7.6 Critical Thinking Questions

  1. If you were to investigate the origins of lumber and lumber products sold where you live, where would you start? What would make you think that you are or are not participating in the African timber trade? How is this trade related to the concept of neocolonialism, the revival of colonial-like resource extraction in the modern period?

  1. Describe the ways in which the environment is linked to the spread of the chronic communicable diseases of Africa. Why might some scientists argue that malaria is a worse threat to Africa’s development than is HIV-AIDS?

  1. Describe the trajectory of population growth in Africa? What are the factors that contribute to this pattern? How might the developed countries help the situation?

  1. Reflect on the many passages throughout this chapter regarding gender roles in Africa, then develop a statement of the points that you think are the most influential in the economic development process.

  1. Describe the important ways in which women are exerting an influence on African political processes.

  1. Technology is changing life in Africa. What do you think are the most crucial ways in which technology will modify the ability of ordinary people to better their lives and to participate in civil society?

  1. What are the various circumstances that make young heterosexual women so susceptible to HIV-AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa? How does the social and economic status of the average woman (compared to the average man) influence the spread of HIV among women?

  1. Looking at the various African locations where food is in short supply, explain the main factors that account for the shortages. How would you respond to those who say that drought and climate are the principal causes of famine?

  1. If you were asked to make a speech to the Rotary Club in your town about hopeful signs out of Africa, what would you include in your talk? Which pictures from this book (or elsewhere) would you show?