Which parts of Oceania are most vulnerable to changes brought about by climate change, and what changes are taking place? Which parts of the region contribute the most and least to greenhouse gas emissions?
Why are coral reefs important ecologically, and how are they threatened by climate change?
How have European farm animals and crops introduced into Australia and New Zealand affected the economies of those countries? What is the purpose of the Dingo Fence? Has it worked?
How do foreign patterns of consumption affect this region, and what are the threats to Oceania’s food security?
What does Asia buy from the Pacific islands, and what are Asia’s trade connections to Australia and New Zealand?
How does the loss of preferential trading ties with Europe affect the region’s workers and tax revenues?
Explain the effect of raw materials exports on Oceania’s GNIs.
Explain why many Pacific Islanders can be said to enjoy subsistence affluence despite having rather low monetary incomes.
Why, despite its low average population densities, is the region highly urbanized?
Contrast the population growth rates in Australia and New Zealand with those in the rest of Oceania. In which parts of this region is the aging of the population of most concern?
Which parts of Oceania are both densely populated and threatened by climate change?
What are the interesting new trends in ethnic identities and the positioning of indigenous peoples in Oceania?
How do ideas about the proper exercise of political power in the Pacific islands differ from those found in Australia and New Zealand and some Europeanized islands? To what extent is the political philosophy known as the Pacific Way a counter to European ideas of democracy?
How do sports events and festivals help to forge a common identity and unity in this far-flung region?
Describe the possible changing gender roles of Pacific island women over the course of their lifetimes.
Describe how male roles have evolved in Australia and New Zealand, from colonial times to the present. Which domestic roles of Polynesian men contradict the image asserted by the haka?