops.

A leading agricultural company must maintain strict control over the size, weight, and number of seeds they package for sale to customers. An SRS of 81 one-pound scoops of seeds was collected as part of a Six Sigma quality improvement effort within the company. The number of seeds in each scoop follows.


Page 376
1471 1489 1475 1547 1497 1490 1889 1881 1877
1448 1503 1492 1553 1557 1504 1666 1717 1670
1703 1649 1649 1323 1311 1315 1469 1428 1471
1626 1658 1662 1517 1517 1519 1529 1549 1539
1858 1843 1857 1547 1470 1453 1412 1398 1398
1698 1692 1688 1435 1421 1428 1712 1722 1721
1426 1433 1422 1562 1583 1581 1720 1721 1743
1441 1434 1444 1500 1509 1521 1575 1548 1529
1735 1759 1745 1483 1464 1481 1900 1930 1953
  1. Create a histogram, boxplot, and a Normal quantile plot of these counts.
  2. Write a careful description of the distribution. Make sure to note any outliers, and comment on the skewness or Normality of the data.
  3. Based on your observations in part (b), is it appropriate to analyze these data using the t procedures? Briefly explain your response.


(b) The distribution is slightly skewed to the right. (c) Because n40, we can still use the t procedure for even strongly skewed distributions.

Question 7.24

7.24 How many seeds on average?

Refer to the previous exercise.


  1. Find the mean, the standard deviation, and the standard error of the mean for this sample.
  2. If you were to calculate the margin of error for the average number of seeds at 90% and 95% confidence, which would be smaller? Briefly explain your reasoning without doing the calculations.
  3. Calculate the 90% and 95% confidence intervals for the mean number of seeds in a one-pound scoop.
  4. Compare the widths of these two intervals. Does this comparison support your answer to part (b)? Explain.

Question 7.25

7.25 Significance test for the average number of seeds.

Refer to the previous two exercises.


  1. Do these data provide evidence that the average number of seeds in a one-pound scoop is greater than 1550? Using a significance level of 5%, state your hypotheses, the P-value, and your conclusion.
  2. Do these data provide evidence that the average number of seeds in a one-pound scoop is greater than 1560? Using a significance level of 5%, state your hypotheses, the P-value, and your conclusion.
  3. Explain the relationship between your conclusions to parts (a) and (b) and the 90% confidence interval calculated in the previous exercise.


(a) H0:μ=1,550.Ha:μ>1,550.t=1.80,df=80, 0.025 < P-value < 0.05. The data are significant at the 5% level, and there is evidence that the average number of seeds in a 1-pound scoop is greater than 1550. (b) H0:μ=1,560.Ha:μ>1,560.t=1.22,df=80, 0.10 < P-value < 0.15. The data are not significant at the 5% level, and there is not enough evidence that the average number of seeds in a 1-pound scoop is greater than 1,560. (c) Because 1550 is outside the 90% confidence interval, the one-sided significance test rejects the null hypothesis of 1550 but because 1560 is inside the 90% confidence interval, the one-sided significance tests fails to reject a null hypothesis of 1560.

Question 7.26

7.26 Investigating the Endowment Effect.


Consider an ice-cold glass of lemonade on a hot July day. What is the maximum price you’d be willing to pay for it? What is the minimum price at which you’d be willing to sell it? For most people, the maximum buying price will be less than the minimum selling price. In behavioral economics, this occurrence is called the endowment effect. People seem to add value to products, regardless of attachment, just because they own them.

As part of a series of studies, a group of researchers recruited 40 students from a graduate marketing course and asked each of them to consider a Vosges Woolloomooloo gourmet chocolate bar made with milk chocolate and coconut.11 Test the null hypothesis that there is no difference between the two prices. Also construct a 95% confidence interval of the endowment effect.

Question 7.27

7.27 Alcohol content in beer.

In February 2013, two California residents filed a class-action lawsuit against Anheuser-Busch, alleging the company was watering down beers to boost profits.12 They argued that because water was being added, the true alcohol content of the beer by volume is less than the advertised amount. For example, they alleged that Budweiser beer has an alcohol content by volume of 4.7% instead of the stated 5%. CNN, NPR, and a local St. Louis news team picked up on this suit and hired independent labs to test samples of Budweiser beer. The following is a summary of these alcohol content tests, each done on a single can of beer.


4.94 5.00 4.99
  1. Even though we have a very small sample, test the null hypothesis that the alcohol content is 4.7% by volume. Do the data provide evidence against the claim of 5% alcohol by volume?
  2. Construct a 95% confidence interval for the mean alcohol content in Budweiser.
  3. U.S. government standards require that the alcohol content in all cans and bottles be within ±0.3% of the advertised level. Do these tests provide strong evidence that this is the case for Budweiser beer? Explain your answer.


