Chapter 5. Parenting Styles


Infographic Activity
by David Myers and Nathan DeWall

Thinking Critically About: Parenting Styles

Investigators have identified four parenting styles and how each style affects children. (This infographic is from Psychology, 5th Edition, Chapter 3.)

An illustration identifies Parenting Styles - What outcomes are associated with each parenting style? Too Hard, Too Soft, Too Uncaring, and Just Right? You can read full description from the link below
Figure 5.1:

Parenting Styles imageEnlarge figure Image description



Question 5.1

Authoritarian parents tend to have less socially skilled children. Permissive parents tend to have aggressive and less-controlled (immature) children. Negligent parents tend to have underachieving children. Authoritative parents tend to have self-reliant, socially competent children with high self-esteem.

Question 5.2

(1) Parenting may shape (influence) children. (2) Parents may be responding to children’s traits (children may influence parenting). (3) Parents and their biological children may share traits (because they share genes) that influence social competence and other outcomes.

Question 5.3

Consideration of children’s outcomes allows us to suggest that authoritarian parents may be considered “too hard,” permissive parents “too soft,” negligent parents “too uncaring,” and authoritative parents “just right."