Question 2.110

2.110 Class size and course level

College courses taught at lower levels often have larger class sizes. The following table gives the number of classes classified by course level and class size.22 For example, there were 202 first-year level courses with between one and nine students.

Class size
1–9 10–19 20–29 30–39 40–49 50–99 100 or
1 202 659 917 241 70 99 123
2 190 370 486 307 84 109 134
3 150 387 314 115 96 186 53
4 146 256 190 83 67 64 17
  1. Fill in the marginal totals in the table.
  2. Find the marginal distribution for the variable course level.
  3. Do the same for the variable class size.
  4. For each course level, find the conditional distribution of class size.
  5. Summarize your findings in a short paragraph.