(a) H0:μ=4.7%.Ha:μ4.7%.t=14.91,df=2,0.002<P-value<0.005. The data are significant and provide evidence that the alcohol content is not 4.7%. (b) (4.897, 5.057). (c) To be within 0.3% of the advertised level, they need to be between 4.7% and 5.3%. Because our confidence interval is entirely within this range, it appears that Budweiser is within the standards.

Question 7.28

7.28 Health care costs.

The cost of health care is the subject of many studies that use statistical methods. One such study estimated that the average length of service for home health care among people aged 65 and over who use this type of service is 242 days with a standard error of 21.1 days. Assuming sample size larger than 1000, calculate a 90% confidence interval for the mean length of service for all users of home health care aged 65 and over.13

Question 7.29

7.29 Plant capacity.

A leading company chemically treats its product before packaging. The company monitors the weight of product per hour that each machine treats.

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An SRS of 90 hours of production data for a particular machine is collected. The measured variable is in pounds.


  1. Describe the distribution of pounds treated using graphical methods. Is it appropriate to analyze these data using t distribution methods? Explain.
  2. Calculate the mean, standard deviation, standard error, and margin of error for 90% confidence.
  3. Report the 90% confidence interval for the mean pounds treated per hour by this particular machine.
  4. Test whether these data provide evidence that the mean pounds of product treated in one hour is greater than 33,000. Use a significance level of 5%, and state your hypotheses, the P-value, and your conclusion.


(a) The data are slightly left-skewed but because n40, we can still use the t procedures. (b) ˉX=35,288.2, s=10,362.SEˉX=1,092.3. The margin of error for 90% is 1817.5. (c) (33,470.7, 37,105.7).
(d) H0:μ=33,000.Ha:μ>33,000.t=2.09.df=89,0.01<P-value<0.02. The data are significant at the 5% level, and there is evidence that the mean pounds of product treated in 1 hour is greater than 33,000.

Question 7.30

7.30 Credit card fees.

A bank wonders whether omitting the annual credit card fee for customers who charge at least $5000 in a year would increase the amount charged on its credit card. The bank makes this offer to an SRS of 125 of its existing credit card customers. It then compares how much these customers charge this year with the amount that they charged last year. The mean is $685, and the standard deviation is $1128.

  1. Is there significant evidence at the 1% level that the mean amount charged increases under the no-fee offer? State H0 and Ha and carry out a t test.
  2. Give a 95% confidence interval for the mean amount of the increase.
  3. The distributions of the amount charged are skewed to the right, but outliers are prevented by the credit limit that the bank enforces on each card. Use of the t procedures is justified in this case even though the population distribution is not Normal. Explain why.
  4. A critic points out that the customers would probably have charged more this year than last even without the new offer because the economy is more prosperous and interest rates are lower. Briefly describe the design of an experiment to study the effect of the no-fee offer that would avoid this criticism.

Question 7.31

7.31 Supermarket shoppers.

A marketing consultant observed 40 consecutive shoppers at a supermarket. One variable of interest was how much each shopper spent in the store. Here are the data (in dollars), arranged in increasing order:


5.32 8.88 9.26 10.81 12.69 15.23 15.62 17.00
17.35 18.43 19.50 19.54 20.59 22.22 23.04 24.47
25.13 26.24 26.26 27.65 28.08 28.38 32.03 34.98
37.37 38.64 39.16 41.02 42.97 44.67 45.40 46.69
49.39 52.75 54.80 59.07 60.22 84.36 85.77 94.38
  1. Display the data using a stemplot. Make a Normal quantile plot if your software allows. The data are clearly non-Normal. In what way? Because n=40, the t procedures remain quite accurate.
  2. Calculate the mean, the standard deviation, and the standard error of the mean.
  3. Find a 95% t confidence interval for the mean spending for all shoppers at this store.


(a) There are three large outliers, making the data not Normal.
(b) ˉX=34.134.s=21.248.SEˉX=3.3597.
(c) (27.3384, 40.9296).

Question 7.32

7.32 The influence of big shoppers.


Eliminate the three largest observations, and redo parts (a), (b), and (c) of the previous exercise. Do these observations have a large influence on the results?

Question 7.33

7.33 Corn seed prices.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) uses sample surveys to obtain important economic estimates. One USDA pilot study estimated the amount a farmer will pay per planted acre for corn seed from a sample of 20 farms. The mean price was reported as $97.59 with a standard error of $13.49. Give a 95% confidence interval for the amount a farmer will pay per planted acres for corn seed.14


($69.36, $125.82).

