The authors wish to acknowledge the many geographers whose insights and suggestions have informed this book.
Victoria Alapo
Metropolitan Community College
Jeff Arnold
Southwestern Illinois College
Shaunna Barnhart
Pennsylvania State University
Dean Butzow
Lincoln Land Community College
Philip Chaney
Auburn University
Christine Hansell
Skyline College
Heidi LaMoreaux
Santa Rosa Junior College
Kent Mathewson
Louisiana State University
Julie Mura
Florida State University
Michael Noll
Valdosta State University
Tim Oakes
University of Colorado, Boulder
Kefa M. Otiso
Bowling Green State University
Sam Sweitz
Michigan Technological University
Jeff Ueland
Bemidji State University
Ben Wolfe
Metropolitan Community College, Blue River
Gillian Acheson
Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville
Tanya Allison
Montgomery College
Keshav Bhattarai
Indiana University, Bloomington
Leonhard Blesius
San Francisco State University
Jeffrey Brauer
Keystone College
Donald Buckwalter
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Craig Campbell
Youngstown State University
John Comer
Oklahoma State University
Kevin Curtin
George Mason University
Ron Davidson
California State University, Northridge
Tina Delahunty
Texas Tech University
Dean Fairbanks
California State University, Chico
Allison Feeney
Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania
Eric Fournier
Samford University
Qian Guo
San Francisco State University
Carole Huber
University of Colorado, Colorado Springs
Paul Hudak
University of North Texas
Christine Jocoy
California State University, Long Beach
Ron Kalafsky
University of Tennessee, Knoxville
David Keefe
University of the Pacific
Mary Klein
Saddleback College
Max Lu
Kansas State University
Donald Lyons
University of North Texas
Barbara McDade
University of Florida
Victor Mote
University of Houston
Darrell Norris
State University of New York, Geneseo
Gabriel Popescu
Indiana University, South Bend
Claudia Radel
Utah State University
Donald Rallis
University of Mary Washington
Pamela Riddick
University of Memphis
Jennifer Rogalsky
State University of New York, Geneseo
Tobie Saad
University of Toledo
Charles Schmitz
Towson University
Sindi Sheers
George Mason University
Ira Sheskin
University of Miami
Dmitri Siderov
California State University, Long Beach
Steven Silvern
Salem State College
Ray Sumner
Long Beach City College
Stan Toops
Miami University
Karen Trifonoff
Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania
Jim Tyner
Kent State University
Michael Walegur
University of Delaware
Scott Walker
Northwest Vista College
Mark Welford
Georgia Southern University
Gillian Acheson
Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville
Greg Atkinson
Tarleton State University
Robert Begg
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Richard Benfield
Central Connecticut State University
Fred Brumbaugh
University of Houston, Downtown
Deborah Corcoran
Missouri State University
Kevin Curtin
George Mason University
Lincoln DeBunce
Blue Mountain Community College
Scott Dobler
Western Kentucky University
Catherine Doenges
University of Connecticut, Stamford
Jean Eichhorst
University of Nebraska, Kearney
Brian Farmer
Amarillo College
Eveily Freeman
Ohio State University
Hari Garbharran
Middle Tennessee State University
Abe Goldman
University of Florida
Angela Gray
University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh
Ellen Hansen
Emporia State University
Nick Hill
Greenville Technical College
Johanna Hume
Alvin Community College
Edward Jackiewicz
California State University, Northridge
Rebecca Johns
University of South Florida, St. Petersburg
Suzanna Klaf
Ohio State University
Jeannine Koshear
Fresno City College
Brennan Kraxberger
Christopher Newport University
Heidi Lannon
Santa Fe College
Angelia Mance
Florida Community College, Jacksonville
Meredith Marsh
Lindenwood University
Linda Murphy
Blinn Community College
Monica Nyamwange
William Paterson University
Adam Pine
University of Minnesota, Duluth
Amanda Rees
Columbus State University
Benjamin Richason
St. Cloud State University
Amy Rock
Kent State University
Betty Shimshak
Towson University
Michael Siola
Chicago State University
Steve Smith
Missouri Southern State University
Jennifer Speights-Binet
Samford University
Emily Sturgess Cleek
Drury University
Gregory Taff
University of Memphis
Catherine Veninga
College of Charleston
Mark Welford
Georgia Southern University
Donald Williams
Western New England College
Peggy Robinson Wright
Arkansas State University, Jonesboro
Robert Acker
University of California, Berkeley
Joy Adams
Humboldt State University
