What are some physical and social conditions that have contributed to the destructive droughts and floods experienced by East Asians? What has been done to protect the population from such hazards?
How might the melting of China’s highest glaciers affect the country’s rivers? Which areas might be more affected than others?
In which ways is China more vulnerable to global warming than Japan, the Koreas, or Taiwan?
East Asian countries are able to buy food on the global market but not produce the food they need at home. Why might this situation constitute food insecurity? What problems might this create both for East Asia and the rest of the world?
What is East Asia’s, and especially Japan’s, role in the global harvesting of wild-caught fish in the oceans?
What roles does China play in the global economy and how might that change in the future?
Where has urbanization proceeded the most? What has determined China’s patterns of urbanization and rural stagnation?
What types of pollution are the most prevalent and how are they connected to economic development in China?
How might increasing levels of economic development and pressures for greater political freedoms help bring about greater democratization in China?
What is the background of the adversarial relationship between China and Taiwan?
How can conflict on the Korean Peninsula affect global peace and security?
What role did Japan play in East Asia during the colonial period?
Why do most families want a male child? What problems have been created by the resulting shortage of women?
What problems of an aging society are arising in Japan related to its rapidly aging population? What might be the solutions to such problems?
Are there any social consequences to the disappearance of siblings, cousins, aunts, and uncles?