
TABLE 1.1Service times (seconds) for calls to a customer service center14

TABLE 7.1Monthly rates of return on a portfolio (percent)366

TABLE 7.2Parts measurements using optical software369

TABLE 7.3Ratio of current assets to current liabilities389

TABLE 10.1Return on Treasury bills and rate of inflation498

TABLE 10.2Sales price and assessed value (in thousands of $) of 35homes in a midwestern city504

TABLE 10.3In-state tuition and fees (in dollars) for 33 public universities504

TABLE 10.4Net new money (millions of $) flowing into stock andbond mutual funds508

TABLE 10.5Selling price and size of homes509

TABLE 10.6Annual number of tornadoes in the United States between1953 and 2013528

TABLE 11.1Companies in BBC Global 30: Assets, sales, and profits534

TABLE 11.2Insured commercial banks by state or other area536

TABLE 11.3Market share data for Exercise 11.23547

TABLE 11.4Regression coefficients and statistics for Exercise 11.53564

TABLE 11.5Regression coefficients and statistics for Exercise 11.55565

TABLE 11.6Homes for sale in zip code 47904569

TABLE 11.7Expected price data585

TABLE 12.1Control chart constants603

TABLE 12.2Thirty control chart subgroups of lab testturnaround times (in minutes)605

TABLE 12.3Twenty-five control chart subgroups of O-ringmeasurements (in inches)609

TABLE 12.4Hospital losses for 15 samples of joint replacement patients615

TABLE 12.5Points per minute scored by LeBron James eachgame played during the 2013–2014 regular season617

TABLE 12.6Daily calibration subgroups for a Lunar bonedensitometer (grams per square centimeter)627

TABLE 12.7Aluminum percentage measurements628

TABLE 12.8Proportions of workers absent during four weeks633

TABLE 12.9Proportions of ambulatory surgery patients of Bellin HealthSystem likely to recommend Bellin for ambulatory surgery635

TABLE 12.10Counts of OSHA reportable injuries per monthfor 24 consecutive months637

TABLE 12.11 and for samples of film thickness640

TABLE 14.1Price promotion data755

TABLE 15.1Tool diameter data15-27

TABLE 15.2Expected price data15-27

TABLE 16.1Calories and sodium in three types of hot dogs16-30