Chapter 13. The Challenges of Obesity and Weight Control


Infographic Activity
by David Myers and Nathan DeWall

Thinking Critically About: The Challenges of Obesity and Weight Control

Several factors have contributed to the rise in global levels of obesity, which carries significant physical and psychological risks. (This infographic is from Psychology, 5th Edition, Chapter 9.)



Question 13.1

Obesity is associated with various physical health risks, as well as with heightened risk of depression and with youth bullying.

Question 13.2

The ability to store fat was adaptive for our ancestors, as it helped them survive times of famine. Clarence and the rest of us have retained this tendency—in our modern world with much less famine—and as a result may store too much fat. Clarence’s body weight is also influenced by his genes and by his body weight set point (also called settling point).

Question 13.3

In addition to biological factors, weight is also influenced by sleep loss, by friends’ weights, by calorie intake, and by activity level.