Chapter 19. Therapeutic Lifestyle Change


Infographic Activity
by David Myers and Nathan DeWall

Thinking Critically About: Therapeutic Lifestyle Change

Our lifestyle affects our mental health. And making positive lifestyle changes can greatly benefit us. (This infographic is from Psychology, 5th Edition, Chapter 14.)



Question 19.1

Our distant ancestors lived mostly in a natural, outdoor environment. They were physically active during the day, and they slept at night. They cooperated with others to hunt and gather. Thus, our species is designed for a physically active, socially engaged, well-rested life with plenty of exposure to bright daytime light. Indeed, research shows that exercise, sleep, light exposure, and social connections all reduce depression.

Question 19.2

Our body and mind are closely connected. Affect either and you affect the other. Thus, a healthier body can make for a healthier mind.