Figure 1.22: FIGURE 1.22 PHOTO ESSAY: Power and PoliticsThe map and accompanying photo essay show two related trends in political power. Generally speaking, countries with fewer political freedoms and lower levels of democratization also have the most violent conflict. Countries are colored on the map according to their score on a “democracy index” created by the Economist magazine, which uses a combination of statistical indicators to capture elements crucial to the process of democratization. These elements include the ability of a country to hold peaceful elections that are accepted as fair and legitimate, people’s ability to participate in elections and other democratic processes, the strength of civil liberties (such as a free media and the right to hold political gatherings and peaceful protests), and the ability of governments to enact the will of their citizens and be free of corruption. Also displayed on the map are major conflicts initiated or in progress since 1990 that have resulted in at least 10,000 casualties. Aspects of the connections between democratization and armed conflict are explored in the photo captions.