John All
Western Kentucky University
Jeff Allender
University of Central Arkansas
David L. Anderson
Louisiana State University, Shreveport
Donna Arkowski
Pikes Peak Community College
Jeff Arnold
Southwestern Illinois College
Richard W. Benfield
Central Connecticut University
Sarah A. Blue
Northern Illinois University
Patricia Boudinot
George Mason University
Michael R. Busby
Murray State College
Norman Carter
California State University, Long Beach
Gabe Cherem
Eastern Michigan University
Brian L. Crawford
West Liberty State College
Phil Crossley
Western State College of Colorado
Gary Cummisk
Dickinson State University
Kevin M. Curtin
University of Texas, Dallas
Kenneth Dagel
Missouri Western State University
Jason Dittmer
University College London
Rupert Dobbin
University of West Georgia
James Doerner
University of Northern Colorado
Ralph Feese
Elmhurst College
Richard Grant
University of Miami
Ellen R. Hansen
Emporia State University
Holly Hapke
Eastern Carolina University
Mark L. Healy
Harper College
David Harms Holt
Miami University
Douglas A. Hurt
University of Central Oklahoma
Edward L. Jackiewicz
California State University, Northridge
Marti L. Klein
Saddleback College
Debra D. Kreitzer
Western Kentucky University
Jeff Lash
University of Houston, Clear Lake
Unna Lassiter
California State University, Long Beach
Max Lu
Kansas State University
Donald Lyons
University of North Texas
Shari L. MacLachlan
Palm Beach Community College
Chris Mayda
Eastern Michigan University
Armando V. Mendoza
Cypress College
Katherine Nashleanas
University of Nebraska, Lincoln
Joseph A. Naumann
University of Missouri, St. Louis
Jerry Nelson
Casper College
Michael G. Noll
Valdosta State University
Virginia Ochoa-Winemiller
Auburn University
Karl Offen
University of Oklahoma
Eileen O’Halloran
Foothill College
Ken Orvis
University of Tennessee
Manju Parikh
College of Saint Benedict and St. John’s University
Mark W. Patterson
Kennesaw State University
Paul E. Phillips
Fort Hays State University
Rosann T. Poltrone
Arapahoe Community College, Littleton, Colorado
Waverly Ray
MiraCosta College
Jennifer Rogalsky
State University of New York, Geneseo
Gil Schmidt
University of Northern Colorado
Yda Schreuder
University of Delaware
Tim Schultz
Green River Community College, Auburn, Washington
Sinclair A. Sheers
George Mason University
D. James Siebert
North Harris Montgomery Community College, Kingwood
Dean Sinclair
Northwestern State University
Bonnie R. Sines
University of Northern Iowa
Vanessa Slinger-Friedman
Kennesaw State University
Andrew Sluyter
Louisiana State University
Kris Runberg Smith
Lindenwood University
Herschel Stern
MiraCosta College
William R. Strong
University of North Alabama
Ray Sumner
Long Beach City College
Rozemarijn Tarhule-Lips
University of Oklahoma
Alice L. Tym
University of Tennessee, Chattanooga
James A. Tyner
Kent State University
Robert Ulack
University of Kentucky
Jialing Wang
Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania
Linda Q. Wang
University of South Carolina, Aiken
Keith Yearman
College of DuPage
Laura A. Zeeman
Red Rocks Community College
Kathryn Alftine
California State University, Monterey Bay
Donna Arkowski
Pikes Peak Community College
Tim Bailey
Pittsburg State University
Brad Baltensperger
Michigan Technological University
Michele Barnaby
Pittsburg State University
Daniel Bedford
Weber State University
Richard Benfield
Central Connecticut State University
Sarah Brooks
University of Illinois, Chicago
Jeffrey Bury
University of Colorado, Boulder
Michael Busby
Murray State University
Norman Carter
California State University, Long Beach
Gary Cummisk
Dickinson State University
Cyrus Dawsey
Auburn University
Elizabeth Dunn
University of Colorado, Boulder
Margaret Foraker
Salisbury University
Robert Goodrich
University of Idaho
Steve Graves
California State University, Northridge
Ellen Hansen
Emporia State University
Sophia Harmes
Towson University
Mary Hayden
Pikes Peak Community College
R. D. K. Herman
Towson University
Samantha Kadar
California State University, Northridge
James Keese
California Polytechnic State University
Phil Klein
University of Northern Colorado
Debra D. Kreitzer
Western Kentucky University
Soren Larsen
Georgia Southern University
Unna Lassiter
California State University, Long Beach
David Lee
Florida Atlantic University
Anthony Paul Mannion
Kansas State University
Leah Manos
Northwest Missouri State University
Susan Martin
Michigan Technological University
Luke Marzen
Auburn University
Chris Mayda
Eastern Michigan University
Michael Modica
San Jacinto College
Heather Nicol
