Why are many African food production systems particularly vulnerable to climate change?
Why are African farmers and herders particularly sensitive to changes in temperature and water availability?
How do poverty and having little access to cash influence the vulnerability of many Africans to climate change?
How did European colonization affect economic development and food production in Africa?
Why does being a supplier of raw materials put a country at a disadvantage in the global economy?
What are the current positive and negative trends in food production in sub-Saharan Africa?
Are there any exceptions in the region to the general pattern of economic dependence on exports of cheap raw materials?
Why is the development of manufacturing industries in sub-Saharan Africa considered such an important step in raising standards of living?
What forces are working for and against democracy in sub-Saharan Africa?
To what extent can the weakness of democracy in sub-Saharan Africa be traced to institutions put in place during the colonial era?
What role have elections played in both diffusing and inciting violence?
What are some examples of authoritarian political structures that have given way to more democratic systems of government?
How are issues of gender influencing trends toward democratization?
Why have national crises led, in some cases, to an increase in women’s political empowerment?
What is the relationship between rights and education for women and the alleviation of poverty?
On what grounds would the claim be made that sub-Saharan Africa is not densely populated?
How is urbanization influencing population growth in sub-Saharan Africa? Relate these trends to the demographic transition.
What do population pyramids tell us about a country’s population?
What special spiritual role do children play in family and community life in sub-Saharan Africa?
Discuss the importance of urban gardening as an innovation in sub-Saharan Africa’s modernization.
What role do infectious diseases play in sub-Saharan African development, life expectancies, and use of resources?
Why do women bear the brunt of the HIV-AIDS epidemic in sub-Saharan Africa?