Stress and Health infographic description

The infographic is titled, “Thinking Critically About: Stress and Health.” The learning objective question 12-19 reads, so, does stress cause illness?

The infographic shows a stressed individual labeled, "release of stress hormones" in the brain. Several factors correspond to the release of stress hormones. The factors are: Persistent stressors; and anger, pessimism, or depression. These lead to the release of stress hormones and unhealthy behaviors like smoking, drinking, poor nutrition, and sleep loss, which contribute to illness and disease. The release of stress hormones further leads to autonomic nervous system effects like headaches, high blood pressure, inflammation; immune suppression; and heart disease. Unhealthy behaviors also lead to autonomic nervous system effects. Text at the bottom of the graphic reads, "Stress may not directly cause illness, but it does make us more vulnerable, by influencing our behaviors and our physiology."