Figure 2.32: The changing ethnic composition in the United States and Canada, 1950, 2010, and 2050 (projected). As the percentage of ethnic minorities increases in the United States, the percentage of whites decreases. By 2050, if present reproductive trends continue, whites will constitute only slightly more than half of the population.
[Sources consulted: Jorge del Pinal and Audrey Singer, “Generations of Diversity: Latinos in the United States,” Population Bulletin 52 (October 1997): 14; U.S. Census Bureau, “Race by Sex, for the United States, Urban and Rural, 1950, and for the United States, 1850 to 1940,” Census of Population, 1950, Volume 2, Part 1, United States Summary, Table 36, 1953, at;;,97154&S=0&SHOWALL=0&SUB=0&Temporal=2006&THEME=80&VID=0&VNAMEE=&NAMEF=]