State University of West Georgia
Ken Orvis
University of Tennessee
Thomas Paradis
Northern Arizona University
Amanda Rees
University of Wyoming
Arlene Rengert
West Chester University of Pennsylvania
B. F. Richason
St. Cloud State University
Deborah Salazar
Texas Tech University
Steven Schnell
Kutztown University
Kathleen Schroeder
Appalachian State University
Roger Selya
University of Cincinnati
Dean Sinclair
Northwestern State University
Garrett Smith
Kennesaw State University
Jeffrey Smith
Kansas State University
Dean Stone
Scott Community College
Selima Sultana
Auburn University
Ray Sumner
Long Beach City College
Christopher Sutton
Western Illinois University
Harry Trendell
Kennesaw State University
Karen Trifonoff
Bloomsburg University
David Truly
Central Connecticut State University
Kelly Victor
Eastern Michigan University
Mark Welford
Georgia Southern University
Wendy Wolford
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Laura A. Zeeman
Red Rocks Community College
Helen Ruth Aspaas
Virginia Commonwealth University
Cynthia F. Atkins
Hopkinsville Community College
Timothy Bailey
Pittsburg State University
Robert Maxwell Beavers
University of Northern Colorado
James E. Bell
University of Colorado, Boulder
Richard W. Benfield
Central Connecticut State University
John T. Bowen Jr.
University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh
Stanley Brunn
University of Kentucky
Donald W. Buckwalter
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Gary Cummisk
Dickinson State University
Roman Cybriwsky
Temple University
Cary W. de Wit
University of Alaska, Fairbanks
Ramesh Dhussa
Drake University
David M. Diggs
University of Northern Colorado
Jane H. Ehemann
Shippensburg University
Kim Elmore
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Thomas Fogarty
University of Northern Iowa
James F. Fryman
University of Northern Iowa
Heidi Glaesel
Elon College
Ellen R. Hansen
Emporia State University
John E. Harmon
Central Connecticut State University
Michael Harrison
University of Southern Mississippi
Douglas Heffington
Middle Tennessee State University
Robert Hoffpauir
California State University, Northridge
Catherine Hooey
Pittsburg State University
Doc Horsley
Southern Illinois University, Carbondale
David J. Keeling
Western Kentucky University
James Keese
California Polytechnic State University
Debra D. Kreitzer
Western Kentucky University
Jim LeBeau
Southern Illinois University, Carbondale
Howell C. Lloyd
Miami University of Ohio
Judith L. Meyer
Southwest Missouri State University
Judith C. Mimbs
University of Tennessee, Chattanooga
Monica Nyamwange
William Paterson University
Thomas Paradis
Northern Arizona University
Firooza Pavri
Emporia State University
Timothy C. Pitts
Edinboro University of Pennsylvania
William Preston
California Polytechnic State University
Gordon M. Riedesel
Syracuse University
Joella Robinson
Houston Community College
Steven M. Schnell
Northwest Missouri State University
Kathleen Schroeder
Appalachian State University
Dean Sinclair
Northwestern State University
Robert A. Sirk
Austin Peay State University
William D. Solecki
Montclair State University
Wei Song
University of Wisconsin, Parkside
William Reese Strong
University of North Alabama
Selima Sultana
Auburn University
Suzanne Traub-Metlay
Front Range Community College
David J. Truly
Central Connecticut State University
Alice L. Tym
University of Tennessee, Chattanooga
Helen Ruth Aspaas
Virginia Commonwealth University
Brad Bays
Oklahoma State University
Stanley Brunn
University of Kentucky
Altha Cravey
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
David Daniels
Central Missouri State University
Dydia DeLyser
Louisiana State University
James Doerner
University of Northern Colorado
Bryan Dorsey
Weber State University
Lorraine Dowler
Pennsylvania State University
Hari Garbharran
Middle Tennessee State University
Baher Ghosheh
Edinboro University of Pennsylvania
Janet Halpin
Chicago State University
Peter Halvorson
University of Connecticut
Michael Handley
Emporia State University
Robert Hoffpauir
California State University, Northridge
Glenn G. Hyman
International Center for Tropical Agriculture
David Keeling
Western Kentucky University
Thomas Klak
Miami University of Ohio
Darrell Kruger
Northeast Louisiana University
David Lanegran
Macalester College
David Lee
Florida Atlantic University
Calvin Masilela
West Virginia University
Janice Monk
University of Arizona
Heidi Nast
DePaul University
Katherine Nashleanas
University of Nebraska, Lincoln
Tim Oakes
University of Colorado, Boulder
Darren Purcell
Florida State University
Susan Roberts