Question 7.34

7.34 Executives learn Spanish.

A company contracts with a language institute to provide instruction in Spanish for its executives who will be posted overseas. The following table gives the pretest and posttest scores on the Modern Language Association’s listening test in Spanish for 20 executives.15


Subject Pretest Posttest Subject Pretest Posttest
1 30 29 11 30 32
2 28 30 12 29 28
3 31 32 13 31 34
4 26 30 14 29 32
5 20 16 15 34 32
6 30 25 16 20 27
7 34 31 17 26 28
8 15 18 18 25 29
9 28 33 19 31 32
10 20 25 20 29 32
  1. We hope to show that the training improves listening skills. State an appropriate H0 and Ha. Describe in words the parameters that appear in your hypotheses.
  2. Make a graphical check for outliers or strong skewness in the data that you will use in your statistical test, and report your conclusions on the validity of the test.
  3. Carry out a test. Can you reject H0 at the 5% significance level? At the 1% significance level?
  4. Give a 90% confidence interval for the mean increase in listening score due to the intensive training.
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Question 7.35

7.35 Rudeness and its effect on onlookers.

Many believe that an uncivil environment has a negative effect on people. A pair of researchers performed a series of experiments to test whether witnessing rudeness and disrespect affects task performance.16 In one study, 34 participants met in small groups and witnessed the group organizer being rude to a “participant” who showed up late for the group meeting. After the exchange, each participant performed an individual brainstorming task in which he or she was asked to produce as many uses for a brick as possible in five minutes. The mean number of uses was 7.88 with a standard deviation of 2.35.

  1. Suppose that prior research has shown that the average number of uses a person can produce in five minutes under normal conditions is 10. Given that the researchers hypothesize that witnessing this rudeness will decrease performance, state the appropriate null and alternative hypotheses.
  2. Carry out the significance test using a significance level of 0.05. Give the P-value and state your conclusion.


(a) H0:μ=10.Ha:μ<10. (b) t=5.26.df=33,P-value<0.0005. The data are significant at the 5% level, and there is evidence that witnessing rudeness decreases performance (the mean number of uses is less than 10).

Question 7.36

7.36 Design of controls.

The design of controls and instruments has a large effect on how easily people can use them. A student project investigated this effect by asking 25 right-handed students to turn a knob (with their right hands) that moved an indicator by screw action. There were two identical instruments, one with a right-hand thread (the knob turns clockwise) and the other with a left-hand thread (the knob turns counterclockwise). The following table gives the times required (in seconds) to move the indicator a fixed distance:17


Subject Right
Subject Right
1 113 137 14 107 87
2 105 105 15 118 166
3 130 133 16 103 146
4 101 108 17 111 123
5 138 115 18 104 135
6 118 170 19 111 112
7 87 103 20 89 93
8 116 145 21 78 76
9 75 78 22 100 116
10 96 107 23 89 78
11 122 84 24 85 101
12 103 148 25 88 123
13 116 147
  1. Each of the 25 students used both instruments. Discuss briefly how the experiment should be arranged and how randomization should be used.
  2. The project hoped to show that right-handed people find right-hand threads easier to use. State the appropriate H0 and Ha about the mean time required to complete the task.
  3. Carry out a test of your hypotheses. Give the P-value and report your conclusions.

Question 7.37

7.37 Is the difference important?

Give a 90% confidence interval for the mean time advantage of right-hand over left-hand threads in the setting of the previous exercise. Do you think that the time saved would be of practical importance if the task were performed many times—for example, by an assembly-line worker? To help answer this question, find the mean time for right-hand threads as a percent of the mean time for left-hand threads.



The 90% C.I. is (21.1682,5.4718). The mean time for right-hand threads is 104.12, for left it is 117.44. The ratio is 88.66%. On an assembly line with an 8-hour period, this amounts to saving more than 54 minutes or almost an entire hour of time. This seems like a substantial practical gain.

Question 7.38

7.38 Confidence Interval?

As CEO, you obtain the salaries of all 31 individuals working in your marketing department. You feed these salaries into your statistical software package, and the output produced includes a confidence interval. Is this a valid confidence interval? Explain your answer.

Question 7.39

7.39 A field trial.

An agricultural field trial compares the yield of two varieties of tomatoes for commercial use. The researchers divide in half each of eight small plots of land in different locations and plant each tomato variety on one half of each plot. After harvest, they compare the yields in pounds per plant at each location. The eight differences (Variety A − Variety B) give the following statistics: ˉx=0.35 and s=0.51. Is there a difference between the yields of these two varieties? Write a summary paragraph to answer this question. Make sure to include H0, Ha, and the P-value with degrees of freedom.


H0:μ=0.Ha:μ0 (b) t=1.94.df=7,0.05<P-value<0.10. The data are not significant at the 5% level, and there is not enough evidence to show a difference between the yields of these two varieties.

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