5.6 Critical Thinking Questions

  1. What were the social circumstances that gave rise to the Russian Revolution? Explain why the revolutionaries adopted a form of communism grounded in rapid industrialization and central planning.

  1. In general terms, discuss the ways in which the change from a centrally planned economy to a more market-based economy has affected career options and standards of living for the elderly, young professionals, unskilled laborers, members of the military, women, and former government bureaucrats.

  1. Discuss the declining birth rate in Russia and other countries in the region. What are its major causes? What do you think the impact of this decline can have on neighboring countries and regions? Are similar declines happening elsewhere?

  1. Given Russia’s crucial role in World War II and the defeat of Germany, discuss what led to the Cold War between the Soviet Union and the West.

  1. Given the changing options for women in the region, what do you anticipate will be the trend in population growth in the future? Will birth rates remain low or will they increase? Why?

  1. Ethnic and national identities are affecting how the internal republics of Russia envision their futures. How might the geography of Russia change if these feelings were to intensify? In what ways might the global economy be affected?

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