University of Kentucky
Dennis Satterlee
Northeast Louisiana University
Kathleen Schroeder
Appalachian State University
Dona Stewart
Georgia State University
Ingolf Vogeler
University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire
Susan Walcott
Georgia State University
These world regional geography textbooks have been a family project many years in the making. Lydia Pulsipher came to the discipline of geography at the age of 5, when her immigrant father, Joe Mihelič, hung a world map over the breakfast table in their home in Coal City, Illinois, where he was pastor of the New Hope Presbyterian Church, and quizzed her on the location of such places as Istanbul. They soon moved to the Mississippi Valley of eastern Iowa, where Lydia’s father, then a professor at the Presbyterian theological seminary in Dubuque, continued his geography lessons on the passing landscapes whenever Lydia accompanied him on Sunday trips to small country churches. Lydia’s sons, Anthony and Alex, got their first doses of geography in the bedtime stories she told them. For plots and settings, she drew on Caribbean colonial documents she was then reading for her dissertation. They first traveled abroad and learned about the hard labor of field geography when, at age 12 and 8, respectively, they were expected to help with the archaeological and ethnographic research conducted by Lydia and her colleagues on the eastern Caribbean island of Montserrat. It was Lydia’s brother John Mihelič who first suggested that Lydia, Alex, and Mac write a book like this one, after he too came to appreciate geography. He has been a loyal cheerleader during the process, as have family and friends in Knoxville, Montserrat, California, Slovenia, and beyond.
The author team was aided by Ola Johansson (University of Pittsburgh at Johntown), who revised Chapter 5 (Russia and the Post-Soviet States) and Chapter 9 (East Asia) for this new edition and improved the final work in innumerable ways. Graduate students and faculty colleagues in the geography department at the University of Tennessee have been generous in their support, serving as helpful impromptu sounding boards for ideas. Ken Orvis, especially, has advised us on the physical geography sections of all editions. Yingkui (Philippe) Li provided information on glaciers and climate change; Russell Kirby wrote one of the vignettes based on his research in Vietnam; Toby Applegate, Alex Pulsipher (in his capacity as an instructor), Michelle Brym, and Sara Beth Keough helped the authors understand how to better assist instructors; and Ron Kalafsky, Tom Bell, Margaret Gripshover, and Micheline Van Riemsdijk chatted with the authors many times on specific and broad issues related to this textbook.
Maps for this edition were conceived by Mac Goodwin and Alex Pulsipher and produced by Will Fontanez and the University of Tennessee cartography shop staff and by under the direction of Mike Powers. Alex Pulsipher created and produced the photo essays and chose all the photos used in the book.
Liz Widdicombe and Sara Tenney at W. H. Freeman were the first to facilitate the idea that together we could develop a new direction for World Regional Geography, one that included the latest thinking in geography written in an accessible style and well illustrated with attractive, relevant maps and photos. In accomplishing this goal, we are especially indebted to our first developmental editor, Susan Moran, and to the W. H. Freeman staff for all they have done in the first years and since to ensure that this book is well written, beautifully designed, and well presented to the public.
We would also like to gratefully acknowledge the efforts of the following people at W. H. Freeman: Steven Rigolosi, publisher for this sixth edition, who has been extraordinarily supportive and resourceful; Elaine Epstein, developmental editor, who has remained calm and congenial under great pressure; Vivien Weiss, senior project editor; Tom Digiano, marketing manager; Anna Paganelli, copyeditor; Blake Logan, design manager; Matt McAdams, art manager; Susan Wein, production manager; and Stephanie Ellis, assistant editor.
Given our ambitious new photo program, we are especially grateful for Blake Logan’s brilliant work and responsiveness as designer for the sixth edition, as well as for Hilary Newman and Jennifer MacMillan’s guidance and direction as our photo editors for the sixth edition. We are also grateful to the supplements authors, who have created what we think are unusually useful, up-to-date, and labor-saving materials for instructors who use our book.